Sunday, January 14, 2024



You may be too young to remember Watergate when President Nixon was run out of office for covering up for his associates illegal efforts to wiretap his political opponents.  But you are probably old enough to remember when Trump said that Obama wiretapped his campaign associates in Trump Tower. 

2017 -- WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump accused predecessor Barack Obama on Saturday of wiretapping him during the late stages of the 2016 election campaign, but offered no evidence for an allegation which an Obama spokesman said was "simply false".

The media loves Obama and hates Trump. So they mocked Trump for making that claim. Fast forward two years...

2019 -- "The FBI apologized to the secret court that handles national security investigations for the way it conducted surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser during the 2016 election, according to a court filing made public."  

It was also discovered that they lied to the FISA Court!  The FBI Attorney also admited altering evidence used for the the FISA application. In fact the FBI made 17 errors or omissions in its FISA warrant applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA Court) for surveillance of Trump associates. 

Painting of Clinton in blue dress
hung in Jeffrey Epstein’s home

The common expression that rose out of the infamous Watergate hearings was that "the coverup is worse than the crime." It didn't work that way for the powerful Clinton's with Bill Clinton's sexual misconduct involving Monica Lewinsky and certainly not concerning his close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.  It didn't work that way when Hillary conspired with the DNC to defeat Bernie Sanders in the primary.  It certainly didn't apply to Hillary who's crimes dwarf what Richard Nixon did by allegedly deleting 18.5 seconds on his office's recording tape.  

2016 -- "Former Clinton IT Aide Describes Destruction of Old Devices as Routine. Three witnesses plead the fifth at hearing on State Department email vulnerabilities." 

In the case of Hillary, she new the crime of creating a fake dossier to support her false claims that Trump colluded with Russia was worse than any coverup. So Hillary had hard drives bleached, phones hammered and 30k+ emails deleted that were under subpoena. But Hillary didn't get in trouble for her crimes or the coverup.

2016 -- FBI Director James Comey called "Hillary Clinton and her staff's actions "extremely careless" in handling classified data over a private email server while she was secretary of state.  Comey recommend that no charges be brought against her.

So much for the coverup being worse than the crime!  You would think it ended there for Trump but that was just the beginning!

The conspirators used a senile old man as their puppet to go after Trump. Not Joe Biden. The senile man was Robert Meuller.  For Trump, his family and the American people it meant of years of a witchhunt playing out in the daily news and his first impeachment trial. 

2019 -- During Congressional hearings, Louie Gohmert, Former United States Representative, proved that a clueless, doddering Mueller had no idea that his team was full of vicious Trump-hating hacks. Peter Strzok used FBI phones to send messages like "We'll stop Trump" & that the Russian investigation was an "insurance policy."

The list of other outrageous actions that where meant to fool the American people and effect Presidential elections is too long to list, but here is one more. 

10/19/20 (Days before the Presidential election) -- More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden, pictured here, “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

Since June 2015, just short of a decade, the list of things that Obama/Biden, Hillary, the DNC, the Deep State and corrupt actors in the FBI and the DOJ have done to "get Trump" and his closest supporters is arguably the most grievous political crimes in the history our country!  The media was complicit on all of them!

This may be the worst...

Actions leading up to the Washington protests on January 6th 2021 and what's happened since represent nothing less than a coordinated effort to entrap and imprison patriotic Americans in order to create a false narrative that would be used to destroy a massive Conservative movement in America. All of which is done with the obvious intention to interfere with Trump's election efforts years later. This is literally playing out in the USA Supreme Court THIS VERY WEEK in response to several states' efforts to keep Trump off the ballot in 2024.

Prosecutions in Georgia and New York are no different in terms of their political purposes. The American people see now that our DOJ and State Attorney Generals have weaponized our justice system in order to alter election outcomes. Trump calls it what it is -- election interference. That's why those efforts are having the opposite effect on Trump's popularity. 

For nine years, millions of Conservative Americans have made claims that sounded like crazy conspiracy theories. Social media blocked our posts. Support for the "orange man" even put a strain on personal relationships. Very sad. And those theories have proven to be correct.

There are over 80 million citizens who are vilified for wanting to put American interests ahead of foreign interests and special corporate interests. There is still a movement who believe America will be great when our representatives serve "we the people" instead lining their pockets.

It is plain for everyone to see:  The emperor (Joe Biden) has no clothes. Even Democrats and many in the media have finally come to see that.

We may never know what was on those infamous 18.5 seconds of missing Nixon tapes or Hillary Clinton's server, phones and emails. But we know enough!

I didn't vote for Trump in 2016, but I have been saying all along the way, the hypocrisy is greater than the truth!! 

If Richard Nixon was alive and witnessed the last nine years, what would he say about all this? I think he would agree with what many are saying today. What has been done to get the Trump family and villainize the Conservative movement, not to mention Evangelical Christians, makes what Nixon did and what happened at the Watergate look like shoplifting. 

The Left is guilty of the lies they've accused Trump of doing.