Monday, July 17, 2023


Do you believe God gives us "heavenly signs?  The answer hinges on whether you believe in God and that He is the Creator of the Universe. If you do and you read the Bible on a regular basis the answer is most likely an emphatic YES. 

I wanted to take a moment to record these observations. Are these heavenly signs given by God? I really couldn't say.  I am not a prophet.  In addition, I've posted a completely CONTRARIAN viewpoint on this matter at the end of my observations.  

Thus says the Lord,

“Do not learn the way of the nations,
And do not be terrified by the signs of the heavens
Although the nations are terrified by them;
Jeremiah 10.2

Above are NASA images of the three major eclipses that have and will pass over America between 2017 and 2024, a seven year period.

"For, behold the stone that I have placed before Joshua. Seven eyes are directed to one stone. Behold! I untie its knots, says the Lord of Hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day."  Zechariah 3.9

God gave us the heavens. God gave us our sun and moon to tell time - the days and the months. They are also used to know his moedim "appointed times."

The Hebrew calendar is a lunar calendar with the months based on the phases of the Moon. A new month begins on the day of the Crescent Moon after the New Moon phase.  This change is called the Rosh Chodesh  “head of the new [moon]."  Each Rosh Chodesh is a minor holiday. 

Eclipses are mentioned multiple times in the Bible. When they are mentioned in the bible they mostly coincide with biblical milestones.

If one overlays the path of the last "Total eclipse" over America in 2017  with the next one coming up 7 years later in 2024 they form an X. The diagram below illustrates this.

The X is the shape of the ancient (paleo) Hebrew letter Tav. The Tav is the 22nd and final/last letter of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet and it means cross, mark/sign, covenant. (To make an agreement one could put an X.)

Notice where the center of the X lands on the map of the USA. Now look at the location of the heart of a major earthquake fault line called the "New Madrid" fault. This fault has the highest hazard rating. The center target of the Total eclipse X is the same location!

Joel 2:10 -- Before them the earth quakes,
The heavens tremble,
The sun and the moon grow dark
And the stars lose their brightness.

There is another interesting connection with regard to the timing of these two "Total" eclipses over America. The elipse in 2024 falls during a Hebrew calendar leap year, in the leap month of Adar 2!  The evening of April 8th is the beginning of Nissan 1 - the first day of the year!!

The Hebrew calendar adjusts for a 360 day annual cycle with a leap year. Because the sum of 12 lunar months is about 11 days shorter than the solar year, a 13th month is periodically added to keep the calendar in step with the astronomical seasons.

A leap year in the Jewish calendar has 13 months and occurs 7 times in a 19-year cycle. In Hebrew, a leap year is referred to as Shanah Me'uberet, or pregnant year. In a Jewish leap year, an extra month is added after the month of Shevat and before the month of Adar. It is called Adar Bet, Adar Sheni, or simply Adar 2. Lets just say that Adar 2 is special. There is actually a Pesach Sheni, a second Passover!   The next elipse happens on the 29th of Adar II, right between Purim and Passover of the leap year 5784!

In addition, the Sun has an 11 year solar cycle. It goes from periods of low to high activity. During peak periods there is the most solar corona eruptions. The earth is most likely to be hit with severe solar flares and other solar storm weather during the peak. 2024 is the maximum peak of the current solar cycle.

There is one more notable elipse during this seven year time frame. It is not a "total" eclipse like the other two.  This third eclipse runs north-south rather than east-west. It is what's called an "Annual eclipse." That eclipse will happen on Shabbat this October 14th, 2023, the 29th of the month of Tishrei.

An Annular Solar Eclipse, also called a "ring-of-fire" eclipse is a rather rare phenomenon that involves the moon, the sun and alignment with planets Jupiter, Saturn and Venus. The last one was seen in the U.S. in 2012 and won't be visible again in the contiguous U.S. until 2039. 

The following image is by NASA from space of what the earth looked like during the Ring of Fire eclipse.  Notice the appearance of the 🔥 burnt America. 

If one overlays this "annual eclipse" with the other two Total eclipses, as illustrated above, it creates the shape of the ancient letter Aleph, symbolic of God.

Comet P12 

While the eclipse is taking place on April 8th there is also the appearance of a rare comet in the night sky. Comet P12 is coming by for another rare 71 year visit. Because it looks like it has unique horns the nicknames for this comment are the "Devil comet"and the "Mother Dragon. " 

There is another interesting connection that I am hesitant to include because it brings politics into the picture. But I will anyway because as we know in the bible God appoints Kings.

Daniel 2:21 -- And He changes the times and the seasons, He removes kings and sets up kings; He grants wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who know understanding.

Some people wonder if the Trump was a sign -- especially Ultra-Orthodox Jews, Evangelical Christians and Conservative Americans. So isn't curious that there was a "Total Eclipse" in the year Trump took office, 2017. It is what has also been called "The Great American Eclipse." Seven years later in 2024, the year of the next Presidential election, there will be another Total eclipse over America.

COINCIDENCE??  Coincidence is NOT a kosher word - it doesn't appear in the Torah. 

I am not making a prediction! This is not prophecy. I am offering observations. By the same token, the bible is filled with prophecies and ways to recognize signs.  

Perhaps one reason I find this all very intriguing relates to my name Jonah. The dramatic repentance of Nineveh in Jonah 3:1-10 may have been galvanized by a total solar eclipse there that dates to June 15, 763 BC.

The Assyrian eclipse, also known as the Bur-Sagale eclipse, is a solar eclipse recorded in Assyrian eponym. Many Bible scholars have speculated that the eclipse took place around when Jonah arrived in Nineveh and urged the people to repent, otherwise the city would be destroyed. This might partly explain the dramatic repentance of the people of Nineveh as described in the Book of Jonah.

Joel 2.31 -- “The sun will be turned into darkness
And the moon into blood Before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes.

Song Link -

Song Lyrics -

Matthew 24:29 -- “But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

The Science behind "Miracles:"
Sir Colin Humphreys has done very serious analysis on the subject of science, miracles and religion. A lot of research was done to address a genuine biblical debate/questions on the connection. Here are a few videos with him:

If the subject interests and you'd like to learn more, here are two more lectures by Sir Colin Humphreys. There are many more on YT. 

Here are some other videos that explain connections to the Eclipses:

Epilogue:  After I journaled this morning I watched a couple sermons. This one by Allen Jackson is very relevant to my thoughts.  He titled it: "What are we to do? "

Epilogue 2: 


The eyes of Orthodox Jews and Evangelial Christians are on Israel and especially Jerusalem. 

Come Passover next year, 2024, for the first time in 2000 years the possibility for the process toward building a Third Holy Jewish Temple in Jerusalem will exist. 

There are 9 priests trained to perform ritual sacrifices and other temple functions. Before, they must be purified by the blood of an unblemishlessed red heifer. One more high priest will make 10 - the divine number of completeness. The letter Yod, a very symbolic letter. 

The red heifers have to be 3 years old. The extremely rare red heifers recently acquired specifically for the purification ritual are just a tad too young. They come of age in time for Passover and Shavout 2024. 

Passover - Evening of Mon, 4.22.24 – 4.30,24
(Note there is a Total Eclipse 14 days before Passover on 4.8.24)

They have the land for the third temple. "According to those working on the project, the ceremony of the red heifer needs to be performed on the Mount of Olives, and in a place that would have looked directly into where the Temple stood. The land directly east of the Temple Mount, purchased 12 years ago, meets both of those standards."


Isaiah 14.14: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will liken myself to the Most High.'

For Christians, according to the Book of Revelation, the implications of a 3rd temple and who enters it is equally as significant, however, the prophecy concerning those events in very different. 

(Again, these are my observations -- not prophecy.)

CONTRARIAN VIEW:  The following is written by Jacob Prasch, a messianic Jewish minister and leader of Moriel Ministries.

Jacob is extremely critical of suggestions that there is anything meaningful to the recent eclipses.  

Robert Braker, JD Farag, Mark Biltz, Rachel Baxter, Tom Hughes ... The List Gets Longer

Watching these ludicrous clips becomes a nauseating ordeal.                                    
How Can Any Regenerate Bible Believing Christian Countenance Such Blatant Idiocy ?

This is a very stupid, and very deluded woman , Rachel Baxter, who speaks convoluted rubbish that is pseudo scriptural and pseudo spiritual. Her subscription to the zodiac based biblical prophecy borrowed from astrology by the proven false teacher  Robert Braker whose September 23, 2017 predictions quite predictably came to naught compounds her absurdity and absence of credibility, as is further evidenced by her hideous mishandling of scripture that is utterly devoid of exegetical credence.

Whether she is a deliberate religious liar, or a merely a deceived ignorant crackpot is a judgment I would not make. One thing for sure however, is that she must of necessity be either one or the other.

Tom Hughes has now obviously now joined the Mark Biltz / JD Farag / Robert Braker Academy of Speculative Lunacy. His actions are emblematic of the progressively downward spiral that Preew Tribulation is resorting to as its hollow foundations implode in the face of reality.

Postulating dates and ascribing spiritual significance  to eclipses etc. is hideous. No place does scripture identify eclipses as being prophetically significant. Such were the pagan superstitions of the Mayas, the Druids, and Nabateans - but not the Hebrews or Early Christians. On the contrary, when the prophecy of Amos 8:9 of the "sun going down at noon' was fulfilled in the crucifixion of Jesus in Luke 23: 44-45, it could not possibly have been an eclipse (either solar or lunar) because it was at Pesach circa 14th of Nissan which is at the wrong lunar & solar phase to be an eclipse.

The "Signs" in the heavens are in the realm of "nessim v' niflaot" (miracles and wonders). There is nothing extraordinary or miraculous about normal, ordinary cosmological phenomena or naturally occurring astronomically predictable events such as eclipses.

The star that the Maji followed in the Nativity Narrative, the comet that stood of Jerusalem in 70 AD recorded by Josephus, the 48 hour day at Gibeon when Joshua stopped the sun, and the sun going backwards in the extended longevity of Hezekiah met the biblical criteria because they were not normal cosmological occurrences, just as the prophetically emblematic events of the Book of Joel, the Book of Revelation, and the Olivet Discourse events of Matthew 24: 29 & 30 shall not be. They shall 'Signs' , divinely induced supernatural events reflective of events Spiritually transpiring events of a prophetic nature. An eclipse is no more a 'sign' than the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. They are just normal naturally occurring events in a heliocentric cycle. It was again,  pagan civilizations that attributed prophetic prognostications rooted in idolatry, ignorance, and superstition to such normal cosmological events as eclipses and equinoxes. 

I reside in England about an hour and 15 minutes drive from Stonehenge. Today, in post Christian Britain, You can annually watch caravans of New Agers travelling to Stonehenge on Salisbury Plane by the thousands and thousands resulting in massive traffic jams on the normally uncongested 303 Dual Carriageway, in order to ritually observe this stuff in the pagan tradition of Pre Christian Britain. They interpret such phenomena  as omens and interpret it with prognostications. In Sufi Islam, Taoism, and mystical Buddhism spiritual properties involving predictions and omens are likewise attributed to eclipses, lunar light refraction etc. There are other such festivals at a place called Findhorn in Scotland, and at the Neolithic monument at Newgrange in Ireland.

This kind of nonsense however also found its way into Hasidic Judaism who view solar eclipses as a bad omen, and into Medieval Christendom of the Dark Ages based on an obscure Talmudic passage.

In his account of the First Crusade (1096–1101), Albert of Aachen describes how the crusaders witnessed  a blood red moon as they drew closer to the city of Jerusalem. Those who had knowledge about the eclipse as a signal of God’s will, Albert tells us, comforted the fearful.

To Albert of Aachen, a lunar eclipse signaled the destruction of the crusaders’ enemies. Solar eclipses, however, signaled disaster for the crusaders.

According to the Annals of Magdeburg, when an eclipse transformed the sun into the shape of a sickle in October 1147 and cast terrible darkness across the land, witnesses saw it as a sign that a time of bloodshed was upon them.

The 12th century polymath John of Salisbury issued a warning against the practice of astrology and horoscopy, which he lumped together with fortune telling, soothsaying, and other “unsavory” practices.  John knew lunar eclipses were caused by the Earth obscuring the Moon. He accepted there was merit in the study of astronomy when it was understood these phenomena could be signs from God, but believed people crossed the line when they thought the celestial bodies had their own power to influence the world. By granting the celestial bodies their own power, John said, people were detracting from the power of God.

Solar and lunar Eclipses, and umbra's are routine. Lunar light refractions are routine; just as Saturn has luminescent peripheral rings.  Recurring comets like Haley's comet etc.  are likewise only comets whose dates of visibility we can anticipate. None of this constitutes the prophetic fulfilment of Luke 21:25. It is only false religions and primitive cultures who think otherwise. Unfortunately so do lunatic fringe professing Evangelicals.