Tuesday, January 28, 2020


TRUTH is on the march in the Senate since the House Managers wrapped up their opening arguments for the articles of Impeachment.

0101■2020 is going to be a year of contrasts. There is no better example than the contrast between the House Managers' prosecution and the response by the President's defense team.

All day Monday the Senate heard the truth from the Right side.

The President's defense team is presenting the Senate and the American people enough to know:
  1. The Biden family is corrupt
  2. There is justification for the President's actions
  3. This impeachment is a hoax
Once the President's response to the House Managers is concluded the Senate will have sufficient knowledge and understanding to reach a decision on:
  • The need to call witnesses
  • Whether the House Managers have made their case
  • To remove or acquit the President of the United States
So what happens next???
There is a lot of talk about the Senate calling witnesses.  I don't believe that will happen. In fact, I don't believe the Senate will even be given the opportunity to debate the question and option on the need for witnesses. Here is why . . .

Under the Impeachment Rules established by the FULL Senate, the President's defense team has the RIGHT TO CALL THE VOTE!!

Under Senate rules the President's defense team WILL EXECUTE IT'S RIGHT TO PROTECT THE PRESIDENT AND THE PRESIDENCY.  They will ACCELERATE the impeachment process. They will STOP wasting the Senate's time on the hoax. They will SAVE we the taxpayers money.  They will SPARE THE NATION!
Then what?
The House Democrats and the mainstream will be incensed. Their hopes and egos will be smashed!  How will they respond? In a fit of rage!

The Democrats will try to stir up rage in the public - the voters!  The Democrats will try to carry that rage all the way into the 2020 election.
The conspirators to overthrow the election will be destroyed by their own egos and the hate that is in their hearts. The truth will expose them and destroy their Party's chances in the Presidential election.

The hoax is over, thank heavens. But we haven't heard the last of it.  Because the tables have turned on the sick corrupt liars in Washington that will do anything for the power and money.

Since 0101■2020 TRUTH has been on the march! The Truth is going to transform our Country - it is going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

The baseless impeachment hoax is over, but the DESTRUCTION has only just begun! THE TRUTH IS GOING TO TRANSFORM THE WORLD.
The TRUTH will set you free.
John 8:31

This whole week it is as though Moses is speaking in Congress.  After the vote we will hear the GREAT SCREAMING.