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Sarah Said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” And she added, “Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne him a son in his old age.” –Gen. 21:6-7
At last night's Jewish Federation Hanukkah party I got the idea for a play on "Knock Knock Jokes." I call them "Tenach Tenach Jokes."
God has a great sense of humor. After all, he created "Isaac." Issac's Hebrew name "Yacov" means "He Laughed" or "Laughter."
Adonia hid an endless supply of "Tenach Tenach jokes" in the scriptures. I found the first and the last, and some in-between.
The name Michael, מיכאל (Mikha'El) inHebrew means "Who is like God?" or "gift from God". It comes from the Hebrew phrase mī kāʼēl (מי כאל), which is often read as a rhetorical question. The answer to the question is "there is none like El", or "there is none as famous and powerful as God".
Tenach Tenach
Who's there?
Your guardian angel.
Guardian angel who?
מי כאל (Michael)
Tenach Tenach
Who's there?
Your guardian angel מי כאל
מי כאל who?
Tenach Tenach
Who's there?
A gift from El
From who?
מי כאל
Tenach Tenach
Who's there?
YHVH who?
Tenach Tenach
Who's there?
YHVH who?
Tenach Tenach
Who's there?
YHVH who?
Answer the Door already!
Tenach Tenach
Who's there?
Let me in.
Who's there?
Let me in!
Who's there?
Let me in!!
Who's there?
Open the Door already!
Tenach Tenach
Who's there?
Yod who?
The Yod Who Knocks. Be glad you're not Belshazzar!
These "Tenach Tenach" jokes practically write themselves. All you need is eyes to see and ears to hear.
There is a old Yiddish adage, "Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” meaning, “Man Plans, and God Laughs."