Wednesday, February 5, 2025


It's NOT hard to imagine a "Riviera" rising from the ashes and rubble of Gaza, and Trump is not the first to do so. The problem is that no body has figured out how to make it happen.

My sense is that Trump believes he was born to "make America great again" and that being a "blessing to Israel" is one way. Trump seems to have supernatural power. He never sweats it!

Whether destiny and providence have anything to do with what is happening, one thing is for sure. There is NO future in the past for Gaza. The time has come for a radical new approach.

Trump and Bibi were just getting started on the Abraham Accords before Covid hit and the 2020 Election removed Trump from the office of the Presidency. Tremendous progress was made up to that point; enough so that the Abraham Accords had gained considerable credibility and established an alternative paradigm.

"October 7th" put Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations on hold. Israel had a war to execute and all the focus was on that. October 7th also "put an end to the Two-State fantasy." October 7th also validated the vision and strategy of the Abraham Accords.

The Abraham Accords are described as: "a game changer in the Middle East, providing new opportunities for direct flights, people-to-people exchanges, business partnerships, and government agreements that have all led to investment and growth in the area."

All that was needed to take the economic strategy Trump started to the next level was for Trump to win back the Presidency. Having done so in a big way, it was predictable that new deals and big new ideas were bound to come. But even "high expectations" couldn't have predicted the giant announcement that Trump & Bibi made at a press conference on 2/4/25.

Not many details about Trump's idea of the "USA taking over Gaza" have been disclosed thus far, but I've heard enough to let my imagination go to work. I've run with the idea in a brainstorm. Here is my riff on it including "rollout dates."

The Name -- What's Gaza going to be called? Trump is famous for "branding" with his name, so he must have illusions of naming it "Trump World." Fortunately, the assassination attempts on his life have humbled him enough to know that putting the "Trump name" on the "new Gaza" would be the worst thing he could do.

My guess is that whatever name is given to this "new Gaza" scheme will be something out of Genesis and acceptable to Christians, Jews and Muslims, like the name "Abraham Accords." Hopefully the selection doesn't smack of "One World Religion" - that would be bad!!

Project Stages: 
1. Demolition and Design (Starting 2026) - Demolish and clear debris, environmental assessment and testing, Hamas tunnel closures, detailed surveying, planning, engineering & design and approvals.

2. Site Pre-sales to Primary Stakeholders and Bid Phase (2026-2027) - lining up contractors for the Infrastructure stage. Making agreements with major stakeholders for the flagship development sites in the overall plan.

3. Infrastructure Construction (2028-2029) - develop roads, sewer/water, gas, electricity in cooperation with Israel. A sophisticated security and surveillance system would be installed and monitored by Israel. Revenue from the leasing of sites and other operating licenses would be cash positive for the USA!

4. Private Development Sites (Available 2028-2032) - Development sites will be available to countries, major corporations, construction firms, etc. A site could be used for a corporate park, a hotel/convention center, a hi-rise housing complex, a shopping center, multiple marinas, a port, etc. Picture the concept as a giant "planned community" on steroids'. Expect to see the "new Gaza" incorporate revolutionary examples of communal farming, water and sewer, conservation/sustainability and transportation.

There will be lots of housing in the "new Gaza." I suspect we will see magnificent high-rise buildings with incredible ocean views and gorgeous beaches. (Hotels too.) Palestinians will be allowed to move back to the new Gaza, but only after careful vetting to make sure the radicals and anti-Zionists are kept out. Palestinians will not be the only residents!

Integrated schools in the new Gaza will teach brotherly love starting at nursery school. Truly the crowning achievement of the Abraham Accords.

Will there be a House(s) of Worship?
Could it be the "Temple of God" spoken of in
2 Thessalonians 2:4? OY! I need more time on this question.

5. Individual Tourism, Corporate Park and Commercial Openings (Beginning 2030) - Entities from around the Middle East and elsewhere would have a presence. The "new Gaza" could become the most international location on earth! Picture Epcot x ~300! (Disney Epcot is 1/2 square mile. Gaza is 139 square miles.)

6. World Premier Opening (~2030) - a major marketing event to attract commercial customers and developers. The intended audience is not the general public.

7. World Grand Opening (~2035) - the greatest "world fair" ever! International events, festivals and celebrations in the "new Gaza" are going to blow people's minds! Instead of rockets and bombs lighting up the sky, expect brilliant "drone and laser shows."


Gaza IS part of Israel and it will stay part of Israel. The "new Gaza" would not be a country. For a time it would be a Territorial Mandate under the control of the USA. The mandate will have an expiration date. The designated time period would perhaps be 50 Years - Jubilee! (Or maybe it should be for how long the Jews wandered in the desert, 40 years; until the generations die off.)

Residents living in this territory would remain citizens of their country of origin. Governance and laws would be handled by a body established by the USA in cooperation with parties to be determined. Classic methods for oversight and decision making are a given requirement. While there will be a level of respect for religious laws, the new Gaza will not be a theocracy by any definition.

The Wish

This is way more than a second "Riviera!" Gaza could go from a hell hole to the most incredible international destination on the planet. A model of cooperation and peaceful coexistence. It is a place where Palestinians live with Saudias and Egyptians, Jordanians, Israelis, Iranians and others. The new Gaza is an international community!

Nobel Prize Worthy:

The New Gaza project is too good the "Nobel Peace Prize" --- screw it. If I were Trump and they offered it to me, I'd tell them to shove it. Besides, the Nobel Prize is so cheapened since Obama received it, that it doesn't even mean what it used to. What there will be is a statue of Trump and Bibi at the main entrance to the new Gaza recognizing their vision and accomplishment!

Quoting Israel's Prime Minister after the famous press conference.

“This is the first good idea I’ve heard. It’s a remarkable idea and I think that it should be really pursued, examined, pursued and done, because I think it will create a different future for everyone,” he continued.

"The actual idea of allowing for Gazans who want to leave to leave, I mean, what’s wrong with that? They can leave, they can come back. They can relocate and come back. But you have to rebuild Gaza,” the prime minister stated.

I have a twist: When relocating the residents of Gaza, I say let Hamas stay. Yup, if a Palestinian is a member of Hamas and they want to stay in Gaza and hide out in order to avoid being removed, it is perfectly fine. If they want to stay in Gaza, great.
THEN, Israel can truly FINISH THE WAR!!!

The Gazans who want to live in peace will leave! Even more so if they know Hamas is staying.

I have this to those exclaiming outrage at Israel over the notion that Palestinians in Gaza would have to relocate: Get real!

1. Jews have been kicked out of practically every Muslim county, plus England (1290), France (1394), Spain (1492), Portugal (1497), Austria (1421), and various other European nations, with the most notable expulsion being from Spain in 1492.

2. Muslim Palestinians would be relocating from a Jewish country to another Muslim country. It just makes sense.

3. Gaza is a war zone that is decimated and has to be demolished. It is not place for people to live, especially children.

4. There is precedent for relocation. Link to Historical cases of relocation