Monday, July 9, 2018


Prominent Democrats, including Obama before he ran for office, embraced Louis Farrakhan.  Former Democratic Party chair Keith Elison and prominent Democratic Maxine Waters still support his views. Obama prayed ritually with a radical pastor who is antisemitic. Only after running for office did he disavow him.

President Obama was the worst President in history for Israel.  His policies led to the ascendancy of Iran AND the rise of ISIS. ISIS caused the largest refugee crisis in history which in-turn resulted in giant demographic changes in Europe which they are paying a terrible price for.

Obama's handling of the United Nations permitted rampant anti-Israeli attitudes to become the norm and anti-Israel condemnations to become a regular occurrence.

Obama's handling of the Palestinian conflict emboldened Abbas to move away from direct negotiations with Israel and take a failed confrontational approach.

During the Obama years, the BDS movement grew and was legitimized.  In addition, hatred for the police became popular and race relations soured.  And openly misogynistic rappers were welcome guests in the White House.

The three major CURSES against Israel have been themselves been cursed.
1. Iran is isolated, marginalized, and weakened.
2. The United Nations is paying a heavy price for it's harsh and heavy handed treatment of Israel and virtually ignoring atrocities against Christians.
3. The "Obama Legacy" has been shredded and thrown in the garbage heap of history!

As a direct result of Trump, Israel is more secure than ever. Much of the Middle East and Arab nations are warming up and opening up to a more positive relationship with Israel. Trump has literally been a blessing to Israel. Israeli's, let alone most Arabs, know it!

There is much more to say about what has TURNED POSITIVE thanks to Trump, besides matters concerning Israel, Iran, and Middle East.

Central to being a Jew is our relationship to Eretz Israel, the Promised Land of our Hebrew ancestors. It is at the core of our relationship with Abraham and Moses, and essential to accepting the Torah, the Hebrew Bible, also known as the "Old Testament" to Christians. Israel is the world's response to the Holocaust. It is our final destiny.

G-d didn't just promise Abraham the Land Eretz Israel. He gave Abraham a three-fold promise. The same three part blessing which G-d repeated in the Torah when he spoke through Bilam regarding the Hebrew people.

One, that Abraham's people, the Jewish people would be fruitful and multiply. Second, that nobody would conquer the people. The third promise is key to the point of this post. Here is what it was ...

According to the Torah, and central to the beliefs of Christians as well as Jewish tradition, G-d proclaimed that those who cursed Abraham's followers and Israel, would be cursed. AND conversely those that blessed Israel would be blessed.

CONCLUSION: That third blessing is the context for my conclusion. NO POTUS in history was worse for Israel than Obama.  And NO POTUS has been a greater curse to Obama and a blessing to Israel than Trump. DAYENU!

And yet, Obama is still a hero to many Liberal Jews. And those same Liberal Jews despise Trump. IT BAFFLES THE MIND.

Even if the 3rd Blessing is not enough to support Trump ... there is plenty more.

Black, Hispanic, and Women employment is better than ever. Wages are finally growing. People who have been out of the workforce are re-entering and food stamp demand is plummeting. Trump is going head on against opioid usage and crime across the country. And Law enforcement is getting the respect it deserves.

It baffles the mind how so many Liberal Jews still practically worship Obama and hate Trump.  It is like they have been brainwashed!

What could have brainwashed so many intelligent people?  How could so many people be so mislead?  What could possibly produce the years of non-stop exposure, misinformation, lies, and hate to blind so many Liberal Jews to how Obama cursed Israel, as well as what a blessing Trump has been?  And for what?

What body would stand to gain so much to justify the billions of dollars spent and the billions of hours of people's time & effort? What massive groups with huge self-interests could possibly conspire to promote an agenda that could fool millions of people into thinking Obama was so good and Trump was so evil??

Do I really need to tell you it is the Democratic Party and the mainstream anti-Conservative mass media?

Fortunately, Blacks and Hispanics are waking up to the falsehoods and HYPOCRISY of Obama and Democratic leaders such as Keith Ellison, Nancy Pelosi, and shameful Schumer.  They are WALKING AWAY from the Democratic Party. The are waking up to the Party's dark past.

Blacks and Hispanics, and women too, are starting to wake up to the virtues of Conservative ideals and values;

They are waking up to the bogus promises the Democratic party made to them;

They are waking up to the sacred and essential character of the US Constitution;

They are waking up to how free markets and a vibrant economy increases freedom, raises wealth and creates opportunity for everyone. They see finally how Trump's economy is providing a ladder which lets the bottom climb out of poverty and despair.


Liberal Jews do not speak for all Jews!  I am a Jew who has been active in the Reform (Liberal) movement all my life, and I still am. But I woke up and walked away from the Democratic party years ago.  Ronald Reagan delivered my "wake-up call."

I encourage other Jews to #WALKAWAY
