Wednesday, July 17, 2019



TRUMP IS FEEDING HATE! HE TRULY IS.  But it's not like that sounds . . .

I am going to make a very timely observation.  I need to explain so try to bear with me for a few of paragraphs.

Ilhan Omar comes from one of the worst hell-hole countries on earth. A place where murder, genital mutilation, rape, corruption and lawlessness are not uncommon. She lived in a refugee camp where she witnessed terrible things.  As girl she was rescued and brought to America by the generosity of Americans seeking to offer Somalis a better life.  She was educated here and has achieved obvious success, rising to Congress as a young Muslim woman from a foreign nation. 

What does that say about America? Does that sound like what a racist country does? 

Do you think Ilhan should wake up every morning and thank Allah that she is in America and that Americans rescued her?   I think MOST Americans would agree that she should. 

And yet, Ilhan says you can't say the word America with pride, but you can lift up your chest and show pride for Al Qaeda.  She rooted against the Americans on the chopper in the movie Black Hawk down. She's trivialized 911. She refuses to denounce Antifa terrorists and their violence.  She promotes a radical Socialist and anti-Israel agenda. She's repeated anti-Semitic tropes. She's supported organizations and individuals that preach hate of America and Israel. Ilhan shows contempt for America and Jews in many of her comments.

I think most Americans, including moderate Democrats cringe at many of the beliefs Ilhan Omar has. 

Like Linda Sarsour, Omar is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Her beautiful appearance and poetic manner of speaking are alluring. She has mastered communication skills and the ability to twist a narrative and spin logical arguments to make her radical views seem nearly reasonable.  

But I would argue that what has really captured the hearts of supporters of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and AOC (the "Squad") is NOT their positions on political issues!  What has enabled them to dominate the news cycle is not that they have a popular political platform. 

What has captured hearts and support for ilhan Omar and her squad is something far more simplistic and fundamentally toxic.

The true reason the Leftist media and an actually fair small but highly vocal group of Americans support Ilhan, Rashida, Ayyana and AOC is that they share a common passion - Hate for Trump. Hate for Trump supporters.  Hate for the anything Trump is for.


Trump is feeding that hate. He is helping that hate to grow by throwing inflammatory words out.  He is watering and drawing it out. By encouraging and drawing out that hate Trump is encouraging the Squad, activists groups like Antifa and their supporters, far Left celebrities and Trump hating media spokespeople to say and do things that will ultimately be used against them.  

All these folks have swallowed Trump's bait. He has hooked them deep in their bellies.  And when Trump eventually, but not yet, reels in his catch and pulls his hooks out he is going to rip their guts out.

Trump has amassed an ENORMOUS war chest of money for the 2020 election. Huge historic amounts!  

As the Left, particularly the Squad, Antifa, Open Border Activists and protest groups, and radical Socialists all go crazy over Trump's remarks the cameras and cell phones are rolling. While the Trump haters are ramping up their angry rhetoric and harassing Immigration Enforcement officers and border agents, and even committing violence those images are being captured. 

The public will remember that the Squad calling Trump a "mother F'r" while voting against aid for the Border Crisis.  The Squad's words and deeds will be come back to haunt them during the 2020 Election and Trump will be the one who clearly stood up for protecting our Borders and changing the laws that have cause the crisis in the first place. 

Trump has set a trap and he is using it to capture fresh priceless footage.  Professionals will hand pick through the material, edit it down to the most choice moments and soundbites. Soon that choice content will work it's way into social media posts, viral memes, podcasts, YouTube videos and ultimately the 2020 campaign commercials.  Those moments will define the Democratic Party.  Furthermore, Speaker Pelosi has lost her voice and her gavel - The Far Left Radicals are running the show!

Trump says offensive things, and he is a bully. In a street fight he will fight dirty. He goes over the line just enough to stir controversy and trigger his opponents. And right after the Left and the media go nuts over a word or phrase he used, he restates his position in a way he can defend. But it's too late ... the Left and the media especially have taken his bait.  He has created precisely the contrast on an issue between the Left and Right's position that he wanted to create!

To say Trump is politically incorrect is an understatement. Most of us have come to realize that he is not "Presidential" at times. Trump is willing to give the Leftist Trump haters some of the examples they will say proves he is a racist. But only when taken completely OUT of context. Most people don't truly believe that he is in fact an actual racist. He is not a White Supremacist and the Nazi that the Left depicts him to be. 

Meanwhile, Trump is explaining himself. He is clarifying and moderating his position in such a way that most Americans can support. There is plenty of evidence of this including approval ratings, unfavorable polls about his opponents, confidence in the economy, the growing popularity of the #WALKAWAY, #BLEXIT and #JEXODUS movements, huge support ratings with his party, enormous financial support, giant ratings of FOX and plummeting ratings at CNN and MSN, etc.

Trump is saying what the "average American" thinks. If you hate this country and the principles of our Founding Fathers and what the US Flag represents, you are free to leave.  And if you are a radical Socialists and an anti-Semite from another country - PLEASE DO.