Sunday, January 15, 2017

Countdown To Purim

Fear not, Purim is around the corner. Though Haman's evil plan is about to unfold, the one G-d draws close to keep the covenant and defend Israel!

I have been blogging on this concern for months. It is finally time for things to be, or not to be. The timing is no coincidence.

Today, Sunday, is the day.  The first "IF" in a series that leads to war in the Middle East will be put on the table today.  When we start our day on Monday in America, the news won't be so much about Russian hacking and Trump being illegitimate  . . .  It will be about a crisis brewing for Israel.

The betrayal of Israel was delibrately timed for after the US Presidential election so it would not hurt Hillary's chances and yet still give time for Obama and Kerry to allow critical UN Resolutions to pass.  Even the timing of the announcement from the Paris conference falling on Martin Luther King Day, is part of the deception.  And we can expect Hamas to draw IDF fire to locations in Gaza where children are by conducting Gaza border raids so that Hamas can release images of dead children to also stir anger against Israel during this week!

The next "IF" will occur by mid week. That is when world attention will shift to the United Nations which will announce plans to convene a special meeting to consider the statement out of the Paris conference before Obama leaves office.  That will set the stage for the next "IF" -- a United Nations resolution, which for all intents and purposes, unilaterally establishes the state of Palestine which includes Jerusalem.  Haman has deceived the king.


Otherwise, just in time for Purim ... The trumpet will sound for America's new leader. That is when the third "IF" will happen. After Trump is sworn in - Trump will receive and sign a bill from both Houses to move our embassy in Israel to the eternal capital of Jerusalem. This bill will also reaffirm Israel's right to defend itself.  In addition, this bill will hang the family of Haman in the United Nations by defunding it.

If these three big "IFs" come to be  . . . .  The Shofar will sound and disrupt our enemies!  (Num. 10:9 “And when you go to war in your land against the adversary who attacks you, then you shall sound an alarm with the SHOFARS, that you may be remembered before the Lord your God, and be saved from your enemies.”) The tables will turn on shabbat March 11th when the swords of the mighty decendents of Mordecia rise up against Israel's enemies.

Until then I anticipate Israel will take certain limited strikes to soften opponents military readiness inside Gaza, Lebenon, and Syria, starting two days ago in Syria.

Russia will profit from the war through the sale of weapons,  but I do not believe that Putin will enter the war thanks in large part to Trump's "Russian Reset"

One love. One state. Israel!