Tuesday, April 23, 2019



Somebody came up to me privately at a Seder this Passover and confessed to me she was genuinely scared about the way our country was treating President Trump and all the lies in the media.

This person who called me to the side at the Seder had been forwarded something I wrote by a mutual friend who they didn't reveal.  So they likely knew I would empathize with and validate their concerns.  But they seemed to be looking for more - and I thought they were looking for me to offer something to relieve their concerns.

I can appreciate her point of view. Many folks on the Right have similar concerns.  It is nearly impossible to avoid the Left's relentless harassment of Trump on CNN, MSN, CBS, ABC, NBC. TIME, NY TIMES, HUFFINGTON POST, POLITICO, and by Hollywood. They have spent 3 years convincing the public that Trump colluded with Russia, among other lies.

If you're Conservative you must be concerned with Conservative views being censored on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and on college campuses.

If you are a Republican or a conservative it is hard not to be distressed by the uber Left policy plans put forth by the Left.

Those on the Left don't tend to understand the Right's positions well. It is certainly not explained on mainstream media. And since many folks on the Left automatically dismiss Conservative organizations like the Daily Wire, Judicial Watch and the ACLJ, they mostly know the Right's position from the perspective of the Left's criticisms.

It's an odd thing about the Left.  It's like they feel victimized by Trump. Many seem to still carry the pain of losing the election.  Yet, they have no sense of what it is like to support the President.  There is NO empathy for Trump supporter - only resentment and ridicule.  You can't even where a "MAGA Hat" without legitimate fear of some form of reprisal.

Most Liberal Democrats have no appreciation for the truth bomb that is going to hit them - Which is that the Hillary Email Scandal and the Russian Collusion Hoax are combined to be the biggest crimes of treason against America since the first known conspiracy to overthrow the American cause for nationhood in 1776.

Thankfully that first conspiracy against a future President and the American cause was exposed in June 1776, just before the British troops waiting in the Harbor off Manhattan landed. The first conspiracy was exposed by John Jay, Philip Livingston and the others who conducted the first major counterintelligence effort known as the Culper Spy Ring.  They saved the Revolution and America right BEFORE the Declaration of Independence was signed.

I find fascinating that that original effort to thwart the future of a great President was also led by ranking NYS politicians.

What is also fascinating is George Washington's take on his Continental Army's situation just before the British troops landed in New York.  Washington wrote to his brother and John Adam's just before that fateful moment. He observed the enormous and overwhelmingly odds AGAINST his Continental army.  Washington's army was terribly "outgunned, outmanned and out planned," to quote a line from the play Hamilton.


Here is what is most fascinating to me.  Washington said in his letters to his brother and John Adams that he had faith in the Divine and believed that Providence would turn the tables against British. He was right.  And there was Alexander Hamilton of course.

I have a similar view about the outgunned and outmanned Conservative cause today.  I too have faith in the sacred quality of America and I also believe the Divine will see us through this period.  Otherwise, like my friend who approached me at Passover I confess that I would be scared too.