Sunday, October 17, 2021



I will tell you what I think. They have THEIR interests at heart. Which begs the question - what are their "interests?"

Do you recognize these two gentlemen? 

These two men founded and lead the firm which owns/holds and controls more assets than the GDP of every nation in the world except the USA and China.  

Their power and influence can not be overstated. Their firm is one of top five shareholders in the top 7 banks in America and other banks around the world. What's more, the top USA banks they have top shareholder positions in the banks which are top shaholders of the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Boston, and all the other Federal Reserve Banks which control the USA Money supply!!

Their firm is one of the top five shareholders in most of mainstream media companies including CNN, ABC, CBS, Comcast which owns NBC, the NY Times, and many others.

Their real estate holdings are unfathomable!!  After the "Subprime Crisis," they took ownership of MASSIVE portfolios of foreclosures at pennies on the dollar.

Their firm is among the top 5 institutional shareholders of Amazon, Alphabet (Google) and Facebook, Tesla, ExxonMobil, Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway, Apple, Walmart and many of the other largest companies in the world.  (In most of the examples above they are in the top 2 or 3 largest shareholders!)

Their firm is among the top 5 shareholders of the top pharmaceutical companies in the world including Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Merck, Sanofi and others.

Their firm is the world's largest investor in fossil fuels on the planet!

Their firm is one of the top 3 shareholders of the three private prison corporations in America. Their firm wins regardless of which private prison company gets the government contract!  

The fact is, their firm wins regardless of where you bank or which news channel you watch! They win whether you watch The View, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah or Seth Meyers. 

Have you guessed who they are or firm they Founded and run together? 

Yes, they are two "nice Jewish boys," and their firm is BLACKROCK.  

To put the value of Blackrock (approximately 10 trillion of Assets) in perspective, consider it compared to these other giants. Blackrock has approximately 7x more assets than Goldman Sachs, 8x Morgan Stanley and 2.5x more assets than JP Morgan Chase.  Don't confuse Blackrock for Blackstone. Blackrock has 13x more assets under management than Blackstone.  Blackrock dwarfs the total capitalization of Tesla and the total shareholder equity of Apple. 

There is only one other firm that comes close to matching the total assets of Blackrock. That firm is Vanguard. Their influence is practically as large and has very similar holdings. [As of 2021, Vanguard has more than $7.50 trillion in assets under management (AUM), second to BlackRock, Inc's $9.01 trillion (AUM).]


So I ask you, which President fought to drive down energy prices? Which President attacked drug companies for charging more in America and was issuing Executive Orders to stop that practice?  Which President supported law & order and was succesful at stopping open borders? Which President went after the mainstream media, the big banks and social media giants? Which President was constantly in a battle with the Federal Reserve?  Which President went after the unfair and inhuman trade practices of China, the country supplying many of those big companies?


Black Rock uses it's power!  Here is a recent article that speaks to the ways the founders do so. Larry Fink's Global Crusade. 

The real power in America controls the most voting shares of the major corporations in America.  The real power is the power behind the lobbies of all those companies who influence the Washington DC swamp! 

If the "real power" wants Americans to hate Trump, they have the means to drive that message into our brains every hour of the day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year for 4+ years! The real power has more than "7 ways from Sunday" to go after Trump!  We saw many of them, but I'm convinced we don't know the half of them! 

The first time Trump got elected was an accident! The politicians in Washington, the pundits, the polls and the media never thought it would happen. Hillary was so shocked she couldn't come out for a consession speech. China and Russia never thought it could happen. Trump surprised everyone except his supporters. But the real power made absolutely certain that accident wouldn’t happen again! 

Could the real power in America influence former FBI director Comey and CIA director Brennan to lead Americans to believe in a Russian Hoax, a Ukrainian Hoax and a pornstar lawyer?  Could those hoaxes influence voters? Would the media be complicit and perpetuate such lies?

I find it interesting that one major corporate player in the whole election process, Dominion Voting Systems, is a company that is owned by "Private  Equity" firms and thus I could not identify it's shareholders. 

The real truth, and I am not talking about your truth or my truth, is the WORD - the Bible. But the real power in America has been turning our nation from being a country that was founded on faith in God, into a nation that has turned it's back on God and believes God loving Christians are the enemy.  The real power in America is trying to convince us that red-blooded American Patriots who love the USA are domestic terrorists.  

President Trump got more votes than any incumbent President IN HISTORY and over filled massive stadiums around the country for the last 6 years and STILL DOES!!  YET, Biden who lost two previous Presidential races by a mile and campaigned for his 3rd attempt from his basement got more votes than any Presidential candidate in history including Obama. That is despite having a running mate who was the least popular candidate and dropped out of the Primary with about 1% support. 

If the real power in America wanted Biden to be elected, despite his obvious cognitive issues, horrendous reputation for decision making, racist gaffes, smelling little children and numerous other flaws, they had unlimted resources and many ways to accomplish what wasn't possible in two previous elections.  

Trump ran against the real power in America. He ran against the Washington Establishment. There will never be another Trump. Long live the Washington DC swamp. 

God bless America??

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