Tuesday, June 9, 2020


A staggering new Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) report states that this year alone, nearly 620 Christians have already been murdered, and homes and churches have been destroyed by Islamic radicals in just Nigeria alone because of their faith.  Blacks. 

Where is the outrage? Where are the "black lives matter" screams and cries for their black brother and sisters? 

Crickets. I suppose those black lives don't matter as much as the life of a life long violent criminal and drug addict who is caught in the act of committing a felony while intoxicated on Fentanyl.   Or is it that it doesn't fit the narrative?

Hey Jews ... if 650 Jews were murdered in any country BECAUSE they were Jews, would we let that slide?  Don't we care about Christian lives who are murdered for their faith too?  Or do we just have more politically desirable issues to tackle than Muslims killing Christians? In other words, let's concentrate on situations that fit the narrative.

What lesson did we learn from all the violent looting, rioting, assaults and deaths, arson and other destruction as of late from the killing of George Floyd?  

Evidently Democrats think the lesson is to blame police and de-fund them. That is tied in stupidity with Cuomo's decision to force people with the corona-virus into nursing homes while releasing them from prisons. 

Have there been any smart moves?  Yes, fortunately there was President Trump who pressured states to call up the National Guard, a military force, to stop the riots and violence. 

How did Trump pressure the states?  By threatening to use Federal troops if the states didn't call up their Guards.  It worked; some 30 states acted. It worked and the looting and rioting subsided!!  Contrast that result with Democrat Mayors who told police to stand down and watch the violent lawlessness. Is the President given credit for his action? Heavens NO - It doesn't fit the narrative.

And lest we not forget who has been leading the charge to get fentanyl and other opioids off the streets.  Yup, the President. Is the President given credit for his action? Heavens NO - It doesn't fit the narrative.

There was also the smart actions of our great Attorney General who organized efforts between numerous branches of our justice system (ATF, FBI, US Marshall's, etc) to find and prosecute the criminals ravaging our public places including houses of worship such as John's Church in D.C.
Is the AG given credit for his action? Heavens NO - It doesn't fit the narrative.

So who is going to deal with the police unions who have made it nearly to impossible to remove bad cops in cities like Minneapolis, Detroit, Chicago, D.C, and Baltimore?  Who negotiates the changes needed? That would be the politicians running those cities whose negotiations put us in the mess that cost George Floyd his life!  That would be the Democrat mayors and administrations that have run these cities for many decades!! 

Democrats taking on Unions??? Really. Right, they won't. Because it is so much more politically beneficial for Democrats to repeat the chant "Black Lives Matter" and blame the problem on America, White Supremacist, Conservative voices. But that bullshit isn't selling so well now that enough folks are figuring out the problem.  And by enough folks I mean black folks in these same cities who are fed up with the lies and HYPOCRISY of their political leaders and are beginning to listen to black Conservative voices. That's right -- Black Conservative Voices!!

So what's a Democrat to do?? Acknowledge their mistakes and hold Unions accountable. Heavens NO - It doesn't fit the narrative.

They need a new approach that let's them still play the race card.  One that fits their narrative.  Answer:  Defund the police.  The a perfect cover.  OR IS IT?! 

It is always about the narrative.  It always has to fit the narrative!