Sunday, November 11, 2018


Democrats banked everything on taking full control of Congress.  They were nearly assured to get back the House, though they didn't do as well as the opposite party typically does in the Mid-term Election. But what really messed Democrats up was losing more seats in the Senate.  The Senate is crucial!

The Left threw everything they could at the Senate - spending a fortune, the most ever.  They threw illegal aliens and fraudulent vote handling in key races like Florida. And now they are throwing lawyers at it. On the flip side Trump threw himself at it with an amazing set of enormous rallies. How does he find the energy at 72 years old?

For the Democrats it is not about an agenda for the American people as much as it is about power, money and gaining the control they need to stop the President.  While Trump promoted more success for America. The Left's platform was essentially "if you hate Trump pick us."

What's at stake?

1. First and foremost, Trump is going to confirm a record number of Federal and Supreme Court Conservative judges.  For Democrats, it is absolutely critical for them to have Progressive Liberal ideologues on the bench because they legislate with lawyers. They can't get their uber-Left agenda through the Houses of the People, so they need Judges who let them Legislate through the Courts.

2. Trump is going to defend our borders and reform our messed up immigration laws.  Trump wants more immigrants, but he wants them to enter legally, through an orderly process that protects us. He also wants sensible criteria that prioritizes immigrants who are more likely to contribute to society and our nation. The Left wants open borders. Democrats would count every illegal alien as a voter if they could -- Process, security and cost to the taxpayers be dammed.

3. Trump is going to protect the 2nd Amendment from overly ZEALOUS gun laws. Reform, yes!  But the Democrats want to go too far.

Besides, in many cases of mass murder, the laws existed that should have thwarted the crime. Enforcement, errors in judgment and oversight were the problem, not existing gun laws.  And lets face it, someone set on committing mass murder isn't concerned with law anyway.  That is why it's said that "the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

4. Health care. The Right wants to drive down costs through competition, negotiating with drug companies, innovative approaches and other free market methods. The Left wants a massive increase in government coverage, a Socialist approach. A large Government program that citizens depend on is the best job security that Democratic politicians can hope for. That is why we are in the unsustainable entitlement situation we are in today! What is the best solution for health care cost, quality and delivery?  One indication - drug companies loved Hillary!  They gave mightily to her campaign.

5. Removing Trump. Democrats are by no means done with what Comey, Lynch and Obama started, and Peter Stroyk called "Plan B."  Like Bill Clinton, Trump can not be removed through impeachment without support in the Senate.

With different political Parties in Congress it means one of two things:  Gridlock or Bipartisanship. Trump is NOT an ideologue. He can work with Democrats, and has offered many times to do so. Together we can accomplish some positive Legislative results. Truly!

The problem is that a more successful America puts Democrats in a Catch-2020. Positive results for America while Trump is President may help Trump's reelection. And for Partisan focused politicians, Party comes before country. Citizens are the losers!

What can we do?  If you are a hyper-partisan person inflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, I have no suggestion you want to hear. But for the rest of us regardless of Party, we can demand that Congress work together with the POTUS to fix the problems our Nation has.

The answers do exist. There are solutions!!!! But they require cooperation from both sides. This takes dialogue rather than debate. Listening with an open mind. It takes empathy and respect. It means individual accountability versus the blame game.  It means having the courage to stand up for what is right, even when it's not popular.