Thursday, December 7, 2017

Belief In What You Can't See, and Seeing What You Can't Explain


Before you read my post, to set the context, have a look at this video about the Great Pyramids.

Today 12/6/17, something happened that we don't understand. So many people are convinced they understand President Trump and what is happening. They can not even imagine an alternative possibility -- that there is anything otherwise or greater at play. When will people figure it out?

The builders of the great pyramids of Egypt designed and created structures that mystify us even today. How is that even possible?!  Sophisticated modern architects or builders, with today's modern technology, equipment and means, are humbled by even the sight, let alone the specifics of the accomplishments of those who made those amazing structures. Even today, experts about the pyramids acknowledge with as much as they know, still don't understand how they accomplished what they did.

Trump is also hard to understand . .
  • Never in the history of our country had a person of his senior been elected President of the United States.
  • Never in history has a person without any political experience or military service been elected.
  • Never has a person so "unpopular" without the support of major elements of the body politic roundly defeated such a large field of the establishment. 
  • Never has a person married not once, but twice to first generation immigrant women, governed with the active involvement of such a large nuclear family.  
  • Never has a U.S. President's two closest and most trusted advisers been Orthodox Jews.
  • Trump has done things in just 11 months that no President has been able to do in 20x as much time. Transforming our tax code, recognizing Jerusalem and announcing our Embassy move, are extraordinary feats that presidents with the highest political accomplishments could not achieve during even two terms as president.   
  • Never has a President taken such bold courageous stances for Israel and the Jewish State. 
Trump defies great odds. His wins are historic.  He shows no fear. He is not intimidated by the mass media, all the world's leaders, the FBI, and a relentless assault to take down his presidency.  For many years he was pursued to run for the Presidency, but he turned away.  But something made him turn.  And his first destination was the Middle East to announce that THE TERROR HAD TO STOP and that IT IS TIME TO MAKE PEACE with one another and Israel.

I am reminded of Jonah.  At first Jonah would not go.  But, when Jonah turned, and went to Nineveh to declare judgment was coming to the warring and lustful Assyrians, he defied all the odds. But they listened.  Because Jonah listened, and what he heard removed his fear.

Trump did not risk the peace because for thousands of years, peace has not existed in the Middle East. For thousands of years the Jewish people in that land have been under assault. Jews living there today, not to mention a large Arab and Christian population, do so with the constant repeated threats of Muslim nations to destroy their country and kill them.

For thousands of years, long before Christianity let alone Islam even existed, that place has been the heart and center of the Jewish people. To this day, Jews still gather and pray at remnants of the Temple that stood, fell, stood, and fell again and spread Jews to all corners of the world. And from that day, Jews, as well as many Christians  have prayed for the day when we could stand again to make the declaration which President Trump just trumpeted for the entire world to hear.

Today, leaders from all the nations around the world are speaking out against the one President of the only Nation specifically because he proudly and confidently declared Jerusalem the eternal capital of the State of Israel.

Israel's enemies pledge war for what Trump did in the name of peace.  Trump is showing us a new path to peace, because for over 60 years other paths have failed.  It is a path which recognizes and respects the claims of the three faiths' of Abraham. Trump pledged that Israel will be a place that guards all people's right to one universal G-d at the birthplace of the Jewish people who brought the world the founding message of the One G-d.

What is happening right before our eyes?  What does it take to see it?  Could it be that which is not possible, like the great pyramids of Egypt, from Mose's time, is happening right before our eyes and we still don't see it?


“For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, until her vindication shines like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will see your vindication” (Isaiah 62:1)