Saturday, November 12, 2022


The Federal Reserve and European Central Banks, including the United Kingdom are getting closer to releasing crypto killing competition -- programable Central Bank Digital Currency (CDBC). 

Central Banks don't want others in the business of issuing currency. They are hell bent on destroying private crypto, and ultimately replacing paper money. Programmable CDBC is Digital but it is the opposite of private or anonymous.

With the crowning of King Charles III and the (s)election of Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister of the U.K., both of whom are full-fledged World Economic Forum (WEF) actors, we will see the accelerated decline of crypto. The powerful elite have set the stage for a major announcement in 2023 regarding currencies, debt restructuring and monetary policy. 

Restructuring unsustainable sovereign debt while simultaneously providing governments with the massive liquidity they need to spend tens of trillions of dollars on infrastructure to address climate change, will require a new approach to monetary policy. It is being called "Modern Monetary Theory."

Programmable CDBC coupled with social scoring will ensure that the new money goes where the New World Order, controlled by the WEF elites want it to go. In 2017, Klaus Schwab openly bragged about his organization's ability to infiltrate governments across the globe.

I believe the mandate of the Federal Reserve will be expanded in 2023 to include promoting climate sustainability. Central Banks will have a new obligation to use the capabilities of programmable CBDC to manipulate the consumption and investment behavior of citizens and businesses.  

Bankers, and by extension, the Central government, will know what every dollar is used for and by whom it is used. Anonymity and privacy is completely eliminated.  And the vastly increased force of IRS agents will be standing ready with guns to help enforce cheating. 

Nobody ever said the "New World Order" would be friendly. Totalitarian YES. Friendly NO! 

"It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name." Revelation 13.16-17