Tuesday, May 11, 2021


In response to recent Hamas's rocket attacks, Israeli Army spokesman Jonathan Conricus said on Monday evening: 

"We have started, and I repeat started, to attack military targets in Gaza . . . We have made preparations for various scenarios, including high intensity ones... Hamas will get the message."

Nobody is fooled by Iran which is escalating violence to put pressure on the USA Administration to get greater concessions out of Biden in nuclear deal negotiations.  


White House press secretary Jen Psaki said "the administration, including President Joe Biden himself, was monitoring the violence." "We have serious concerns about the situation, including violent confrontations that we've seen over the last few days." 

The U.S. Embassy in Israel said the "rocket fire was 'unacceptable."

Meanile the USA military is firing "warning shots" at 13 Iranian boats threatening the USA Navy. 

Essentially, Biden picked up where Obama left off.  America is right back to funding Palestinian organizations with a history of funding terrorism.  

During the Trump Administration the Ayatollahs knew Trump had Israel's back and would respond to threats and force with the same and then some. And they took him seriously.  On the other hand, Biden sends the opposite signals. 

It is pretty obvious that the Iranians are not intimidated whatsoever by the Biden Administration. Iran reads that there is no danger or threat to come from Israel's only ally, the USA. Iran can continue to use it's proxies Hamas and Hezbollah to step up violence in Israel without a credible threat from the USA. The only Nation that has Israel's back today is Israel. 


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that Hamas had crossed a 'red line' by directing missiles towards Jerusalem and that the Jewish state would 'respond with force'.

'We will not tolerate attacks on our territory, our capital, our citizens and our soldiers. Those who attack us will pay a heavy price."


Thanks to the last four years during the Trump Administration, it appears that Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and others are staying on the sidelines. Syria supports Iran but Israel was smart to neutralize Iranian assets in Syrian in advance of the present conflict.

Fortunately, the historic ground work laid by the Trump Administration changed the dynamic in the Middle East.  Trump began to lay that ground work the moment he took office with the Arab summit he organized in Riyadh in May 2017 to which high level representatives from 54 Arab and Muslim counties attend. Notably, Iran and Turkey boycotted!  

For Trump's entire four years he kept extreme pressure on Iran to cease it's terrorist ways and for the Palestinians to pursue peace within Israel.  Trump's foresight and confidence in his son-in-law Jared Kushner was extraordinary too. The left criticized Trump mercilessly at the time of that decision!  

The Abraham Accords would not have been possible without Trump and all his actions over the full course of his term.  Without Trump and a return to Obama's policies I have serious doubts whether they will achieve peace for the Palestinians.  The accords may produce other benefits for Israel and cooperating Arab countries. But so long as Iran controls Hamas and Hamas controls Gaza there will be no peace. The most that can happen is a ceasefire for a time.

Trump proved how useless the United Nations is in terms of the peace process. He proved that appeasement is a failed strategy.  He proved that Iran's regime doesn't seek peace. He proved that a strong America which unequivocally stands by Israel and calls out the main cause for violence in the Middle East is Iran is essential.

Neither Israel or Iran's leadership has changed since Obama. Neither has Syria, Jordan and other kingdoms in the Middle East. Turkey has the same President.  What's changed is the President of the United States and U.S. policy. 

All Jews had the opportunity to compare the relationship between Israel and America during the Obama's years verses the Trump years. All Jews had the opportunity to compare the safety, security and prosperity in Israel during the  Obama's years and Trump years.  The contrast in favor of Trump's policies and Leadership should have left no doubt in any Jew's mind which President was better for Israel and the Middle East overall. 

It was clear to everyone who went to the polls in 2016 that Biden was going to do the exact opposite things that Trump did.  It was clear that he was going to undo Trump. So it should come as no surprise that Biden is getting the exact opposite results. The only thing that is shocking is how rapidly Biden turned the clock back and how much damage that has caused. 

The time has come for all Jews to choose a side.  It's our move!  

P.S.  If you need more facts to help you make a decision on where you stand, check out this video: