Monday, June 24, 2019


As America decays into a nation obsessed with identity politics, tribalism is weakening the USA. The best reminder of what made America strong is symbolized on our Great Seal.
Peace through strength - peace in the right talon represented by the olive branch. And strength represented by arrows in the left. Preferring peace
But above all the source of our greatness - Unity and the Almighty. ONE God is symbolized through the Stars, a star for each of the 13* original colonies, that form to shape the Star of David for the people who introduced Monotheism to a world filled with competing gods. MANY PEOPLE UNDER ONE GOD as expressed in the words E. PLURIBUS UMUM - "Out of many, one."
The Torah tells us of a "mixed multitude" who departed Egypt on a great EXODUS for Freedom in the Promised Land guarded and cared for by the Almighty. As we stood at the base of Mount Sinai, for the first time we were UNIFIED and accepted the Ten Commandments and the oral Torah as transferred to us by one of only two humans to see God's face and survive. The kindest man, Abraham was the first to see God. The man with the greatest humility, Moses was the second.
At Sinai, under a great cloud with the thunderous sound of the Shofar, God's presence was felt, the people trembled in awe, and the people Israel became a Covenant Nation. (Notice the cloud that the Star of David is surrounded by in the Seal.)

The Nation of Jacob's many Tribes United under the great King David. But again, as the Nation of Israel was divided by Tribal disagreements, it became weak and suffered terrible losses, including the loss of our Temple in Jerusalem. America today is being torn apart by tribalism. Identity politics and progressive multiculturalism is weakening America. The Democratic Political Party is idolizing their political leaders. They speak of Democracy as they seek to silence those who disagree with them. The Right, which strongly emphasizes the higher power of God, is often mocked and scorned for their faith and elevating God and family. The Left ridicules Trump and Pence who often evoke God in their speeches. They regularly speak of America's power and greatness coming from God. AND CLEARLY, Trump has chosen to "bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel," most notably Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and most of all IRAN! BUT I GO ONE STEP FURTHER. As I see it, the problem is that Government has grown too large. The freedom of the individual and states is being subordinated to the massive size and cost of Federal bureaucracy. And as a direct result, Americans are becoming more tribal and divided. The answer America isn't which "tribe" controls which Party. And it certainly isn't the Socialists who believe in increasing the size and cost of the Federal government! The answer my friends is LESS GOVERNMENT. MORE FREEDOM. ALONG WITH FOCUSING ON THE PRINCIPLES IN OUR NATIONAL SEAL. It is really quite simple - Peace through strength. Unity around the fundamental guiding principles set forth by our Founding Fathers in our Declaration of independence and the American Constitution. LIBERTY AND FREEDOM TO PURSUE HAPPINESS. * At the start of this post I mentioned the 13 stars above the Eagle's head which form a Star of David. While it is true that they represent the 13 original colonies, the number 13 is also a very special number is Judaism. Unlike popular belief that 13 is an "unlucky" number, in Judaism, 13 is actually a very special number! Here's more on that. I shutter to think what would happen to America if God were ever to stop "favoring our undertakings!" Below is the reverse side of the Great Seal. On it is the phrase "Annuit coeptic" which comes from the Latin words annuo, "to nod" or "to approve", and coeptum, "commencement, undertaking." It is literally translated, "[providence] favors our undertakings" or "[providence] has favored our undertakings."  It should look familiar!  In case you don't recognize it, look on your USA dollars.  The Mason's say it is forms an hexagram, also in the Star of David.   

Here's the hexagram that Mason's point out: