Wednesday, December 1, 2021



With Supreme Court rulings concerning abortion imminent there are many who are concerned that women will lose the right to a choice. 

Life is a choice. Death is a choice. The opposite of "life" is NOT "choice." It is "death." 

Deuteronomy 30:19 says "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live."

In my humble opinion ... The choice is simple. It has nothing to do with being a man or a woman.  It is about being a humain human being with common sense and compassion.

This article is about better life choices!

If one doesn't want their "seed" to spread, wear a condom or don't have sex. If one makes a bad choice, there are many other options including the "day after pill" and early-term abortion. 

Pregnancy test kits are readily available and women will have the means to terminate a brand new pregnancy. The Supreme Court decision will not remove that right.

Many pregnancies do not go to full term. Many miscarriages happen in the first trimester because God designed our bodies to make it's own decision concerning the viability of the fetus. However, there comes a point in a pregnancy when the unborn has established it's own claim to life.

There is too great of a difference to ignore between this:


Tearing an unborn baby, especially at 5-9 months out of the womb is barbaric. You could not watch that procedure without drawing the conclusion that you are witnessing a homicide, not a "choice."

I support a woman's right to choose not to have a baby. Of course that is her right!!  Every woman HAS that right and they will have that right even AFTER the Supreme Court allows states to put greater restrictions on abortion, should that be the outcome!  

As a matter of fact, greater restrictions will not result in women giving up the "choice" not to have a baby!  It is virtually certain that the medical and pharmaceutical industry will develop new and other better choices for preventing, detecting and ending an unwanted pregnancy atbthe very start if she must. 

Furthermore, greater protections of unborn viable babies will result it more choices and better choices for women, as well as men.  Those choices will result in the following:

- more thoughtful decisions about practicing unsafe sex, by both women and men

- fewer sexually transmitted diseases 

- fewer unwanted pregnancies

- less women struggling with the emotional pain and turmoil over the decision to abort or carry their unborn baby

- fewer woman suffering the trauma and haunting feelings produced by an abortion 

- more families receiving a baby through adoption

In the final analysis, I believe greater restrictions on abortion will prove to be better for women, both mothers and the millions of female babies who will not be robbed of life by the choice to kill them while they were in the womb. 

The womb is a sacred place.  A womb is quite literally the embodiment of compassion. It's only purpose is to nurture and protect life. To commit a homicide in the womb, such as abortion, is a desecration. 

Related post - We Are Unworthy