Friday, March 10, 2023



... race is a "social construct" created and maintained by western Europeans Whites to justify their ONGOING oppression and exploitation of Blacks on the basis of their inferiority, immorality, or incapacity for self-rule?

... whites purposely continue to FORCE Blacks and Hispanics to live in racially segregated and impoverished neighbourhoods BECAUSE they are Blacks and Hispanics?

... whites DESIGN our system SO THAT Blacks and Hispanics receive less and inferior medical care than Whites and consequently lead shorter lives?

... because all Whites are inherently racists their conscious and subsconcious racist behaviour is directed at Blacks and Hispanics in the form of “microaggressions,” which are verbal or behavioral slights?

Simply put, do you believe that America IS systemically racist TODAY and that the whole of American society is designed by Whites to oppress and exploit Blacks and Hispanics? 


If you are White you are. That is, according to Critical Race Theory. 


Just because there are racists, bigots and antisemites in American society, not to mention Blacks who hate Whites, does not mean that any of those things DEFINES America. 

It is easy to make the case that CRT is by its very nature and message, a racist ideology. Therefore, teaching CRT is in itself an ACT OF RACISM.

Should we teach ABOUT racism and the history of slavery, as well as antisemtism, in schools and colleges? YES, OF COURSE!! Florida Law ALREADY REQUIRES that THESE topics be taught!!  CRT is NOT that!  It is a THEORY that makes harmful distortions and accusations. 

America's schools should NOT be teaching that ALL Whites are racists and America IS a systemically racist nation. Critical Race Theory promotes hate and instills a desire for vengeance. That is why DeSantis banned ONLY teaching CRT. Don't fall for the media lies!

Besides, as the video below shows, everyone is a little bit racist.

Nobody is denying that Blacks on average have issues and challenges. Black lives do matter, and it is possible that Black lives don't matter enough to those who they should matter most.