Sunday, June 19, 2022


A Tribute to Fatherhood:

As we go through life we embody many roles and recieve numerous labels. Some we earn. Some society applies. Some we give ourselves. Some we aspire to have and strive for.  Others we struggle to shed. 

Some labels and roles define us.  Others are trivial, even meaningless. Some we are happy to be called by and other's are fighting words. 

In this role we will experience a wide ranges of emotions.  It can bring us great pride or shame.  We don't do this role for ourselves but it returns priceless riches. 

So crucial to civilization is this role that a society and a nation will crumble if this role is abandoned by too large a ratio of it's citizens. This role carries a tribe and even a country forward . . . or back.

We can come by this role as easily as a drop in a bucket. But to truly fulfill this label and role at a high level requires a near lifetime of commitment. If we get this role wrong we can do great damage. If we perform this role well there is no end to the good it can lead to - we can change the world - even long after we are passed. 

This role is our immortality. This role is most closely associated with the meaning of the word blessing in the bible. It is literally a God-like role and the greatest reward we recieve from this role is love. Some would proudly display this label and role on our tombstone for everlasting recognition.  Father.

Happy Father's Day!