Sunday, January 8, 2017

The First Twitter President

So now Russia is Tweeting.  All I want to know is when will this be good for my Twitter stock?

I will also say this to Biden, and all the others criticizing Trump for using Twitter. YOU COULD NOT BE MORE WRONG!  And you are totally missing the power and the value of that medium for speaking directly to the public without having to go through mainstream media filters.  People are under estimating the benefits derived from Twitter to the news maker in their ability to control:

1. Wording, tone, and associations
2. Timing/urgency
3. The instant viral nature of a Tweet to be re-Tweeted
4. How one can either "make news" as "react" to existing news and events
5. The impact of the seeing public support for a Tweet message through the "heart"
6. The way the Twitter user can use messages to build their audience of followers
7. How Twitter can be exploited as a tease and lead-in, and link to, a longer story and other news source.

The irony is that if you don't like Trump's Tweets, then don't "Follow" him. The media feeds Obama with an audience he would not reach if they did not report on his Tweets! For those who want unfiltered and unfettered access to our President's thoughts, Twitter is a fantasic medium.

The critics have hurt themselves.  Especially the politicians who slam Trump for using Twitter. They are stupidly putting themselves in a "dammed if I do, dammed if I don't" box. Dammed if they don't develop their Twitter audience and Tweeting skills, and dammed for looking like hypocrits if they do. Meanwhile, Trump if laughing himself to the polls every time he Tweets!

For China, and other countries that do not have the free speech and free press society that we Americans enjoy, Twitter must be a nightmare.  Talk about a censorship challenge.  Leadership there must feel totally Trumped, I mean stumped.  LOL.

Eventually this has to be good for Twitter stockholders ... I keep telling myself.