Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Terrorism ... What Problem?

You know the first step in solving a problem.  Identifying the problem.  That is what President Trump attempted to start with his recent overseas trip - getting Muslims to acknowledge and own the problem.  Unfortunately, all he could get was the Sunni to blame Iran. Shocker. The recent cut of Qatar being one outcome.

Putting pressure on Iran and their Islamic sect is not even half the problem.  The fundamental Whabbi Muslim clerics that pull the puppet strings in Saudi Arabia are behind terror and violent jihad in the Middle East, Europe, the USA, and Africa just as much as Iran, their enemy.

The only ones who can solve the problem of terror is Muslim's themselves. All the West can do is try to either imprison or kill the terrorists before they kill us.  That may stave off a terrorist incident, but it does not alter the source of the ideology. And until that happens it will take the lives of many more Muslims in the middle east than anyone.

But at least now we have a President who gets it.  The "Liberal" in the cartoon below could just as well been Barack Hussein Obama.  His apple there never fell far from the tree, or his original preacher. And we all know how well his "apology tour" worked!