Friday, March 3, 2017

HEAR ME FRIENDS, if you please ....

Please first read the LINKED ARTICLE.

To all my friends.  Especially my Jewish friends who love the gift of Torah.  This article speaks to beliefs I hold.  In my Torah study yesterday, a deep and profound realization came to me. This article is reinforcement, and by no mere coincidence I believe.

UNITE my friends. Jews on the Left, Right, middle - there is one G-d - One Torah.  One Israel.  One America.  As George Washington said, Divine providence must have had a hand on him and the creation of this Nation. And by our Nation's will and hand the State of Israel was created.

Partisanship and egoism - our fighting OVER Trump - is not helping America.  Our lack of unity with OUR President, is what is encouraging the rise in hate crimes, NOT our President himself!  Trump is a narcissist. But he is also a mirror by which we must see our OWN egoism.

We do not need to all agree on ANY of the President's policies!!  You may want more government regulations while I want less. That is fine.  But we must embrace one another AND our NATION'S President, who by G-d IS OUR President, and work with him as he supports our people Israel. Otherwise, hate will consume our Nation.  And Nazism will rise.

There is no time. Every day is a day wasted.  Every day with hate is a day too late.  Now, in this month with Purim, G-d is both hidden and revealed. People ask me often why am I up at 2am writing.  This is why - Because i know our lack of unity is the root of evil.

I believe behind Trump's mask is a man who wants to save Israel.  I believe in his vision - to make America greater. We must be united on these things:  IF we make America more secure; IF we rebuild our infrastructure; If we build business: IF we create greater prosperity which lifts up wages and creates opportunity that must be shared in every way, including through entrepreneurial activity and philanthropy, by virtue of how a free market economy works; IF we crush the evil RADICAL Islam ideologies of ISIS and we stand up for Israel in the UN and around the world; IF we denounce not just the hate we see, but also the hate in our hearts, even if that hate is of our President, THEN we will be unstoppable against evil forces in the world.

Previous Post:
American Muslims Can Change the World

Thursday, March 2, 2017

American Muslims Can Change the World

Following the recent wave of bomb threats against Jewish community centers and vandalism of Jewish cemetaries, some Muslims offered to help guard Jewish sites. 

Through acts like this, American Muslims can start to change the world. But it it will take one big change in the heirarchy of Shia Muslim to truly establish it.

Since the dawn of Judaism, then Christianity, and then Islam, these religions have looked and prayed to "the east." The core of their faith, relied on their prophets' messages, who came from that part of the world, and so it seemed that from that point on we had to look for interpreters who did as well. 

Over time, authorities outside that region shaped those religions. Most obviously example being the Catholic Church and the Vatican in Rome.  And other example is the North American Reform Jewish movement. 

The religion of Islam is the youngest of these three religions, by far.  One of the most positive potential developments, in my opinion, is how Muslim Americans can reshape their religion.  Actions such as the offers to guard Jewish sites is promising example of that. 

Ayatollah is a high-ranking title given to Usuli Twelver ShÄ«‘ah clerics. They answer to the Grand Marja', commonly known as Grand Ayatollah. In other words, the Grand Marja' are the supreme legal authority for twelver Shia clerics.  The bulk of Grand Marja have been out of Iran, Iraq, India, Bahrain, Kuwait, Pakistan, Saudia Arabia, and even the UK. But NONE have EVER existed in the United States.  That needs to change!! 

Muslim clerics in the the United States need to be able to take their authority from a Grand Marja here in the USA. One who grew up here, and who truly appreciates American values and loves what America stands for. And when this happens, American Muslims will change the world, for the better.  But I don't expect the Marja in Iran will agree in my lifetime.  I hope they prove me wrong!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Trump Should Thank Obama

Matt Brooks, Executive Director of the JTA - “There’s a professional complaining class in the Jewish community that will criticize and attack Donald Trump no matter what he says." Brooks added, "People who genuinely have an open mind, individuals and organizations, see he is following through on commitments he made on campaign, he is repositioning in a positive way the U.S.-Israel relationship.”

Obama sold Israel out to anti-Semites at the UN and emboldened Abbas.  He returned hundreds of millions to Iran that will help them sponsor terrorism and put Iran on a path to having a nuclear bomb.  During Obama, the BDS movement blossomed and Abbas undermined Israel around the world.

Today, and in less than 2 months since becoming President, Trump has repaired relations with Israel, put Iran on notice in a way that is scaring the crap out of Iran's leaders.  At the recent 38th Anniversary of the revolutions, leaders discouraged the burning USA flags. Unheard of!  Key world leaders in Britain, France, Australia, and elsewhere, including even in the middle east, have begun to make more positive remarks about Israel. Trump called out NATO over the lack of fair financial participation by every country except the USA and Britain, and as a result several key nations have positively responded and pledged to step up their contributions!

These are huge improvements in less than 60 days. And the uber left is making an issue of things like Trump not attending the stupid Correspondents Dinner, which is so partisan it would make me vomit my meal.

Media like the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, the culture of Hollywood turn everything into a negative story about Trump. The blow his words out of proportion before any actions are actually taken.  In the process the relentless 24x7 criticism has become so tiresome and one side that it is helping Trump's ratings, not hurting him. Trump knows it so he plays the Left like a fiddle by baiting them with remarks.

So when Jimmi Kimmel Tweets Trump from center stage during the Oscars he is giving Trump publicity he could not buy!  Why does Kimmel, and others do it?  Because it has become so fashionable to bash Trump in the Hollywood culture who are so obsessed with their themselves that they can't resist playing to themselves. Progressive Liberals are so fixated on bashing Trump that it is creating hysteria - people going out in the streets to March dressed up as vaginas. The excessive pounding on the POTUS is benefiting Republicans, and psychologists. I bet there isn't a therapist is Chappaqua with an opening in their calendar.  Meanwhile, Trump is winning over VETs, Unions, and starting to penetrate strongholds in the Democratic party like blacks, who are beginning to rethink who is going to really help the inner cities with jobs and greater economic prosperity.

Trump has made it clear that he views the liberal press as biased and unfair - having coined the phrase "fake news" to describe those that have taken their one sided coverage too far.  Trump is as entitled to free speech as anyone - and he is free to charactrise the opposition as the opposition, if he sees it that way.  He is by NO means alone!

The more endlessly uber Liberals talk about the sky falling and a fascist dictator in the upping, because God forbid the President wants to enforce actual immigration laws and demands our borders mean something, supports the 2nd Ammendment, and calls for an end to RADICAL Islamic ideology attack on the West and Israel, the more uber Liberals embolden white supremist.

I have been saying since Trump announced his Presidency that discounting him and discrediting his agenda was only helping him and dividing our country.  And that is what is happening. While Trump talks about uniting America, downsizing the waste and beauracracy in Washington, doing more to keep America safe and supporting Israel, the uber Liberals talk about bringing down the President and the Republican party - dividing America.  Is it any wonder that recent polls are saying more Americans trust Trump more than the media and that Nancy Pelosi is the most hated politician in America.

So I post till I am blue in the face that Democrats have got to take a new tact for their sake and the sake of the country.  America loses the more uber Liberals go in the direction they are going.  Obama divided our country because he swung the political pendulum all the way to the left!  The reason we have a wacko like Trump is BECAUSE of Obama!!  Don't you see? Trump would not even have run for President, or run as hard as he did, let alone won, if Obama and the left media hadn't discredited Trump and his agenda.

The answer is to start working together.  One can either hold out a hand or hold up a fist. Holding up a fist only divides America further and leads to less attractive totally partisan solutions that do not work. Like Obamacare which is failing by its design and would have already failed if taxpayers were not making up for insurance company losses.

By contrast today, Trump has business leaders, many of whom are staunch Democrats, sitting down together and influencing him in CONSTRUCTIVE WAYS.  They have the good sense to know that working together to counsel Trump and help his presidency succeed is more effective at moderating policy decisions in order to get better results for our Nation. On the other hand, are politicians like Schumer and Pelosi, and media like the NYT, that hold up their fists, and get shut out of the process, and the room, and only embolden far right decisions making.

In the Broadway show Hamilton, there is a scene, "In the Room Where It Happens," which portrays a key moment in political history when George Washington told Hamilton to sit down with his opposition and work it out. Out of that quintessential bi-partisan meeting the Central Banking System moved ahead and NYC became the center of banking and finance FOR THE WORLD and on the flip side of the deal the Capital of the United States moved south near the Potomac - a WIN-WIN.

America does not win when half of it loses!  And that is what uber the left and the uber right do.  For them it is all about picking winners and making losers. When you work from two far sides, it takes a longer bridge!  When you start in the middle, where there is common ground, you can take any issue, even a difficult one like abortion, and work from the middle and work it out!

George Washington warned America in his farewell letter that the greatest threat to our Nation was to allow our partisan differences to turn into the vengeful politics we have today. Then he went home to sit quietly ...

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

LIAR, LIAR, LIAR .... really?

The left and the media have a great time demonizing Trump. They especially like the "liar" meme!  Trump makes himself as easy target, you might say.  Are you being completely fair and unbiased?

For over a year on the campaign trail Trump vowed to:

  • bring back jobs to America
  • to cut regulations
  • reform taxes
  • promote school choice/charter schools
  • release an infrastructure plan
  • repeal & replace Obamacare
  • build the wall with Mexico
  • replace big trade agreements with bilateral deals
  • stand up to Iran
  • introduce "extreme vetting" of migrants
  • restart relations with Russia in order to work together to fight ISIS
  • to put pressure on NATO allies to pay their fair share
  • to appoint a Supreme Justice from a list of strict constitutionalist
  • move our Israel Embassy to Israel's capital

His claims were dismissed as campaign braggadocio, even though he would bracket most of his promises with the words "believe me".

He is now delivering what he promised. Rapidly!

In politics, to have a winner actually keep their promises to the base who put them in office, even if it means taking extreme criticism and outright hate from the political opposition, is actually pretty remarkable if you ask me.

I acknowledge that his claims about the turnout to the inauguration are not believable, whether or not he actually believes his claims. Same to be said about his stand on voter fraud.

Another valid criticism is that he is making some missteps.  For example, with the roll out the travel restrictions.  You can chalk those mistakes up to being reckless.

But you can also liken his missteps to an aggressive entrepreneurial style and his complete lack of either political or governmental experience.  If the latter is the main reason, we can expect him to learn from his mistakes.  What's key is that he has reached out to advisory groups in business, pharma, etc, and he is placing calls and having direct conversations with other national leaders. I believe this will inform and improve his strategy and decision making as we go forward.

No one on the left would ever acknowledge this, but when you put his missteps into perspective with all his kept campaign promises, he may come out as one of the more honest politicians.

(NOTE: A national media polls just release approved the American people "love" President Trump's executive orders. By an extraordinary margin of 55% to 33%, they especially love his refugee pause. The Emerson poll shows Trump is more trusted than the media. In fact, on this particular issue, he beats them by double digits.)

But here's the thing.  Ultimately, he IS our President.  Let's try to tone things down, and pray for him AND our country to succeed.  Any person in a new job, in a field they have NEVER been in before, needs some time to learn the ropes and gain the benefit of the insights that from their experiences, and even their mistakes!  Let's all be honest - wishing Trump to fail, because you hate him so much - is wishing America to fail.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Out Of The Mainsteam

As the expression goes, you only see the tip of the iceberg.  And some very important things are happening that you do not see in mainstream media regarding the Middle East, Israeli security and relations between Israel, Russia, and the USA.

When you do see something in our mainstream media it overlooks greater implications or underlying reasoning.  One such example is the remarks by Trump just before the Superbowl about his "respect for Putin" and "are we so innocent?" Trump is willing to take extreme criticism for such unpopular remarks.  And conventional reasoning about why he says such controversial statements is missing possible explanations.

I say this is leading up to something big which Trump foreshadowed time & again during his campaign - a promise he will keep, unlike four Presidents before him.  Every six months the President MUST SIGN A WAIVER TO DELAY A CONGRESSIONAL DECISION PASSED DECADES AGO TO MOVE THE US EMBASSY BACK TO JERUSALEM. Obama signed the last waiver about 2 months ago. The next waiver against moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem needs to be signed by President Trump in about 4 months.  I say Trump will announce his decision, around the end of March, NOT TO SIGN THAT WAIVER.

Prime Minister Netanyahu has been rather withdrawn from the media most recently.  Trump has gone "radio silent" regarding his campaign promise to move the US Embassy.   Both Trump and Netanyahu are readying for what will come if/when Trump follows through on his promise.

Simultaneously, the Administration has put Iran "on notice" and warned them that the USA will not tolerate their defiance of U.N. orders regarding ballistic missile tests, or threatening maneuvers against our navy or airforce any longer. But, true to his campaign, Trump will not speak to questions about possible military actions to deal with Iran. Trump has always been highly critical of the way Obama would give advance notice to the enemy.

Iran's leaders are taunting Trump verbally, and it is only a matter of time before they test him like did Obama many times by drawing threateningly close to our armed forces. We know General Mattis and Trump will handle future provocations in a very different manner!  Watch movements of the US Navy!

Iran's leaders have called moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem a declaration of war. To protect Americans here in the USA, Trump tried to take security precautions regarding the seven nations identified by the Obama Administration as supporting terror, which also are aligned with Iran. But the Trump Administration will need to provide classified information to judges who blocked those actions in order to clear their way.

In January, Israel conducted a preemptive strike against Syria's weapons, greatly reducing their threat in the event Israel takes actions against Hezbollah in Lebanon, or a strike against Iran's missile or nuclear capabilities.  This past week, Israel increased preparations and readiness against threats by Hamas in Gaza.  (See article below.)  They are also strengthening defenses around settlements, such as Hebron.

I believe both Trump and Netanyahu are making obvious efforts to warm relations with Russia, in order to neutralize any negative Russian response to Israeli security actions in response to Arab uprisings in Israel, Gaza, or the West Bank, as well as a military event with Iran.  Trump's and Nentanyahu's efforts to strengthen relations with Russia are so exceptional that they are willing to trigger considerable political and public criticism both at home and abroad.

Moscow greatly praised Israel’s abstention when the UN voted on sanctions against Russia. According to publications monitoring the Middle East, "On the last day of 2016, the final night of Hanukkah, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Russian President Vladimir Putin. In their second phone conversation of the week, the two leaders discussed developments in the Middle East with a special focus on the Palestinian-Israeli peace process and continued security coordination in Syria."

"Russia looks at Israel as a true partner, not only in politics, but also in economics, especially in high-tech cooperation. There are at least three Russian-speaking ministers (defense, immigration and environmental protection) in Israel’s government that see a strengthening of Russian-Israeli relations as a means to strengthen their own political power."

For his part, Trump is sending very strong signals regarding his willingness to lift sanctions.  Watch for repeated direct conversations between Trump and Putin beginning now that Rex Tillerson's appointment has been cleared. Trumps selection of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State his sends a huge message to Putin!

The Middle East is a powder keg.  I think the detonating cap will be President Trump's decision TO NOT SIGN THE WAIVER which will set up the final stages for moving the US Embassy. Palestinian leader Abbas said that moving the Embassy to Jerusalem "would open the gates of hell."  Trump and Netanyahu are preparing to show him the door.

Previous Blog Posts:

Step Back

No Wonder There Is Confusion

Radical Departure From Radical Islam

Text from article regarding Israel preparations:
"The IDF’s Gaza Division of the Southern Command completed its largest annual training exercise near the Gaza Strip on Friday.

According to the army, hundreds of soldiers, including reservists, participated in the five-day drill, which simulated among other things a massive infiltration by Hamas commando units into communities in southern Israel.

In the simulation, which was planned as part of the 2017 training programs, large numbers of Hamas commandos managed to infiltrate Israeli communities via tunnels, by para-gliders and from the sea.

During Operation Protective Edge in 2014, five Hamas naval commandos tried to infiltrate Kibbutz Zikim before they were killed by the IDF.

Israel’s defense establishment has warned that the IDF must pay special attention to the strengthening of Hamas’s naval commando unit, which is reported to have more divers than before the conflict two years ago.

IDF special forces units, as well as infantry and armored brigades, navy, air force and Home Front Command took part in the exercise.

According to Gaza Division commander Brig.-Gen. Yehuda Fuchs, “The Gaza Division exercise was an excellent opportunity to strengthen the preparedness of both active duty and reserve battalions.”"

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Step Back

If you think the world has gone mad, and all the anti Trump rallies and outrage is loud now, I'm afraid we have only seen the beginning.  My heart tells me it does not end well at all.  We need to step back and tone down the rhetoric, and the Trump hate.  All the fear and hate regarding Trump and the current administration can lead to level of violence and anarchy that several generations in America have not experienced in their life time.

The anger in the bellies of Americans is fermenting. Lines are drawn, sides chosen. The kindling wood is stacked in people's attitudes. And the gasoline of emotion is soaking the pile.  The whole country, the whole world is dangerously conditioned to explode.  A spark could do it.  But a detonating cap surely would.

The catalyst for the cataclysm that I speak of won't be a supreme court justice confirmation.  It won't be a wall or fence.  It won't be another regulation discarded, or even the repeal of Obamacare.  It won't be another absurd and embarrassing remark by Trump or pictures of his son with a magnificent African animal slaughtered for his trophy room. No, all those things are the logs on the Left's bonfire pile.

The Right has a point of explosion too.  But you won't see it until it is too late.  The Right, is the "silent" movement that changed the country's course.  They won't rise up in rowdy displays when banks start to lend. They won't march when new factories open and wages rises. They won't ever desecrate a flag, or shutdown free speech, and destroy property because their taxes were lowered, or raised, or for most any reason. The Right will keep the peace until the peace is broken. The Right's response won't be highly visible until there is anarchy.  The Right will apply law to lawless, even if that law is Marshall Law.

Bring it on, did you say?  Please do not wish for this!  This would be the worst way to work out our differences.  Violence nearly always begets violence. No body is spared. And the enemy is not some stranger or foreign aggressor. The "enemy," Left or Right, is our American family. These are your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends, your church or temple members, even your family! Who could be happy to see either side bloodied?!  And, we all love the children.

We need to step back. We need to imagine where THIS leads. Neither the Left or the Right wants to live in the other's America. And we don't!  We live in OUR America. And America is stronger and better because of the other, not in spite of the other. We fought our wars together, with one devastating exception.  We built our highways together and went to the moon together.

Now, not latter, before the detonating cap is detonated, we need to come together. I tell you, I see the cap and have labeled it before.  I believe the timer is set, and it is about to be put in place. Please do not put this decision off. Please do not assume we have many tomorrows left or that it is OK to test the other side a little while longer. Please do not assume that you can put things back together or that the other side will give in, or that you will be victorious.

Make the decision to be courageous.  Go high, go first. Hold out your hand. Say, lets talk. See the good in the other!  Be open to the possibilty of their validity!  It doesn't make you weak.  It takes courage to hold out an olive branch. It is hard to step forward and away from your center, your base, where you have drawn your strength from.  But there is another place to draw all the strength and courage you need.

Saturday, February 4, 2017


There are many reasons folks travel to and from America!  A) tourism, b) business, c) temporary work, d) visiting family, e) for a medical procedure, f) to immigrate, g) asylum , h) military, i) diplomatic, j) criminal, and k) other basic purposes.

It is our government's obligation to maintain control of the entire realm of issues associated with ensuring America's safety with regard to everyone crossing our borders and entering our country.  The government carries the awesome burden of addressing a myriad of factors. 1) accounting for who, how many, where.  2) legalities - following proper procedure and permission. 3) illegalities - foods or items that are banned such as drugs, weapons, plants or species. 4) societal risks - communicable diseases, terrorist intentions, smuggling, sex trafficking, etc.

Then there are the different logistics and challenges associated with each means of entry:
- air (private, commercial)
- highway
- boat (cruise ship, freight ship, private vessel, etc.)
- by foot

It is daunting to imagine the complexities of managing all this when you consider the possible combinations of the lettered scenarios in the top list with the numbered obligations in my middle list, and the bullet list of entries.

In addition, the risk factors differ, change, and fluctuate depending on: Country, geopolitical events such as wars and uprisings, and economic conditions.   Even weather, natural disasters, and time of year can effect the flow of travel, reasons for travel, and the makeup of travelers.

Last but not least is the matter of the government's capacity to manage all of this.  They have got workforce factors such as staffing levels, documentation and tracking requirements, training, quality and productivity, background checks, use of technology, etc.

What's more you have got questions such as our political and domestic agenda. For example the desires of our politicians an what's best from a social, demographic, or economic perspective for our nation. The answers differ between our Nation as a whole and between particular regions. They even differ in terms of the impact to certain business sectors and specific types of companies.


Our President has made it abundantly obvious that he going to make major changes in how he is going to deal with treats from Iran and radical Islam. He has made it abundantly obvious that he is going change our diplomatic approach with Israel, China, Russia, Syria, Mexico, the European Union, and others on matters of trade, security, and with regard to various tensions, problems, and crisis that we have in the world.


Plus the President needs time to meet and/or speak to dozens of leaders from these countries one-on-one to develop rapport, let alone to show respect.

What's more, the President and our government need to transition from Obama's team to Trump's team, for lack of a better expression.  From the cabinet, to heads of departments, to literally thousands of appointed positions, there are offices getting cleared out and new people that have to deal with moving into a new job, with much to learn and new relations to form. Each one is an individual dealing with both the professional and personal details associated with big life changes!!

And all the while government has to continue to function!!

IT IS NO WONDER THAT THERE IS CONFUSION!  Even the meanings of the words immigrant, refugee, visa holder, and green card get conflated. And circumstances associated with one class get mixed up with another class.

SO, if the President says we need a few months to deal with all this with regard to the risks associated with seven countries classified previously as having a higher risk to our national security, I AM WILLING TO GIVE HIM THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT.

I recognize that ANY DELAY, EVEN POTENTIALLY JUST ONE DAY can place a terrible hardship on a refugee, let alone an ordinary traveler.  I recognize that the pain, suffering, and struggle borne by the vast vast vast majority of the refugees who are innocent victims is unimaginable. My heart is not hardened and my political views do not define my sense of compassion or dictate my ethics.

Trusting that the President and many dozens of our congress men & women have our American best interest in heart does not make one a racist or an Islamophobe!

Sharing videos and articles which depict legitimate insights into the cultures we are dealing with, and other people's valid points of view does not make one a racist or an Islamophobe

Expressing opinions about the hypocrisy that exists with regard to how Jews and Israel have been mistreated in order to present some relative perspective is fair and understandable, and does not make one a racist or an Islamophobe!

What makes one a racists is what is in their heart!!  What promotes Islamophobia more than anything in my opinion, is three things: 1. the actions of Muslims, 2. Not allowing for and curtailing an open and respectful discussion, 3. Calling others Islamophobes over legitimate concerns and ethical desires which happen to disagree with your own!