Tuesday, April 6, 2021



The Left is moving us towards a government that is controlled by "one party" - in other words - toward tyranny.  The future of our democratic process in America 

I have very intelligent friend who happens to be Chinese.  Since February, she have been doing a lot of work around the subject of election integrity, including online research, conversations with elected officials and grassroots conservatives, and reviewing state laws and pending legislation. 

Below is a summary of her thoughts in two parts, because it's a rather long summary. I recommend that you read the attached information on H.R.1 as well, which will give you a sense of what the Democrats want to do to our election system:

1.     Our Election System Is Broken

More than 200 years ago, the framers set forth guiding principles for our nation governed by the people, for the people through representatives chosen by the people.  A fair and free election system has been the cornerstone of the American Experiment, where people have confidence that the elected officials truly represent the will of the people.
Unfortunately, that trust broke down with the 2020 election. According to a Rasmussen poll conducted November 17-18, 2020, 47% of likely voters, including a third of Democrats, believed that the process was “rigged” against President Trump. 
Although the Democrat machine, with support from the liberal media, Big Tech, and the courts, convinced their base that there was no evidence of widespread fraud, the rest of the world knows that the emperor has no clothing. 
A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." 
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Clearly, our Republic is in crisis, both at home and abroad. America has lost its moral authority and our image of the “shining city on a hill” has been tarnished.
Instead of repairing a broken system and restoring citizens’ confidence in our democracy, under the guise of fighting against “voter suppression,” Democrats are on a warpath to destroy any safeguards against voter fraud by shoving H.R.1/S.1 (see summary attached) through Congress. If passed, the law will legitimize every illegal means to steal an election. Pelosi and Schumer are either tone-deaf, or more nefariously, hell-bent to maintain one-party rule.
2.     Democrats’ Claim of “Voter Suppression”

I loathe the notion of “voter suppression.” The founding fathers bestowed upon us the sacred duty to choose the leaders of our nation, and that solemn duty, like rearing children, is not meant to be easy. It requires individual effort and engagement. At the minimum, an elector should understand the ideological and policy differences between two candidates. JFK has warned us: “The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.”

Somehow, some people in the country now consider voting a nuisance. They forget that brave men and women sacrificed their lives to protect our right to vote, that citizens in other countries like China don’t have the right to vote, and that right now young people in Hong Kong are sent to jail for demanding the right to vote.

Those people are too lazy to get off the couch and wait in line at polling stations. They expect the federal government to register them to vote, pay for mail-in ballot postage and put drop boxes at their front door. 

Democrats are too eager to oblige. Anything less becomes “voter suppression.” Any requirement to prove voter legitimacy becomes subversion to our voting rights. Ironically, they are not applying the same logic to our Second Amendment Rights in their zealous pursuit to take guns away from citizens. 

Granted, guns in the wrong hands can lead to innocent deaths, but so can ballots cast by characters with malicious intent. An unsecured election is more susceptible to foreign interference. Giving millions of ballots to an ineligible population can override the will of American people and threaten our national security.

Calling H.R.1 “The People’s Act” is akin to putting lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig. It is not an act to return power to the people, but to secure power of the ruling elites. Contrary to Democrats’ claims that they are acting on behalf of We the People, a March 2021 Rasmussen poll shows that 75% of Americans support voter ID laws that require individuals to show photo identification before voting, including almost 70% of black voters.
In addition, a 2019 study from the National Bureau of Economic Research demonstrated that voter ID laws have no adverse impact on minority voter turnout. Similar to promoting law and order instead of defunding the police, minority communities may actually benefit from a secure election system. Rampant voter fraud in cities such as Baltimore, Detroit and Philadelphia has depleted black voters the opportunity to elect legitimate leaders who can lead their communities out of perpetual poverty and high crime rates.

Source:  Name withheld.