Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How Not To Solve Healthcare

It is disengenuous for Obama to say that he welcomed Republican's help with the creation of Obamacare. It sounds good but the two parties were so FAR apart in their philosophy about how to approach Healthcare that it was either the President's way or the highway. And that's the way it turned out -- with not one Republican vote.

OF course Democrats call that obstructionism. And you can say it was!  But there was just as much unwillingness on the part of the Democrats to accept the Republicans ideas on HealthCare.  Both parties stood their ground and America became divided.  Here's is a NY Times article that delves into this.

It is not that Republicans are evil and uncaring people. And lets face it, they have the same healthcare problems - they get sick, and have pre-existing conditions, and struggle with the costs just the same as Democrats!  It is just that Republicsns have philosophical differences about how to solve problems. And Republican's knew Obamacare was ultimately a Trojan Horse version of Hillary care.  And here is why ...

Republicans foresaw what the President refused to admit - and actually lied about to sell his plan! Republicans, and Libertarians, anticipated the present and looming financial failures of Obamacare in the long run and how it would discourage competition and ultimately cost considerably more to taxpayers. Republicans were right about real problems, loss of carriers, and escalating premuims.

The President knew what was coming down the pike as well.  Many believe Obama expected competition, under the ACA as designed, to fail and drop coverage. Just as he knew ultimately many would not get to keep their original plan and the premiums would skyrocket. And, that insurers would drop out, as they are, because of rising costs and limits on government  reimbursement. This begs the question of why - what good come from designing a failure?  Here's the answer ...

In the end, the President gambled that there would be a Democrat in the White House. None other than the Queen of Socialized medicine - Hillary R Clinton!  SO, when the ACA failed BY DESIGN, the goverrment could "save the day" by moving to a "single-payer system," a Monopoly, and THEN the government could mandate prices through legislation. In essence a socialist system versus a capitalist system!!  Hello Bernie Sanders.  Obama's plan B.  And maybe his best salesman!  But clearly a Socialist!

I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to give up on our Founding Fathers vision for America's economic system.  But if you are maybe you should move to France, just saying.  (Pardon my snarky humor.)

It is also misleading to ONLY point to the people that now have coverage who could not get it before, and OTHER benefits of the ACA, as the reason that Obamacare is working.  Of course there are some Pros. But the system still has to be sustainable. So to only point to the positive misses the full picture.  Nor do they mean the overall program is optimal.  Nor should Republicans be relieved of an obligation to figure out how Americans can obtain coverage who might otherwise have been shut out. There are other Pros to the ACA and Republicans will have to cope with those challenges.

Obamacare started with many lies, and today as predicted it is failing under its own weight. Obama knows it, which is why he welcomes the Republicans to propose changes.  There will be major fixes needed for it to survive.  So, it is tempting for Republicans to opt to let it come apart on its own.  Which would be an embarrasment to the President if his legacy failed by design, however, if Democrats want to play it that way, that's an option.

But that's not the way to fix our problems! It is just another way to not fix Healthcare

I have never seen a departing President lead an effort to undermine the incoming President. America is a freaking mess! And until we start working together we are not going to solve Healthcare or our other major issues.

Here is a follow-up article on a Quick Fix to Healthcare.