Tuesday, February 26, 2019



The Trump Administration is starting to foreshadow the announcement of their Middle East Peace Plan in April.

It is surely no coincidence that Kushner chose the start of the month of Nissan on the Hebrew calendar.  Nissan is a month associated with miracles.  Expect to see other profound associations between the devine and the physical world in the design of the new plan. It is no coincidence that Kushner is now going around to Arab countries collecting "gold & silver" to build a better future in Israel for both the Palestinians and the Israelis.  Surely students of Torah can see my point.  There are practical physical things going on to prepare for a miracle. 


I look forward to the announcement of the new plan for peace that Kushner has been working on.  It is likely to be a very different and exciting approach, with significant practical elements which create great opportunities for prosperity, a better quality of life and a fresh start.  It may be a brilliant new paradigm that finally alters the way we perceive the future for the two sides and how the Palestinians and Israelis can not only coexist but thrive together. 

If so, if the plan is as promising as I hope it will be for the Palestinians especially, it will cut the legs right out from underneath Hamas, and force Fatah's hand.  In the court of world public opinion, Hamas will lose it's leadership credibility and be fully exposed for the corrupt, destructive, hateful and lying organization it is.

The choice that the Palestinian people will have to make, between new leadership with a fresh new vision verses the failed Hamas and Fatah leadership, will be the greatest ultimate test of the Palestinians. 

What could be truly amazing is the reaction to the new plan by Israel's Middle eastern neighbors, particularly Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.  I would not be surprised to hear them enthusiastically support Kushner's bold plan in words and deeds.

I stand with Israel, but we all would be happy to see the Palestinian people living happy, peaceful and productive lives in harmony with the Israeli people. 

Time will tell. IT'S TIME!


First a preface - With the Israeli election decided and Netanyahu serving another, and historic term, Bibi can take decisive actions to deal with the Palestinians that were not likely prior to the election.

In addition, with the Mueller investigation closed and no collusion found, let alone with the tables turning on the accuser's after Barr's accusations of spying, Trump is in the strongest position he has been in politically since being elected, even after losing the House.

The stage is set for Netanyahu and Trump to announce the long promised and highly anticipated Trump/Kushner Peace plan.

The big question is what will they be offering the Palestinians in exchange for peace.  Most of the attention has been on whether the offer of a two-state solution is still on the table.  I predict the centerpeace of the plan that Kushner has devised is a NEW ELECTION.  I'll explain.

I believe the deal will contain the following elements:

1. Israeli's IDF will re-enter Gaza in order to ensure a process whereby a fair election can be conducted by the Palestinians.

2. Very shortly a Palestinian opposition party and candidates will emerge to compete against Hamas and Fatah.  Israeli IDF forces will provide them protection against Hamas leaders who otherwise would "eliminate" them.

3. Such opposition candidates will have the backing of several Arab countries, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia and possibly Jordan.  I believe Kushner has been working on such arrangements over the last two years and the very recent visit of Egypt's President to meet privately with Trump was to finalize details for the Plan.

4. The USA and other Western allies, as well as perhaps even Russia, will support the new Palestinian party candidates.

5. Thanks to prior commitments of support from Arab countries and the USA*, the new leader will be able to make an incredibly rich and wonderful offer to the Palestinians. (E.g. new schools, new hospitals, jobs, greater freedom to move about, and peaceful coexistence with Israel.)

* The USA halted hundreds of millions in support for the U.N. and Abbas.  That money can be redirected to the new party and projects to help Palestinians if they win the election.

6. I do not have a strong sense of whether they will be offering actual Statehood, but I do believe the Palestinians will have greater freedom of governance. Plus, I would not be surprised if Egypt and Jordan contributed some territory for the Palestinians which will be added to the area in Gaza.  Perhaps at some point in the future if the Palestinians live up to conditions this territory can actually transfer to the Palestinian people and they will be able to form a new state.

Again, the point in all this is that the centerpiece of the peace plan is an ELECTION.  The Palestinians will be given the opportunity to chose their fate.

Hamas will run on it's record, which as we all know promises only greater pain and misery.  Or the Palestinians can make the only sensible choice - The NEW Plan.  And when the Palestinians choose the new party they are not only choosing a bright future, they will also be rejecting IRAN!!

In the process, the world will have no choice but to accept the United States and Israel's newest ally - the new Palestinian government!

This will be the deal of the century worthy of higher praise than the cheapened Nobel Peace Prize.