Saturday, June 6, 2020


. . . ENOUGH!   

The slogan Black Lives Matter is often said to suggest that our society doesn't value blacks and is systematically racist. I do NOT accept that premise.  Black lives matter tremendously. 
It is obvious that they matter, in politics, in government jobs, in fashion, in music, in sports and entertainment, in all walks of life. America has black poet laureates and black Presidential Cabinet members and a black Surgeon General. Our last two term President was black. And MANY MANY police officers are black.

America is not defined by Racism.  The fact is that the majority of hate crimes are anti-Semetic and I don't believe that America is defined as Anti-Semitic either. There will always be racism, bigotry and anti-Semitism but they do not define our nation.  America is more diverse, open and tolerant than any country in the world.  

I am certain that if either George Washington, Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King Jr were able to observe the progress our nation has made in terms of race they would be quite pleased.  With one exception. Reverend King would be greatly disturbed by how little black lives matter to other blacks!  I am certain King would shed tears if he watched his brothers & sisters destroying property and looting stores.  Neither justice or Dr. King's "dream" are achieved by those actions.  At least Dr. King would take great satisfaction and comfort in the fact that the police officer who murdered Floyd was immediately arrested. 

Blacks Live Matter, but based on what I see, black lives don't matter ENOUGH to blacks  If BLACK LIVES MATTERED MORE:
  • Blacks would be voting out politicians, like the mayor of Minneapolis who do NOT keep their promises to get rid of bad cops and change the laws that allow the use of choke holds like the one that killed George Floyd. They would also demanding that Police Unions not obstruct the removal of bad cops. 
  • Blacks wouldn't call other blacks "coons" and "Uncle Tom's" when they are critical of Democratic policies which they believe have lead to many of the problems in their black communities.
  • There wouldn't be such a disproportionate number of blacks being shot and killed by blacks;
  • Their wouldn't be as many black babies aborted
  • America wouldn't be a country with millions of fatherless black sons;
  • Blacks would drive the drug dealers out of their own neighborhoods;
  • Blacks would not tolerate looting, violence and the destruction of property in their communities; 
  • Blacks wouldn't tolerate children dropping out of high school since a good education is a way out of "the projects." 
The data and this black man support what I am saying. 

Ironically, it is acceptable to discriminate in favor of blacks and against whites in order to offer positions and opportunities to blacks on the basis of ethnicity.  It is called affirmative action.

Believing that America is a racist nation is a self-fulfilling negative affirmation. I have a higher belief in America.  We are a Nation under God that fought it's bloodiest war ever 160 years ago to abolish slavery.  The Liberty Bell with it's biblical expression "Proclaim Liberty throughout the land" is what defines America.  

Frankly, I think the phrase BLM itself is racist. Black lives matter NOT because they are black. They matter because they are human beings!  Juries shouldn't see color and God certainly doesn't. The only color that matters is that we all bleed red.  

Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream and it doesn't resemble the violent BLM riots we are seeing on today's streets. Judging people on the color of their skin is the opposite of what I believe Dr. King was dreaming about.

We hear politicians time and again running for leadership in cities like Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Newark, NYC, D.C. and elsewhere on the saying "black lives matter." They win elections over and again and the conditions stay the same in inner cities. 

LIFE MATTERS. And when it doesn't matter, as in the case of murder, crime and abortion, the disproportionate probability black lives are affected and or involved.  

POVERTY MATTERS. We need leadership that builds up lives and communities through policies that lead to prosperity rather than dependence. Prosperity is the best answer to the financial despair that is destroying lives. 

JOBS MATTER. We need leadership that creates all kinds of jobs by bringing back manufacturing and promoting vocational training.  Jobs are the launching pad out of poverty.  Jobs take the neighborhoods back from the criminals. 

AUTHORITY MATTERS. When people don't respect the authority of the police, cops end up in situations where they have to use force. The odds of a mistake and people getting seriously injured increase dramatically when force becomes a requirement for handling a criminal situation. 

Protests which label the police as racist cause citizens, especially angry young black men, to devalue and disrespect the authority of the police which in turn increases the chance that police are required to use of force to handle a matter. If police are in more situations where they have to use force it is inevitable that there will be more injury and death.  Therefore, the narrative about systemic racism by police will actually lead to more tragedies such as George Floyd. 

The attitude of "de-funding the police" will contribute to the disrespect of authority.  Police have an obligation to defend citizens and neighborhoods.  Telling police to "stand down" as people's businesses are looted and their property is destroyed is insanity. 

FAMILY MATTERS. Our earliest and lifelong role models are parents, for better or worse.  Too often it is for the worse in black families that lack of father. Young black men are at greater risk of choosing the wrong role models. Children need to be taught lessons on a daily basis from on young age. That responsibility shouldn't fall on just a mother. The fatherless epidemic is encouraged by policies, which however well intended, have had dire consequences for the black family structure. 

FAITH MATTERS. God and faith lifts people's spirits and strengthens them to do battle against the evil forces and events in their life. We need leaders who recognize that moral authority comes from God, NOT a political party.

EMPATHY MATTERS. My heart empathizes with the ANY parents who are working hard to provide their children with a better life in a home committed to family and devoted to a higher authority, education, work ethic, love and respect for others. My heart empathizes with the parents whose struggles are so much worse because they have to deal with violence, crime, drugs and other damaging images that their children are faced with in their own neighborhoods. 

President Trump's appeal to blacks during his Presidential campaign was brilliantly simple and it worked, because it made so much sense. He simply said "What do you have to lose?" He didn't make any promises, he ran against the horrible track record of a past President who promised "Hope & Change" and delivered nothing while he and our nation watched a growing number of violent BLM protests.  

Trump got his chance and he increased funding to black colleges, introduced economic development zones and brought about the greatest economic improvement for the black workers in history!  He also started to turn back conditions that were sending blacks to prison for long sentences. President Trump listened to leaders in the black community with real plans for positive change. Obama listened to a tax evader Al Sharpton who divides America and perpetuates racist sentiments.

Last but not least . . .


George Floyd's autopsy showed a "significant condition" fentanyl intoxication.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50-100 times stronger than morphine. Every year some 30,000 people die from overdoses involving synthetic opioids (other than methadone). China is the #1 source for fentanyl. 

President Trump has worked harder than any other President to stop shipments of fentanyl into the USA by better controlling our southern border and putting pressure on China. As a result of the Administration's efforts, for the first time we saw a reduction in the number of deaths from opioid overdoses. 

Trump has also spoken out about cities such as Minneapolis, Baltimore, Chicago and others where their is systemic poverty, crime and drugs. Cities that have been cotrolled by Democratic governments for decades. 


Consider this black woman's perspective:

Monday, June 1, 2020


Minneapolis has a Democratic mayor and is largely governed by Democrats for decades and has a black police chief.  They both allow the restraint method that killed George Floyd, despite expert advise.

Minneapolis is one of many other cities in the USA with large black populations and Democratic leadership which are fraught with rampant poverty and crime, despite massive Federal financial support.
These cities have been governed in ways which have perpetuated poverty, drugs and households WITHOUT a father. Children are very often in a hopeless situation without positive role models and terrible future prospects.
As young teens, on the streets and looking for cash, the young men turn to crime because they are taught to be criminals by the generations of men before them. Violence is inevitable.  Women turn to pregnancy and welfare, taking on multiple partners and having multiple children to multiple fathers. They don't stop even after they don't want more babies, and Democrats have the solution for that - abortion.
Yet Democrats blame Republicans rather than acknowledging the system is broken, taking responsibility and working with Republicans for solutions.
Republicans who point out the failures are called racists. And whenever an incident such as George Floyd happens they say America is racist - and the solution is vote Democrat. Exploiting race is a primary political strategy for Democrats for 60 years. The Democratic response to what happened in Minneapolis is just another example in a very familiar pattern.
Biden meant what he said when he said "If you vote for Trump (and Conservatives) you ain't black."
Let's not lose sight of the fact that George Floyd was being arrested for the Federal crime of using counterfeit money.  He did resist and the officer was using a legal method of restraint, albeit incorrectly.  Nonetheless, when an incident like George Floyd happens the intercity population have every right and reason to protest! They should demand justice.  They should demand that their Democratic leaders stop allowing methods that has been outlawed in many other places across the USA!  
What is important, and the mainstream media and Democrats are not doing is praising the fact that JUSTICES IS BEING SERVED!  Police responsible were arrested. Others will be fired. The President and AG immediately acted and promised justice and are seeing to it that justice is quickly executed. They are also trying to deescalate the violence which hurts innocent citizens and businesses.
President Trump's response.

AG Barr's response. 

The Leftist anarchists want REVOLUTION.
Antifa, Soros and other Leftist that want to overthrow the Founder's vision of America PLAN AND WAIT for opportunities such as Minneapolis. They organize violent riots and looting. They destroy the very businesses and economy that was starting to develop in cities which offered some hope.
Signs of hope were springing up in a big way for blacks in the economic development zones that the President had launched! The Administration's economic development zones were working -- Private investment, lower tax benefits and Capitalism was working! This is a nightmare for Communist, Socialists and other Far left ideologues.
Alt Left anarchists exploit race to destroy the hopeful opportunities which a vibrant economy presents for upward mobility.
For many decades it has been a viscous cycle for poor intercity communities with large black populations. The buildings and infrastructure looks like a war zone. In many residential communities the housing is so dilapidated that it would literally be better to bulldoze the entire street and start over.
This is why President Trump ran for President by famously saying to blacks, "WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE!" That same theme came center stage with Baltimore and the failures there Trump pointed out when he criticized it's Federal elected Representative Elijah Cummings.
The way a Minneapolis police officer restrained George Floyd before he died — placing his knee on Floyd's neck while the man lay on his stomach — is widely discredited by law enforcement experts because it can cause suffocation. Many cities prohibit this method but NOT Minneapolis! Wonder why??
Both the current Mayor and police chief in Minneapolis ran on a platform of change!! There have been many other incidents and complaints in the past!
It was time to give President Trump a chance. He was having a positive difference. Then covid came along. Once again, crime seemed like the only way up.
THE BIGGER PICTURE:  We are coming into a presidential election!!  There are no coincidences.
I find it disturbingly coincidental that the country which would most like to remove President Trump and replace him with CCP friendly president Biden is China.
After resisting Trump's efforts to negotiate better trade deals for over 3 years, in the exact same weeks that China is finally giving in, the virus is announced. The virus is literally spreading in China at the exact time when The final details of the China deal are being inked.
And we know there is a second phase to deal that the administration is pushing for that will put the Communist party under even greater pressure to be fair and forthright in trade with the USA. A model which no doubt other countries will push for. If Trump wins a second term China would surely be subject to much greater pressure!
With impeachment off the table, China knew that their best last hope for seeing trump removed would be the failure of the US economy which was doing so phenomenally under Trump. Solution - the Wuhan virus.
Plus, the virus was an effective means of killing the older population in China who were an unproductive burden on the CCP who were facing extreme pressure to provide better health care. With the "one child policy" presenting many problems for the CCP, maybe it was time to attack population growth from the other end of the life spectrum.
I realize this is conjecture. But I do not put anything past the draconian evil CCP.  And as we've seen with the Russian Hoax and the Ukraine Hoax and 3 years of impeachment attempts, we can't put anything past the Democratic Party and the Deep State's attempt to gain back the power and money of the White House. 

Thursday, April 9, 2020


An extremely large event will shape the future.  An event as major as a world pandemic will alter the course of history.

The Novel Coronavirus irus is apt to cause radical transformation in diverse areas of lifestyle and personal behaviour, business, politics, etc. While many aspects will settle back to normal, the changes will wash through many industries.

Large trends emerge. Great new opportunities are created.  There is massive creative destruction whereby somethings that were well established before the event, are rapidly destroyed and replaced.

With the CCP Virus there will be BOTH BIG winners and losers.  For many years to come we will be observing and noting big changes which will last well into the future.

Entrepreneurs and investors rise and fall based on their ability to forsee change and their talent to leverage it. Riding a big trend makes some people very successful.

The first place one starts is to identify that such an event is taking place. It is pretty easy to see that the CCP Virus qualifies perfectly.

The next step is to be anticipate the changes.  One has to identify the ways the CCP virus, or what evervthe event is, will change the ways people will think and behave.

The last step is to translate that into specific opportunities.  Be those stocks or a business move, or some other way in which one might position themselves or their business to benefit from the new ways people and organizations will spend their money and time in the future.

Some of the futurists will be authors who write about and document the change.  Thinkers are buzzing.

For others, the effects will be far more personal.  Like the choice to retire or whether to enter or exit a marriage, to have a baby, move, start a hobby or even to start reading and studying the bible.

People and businesses will be goal setting directly because of the CCP virus. Big decisions and life changes will be made.  The CCP Virus is transforming the world, one human being at a time, all at the same time. The world will never be the same.  You might say it is being born again


P.S. For those readers who may have expected me to offer a list of actual big winners & losers, I say this.  I have started the list in my mind. I can discuss it. But I am not ready to publish it.

Thursday, April 2, 2020



Do you remember learning "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" in high school? It rarely applies in modern society.  

COVID-19 is throwing CERTAIN PLACES in the world back to the first two levels of Maslow's Hierarchy -- Basic Needs -  otherwise known as Survival mode. 

Over the coming weeks the number of cases will SKYROCKET!  Deaths will go up too. We are at war with an "invisible enemy" and the casualties will be warlike.

In the USA the worst will be in NYC. (Though there may be other hot spots.) Anger towards Mayor Del Blasio will challenge his leadership and may threaten his ability to even be the mayor. I would not be surprised to see Governor Cuomo intervene in NYC through the use of the National Guard.  (If you are Guardsman in NY State, there is an increasing chance of being called to duty. Ready your household to be without you in the wsys you were trsined to do so.)
Countries such as Italy, Spain, Iran and others are becoming overwhelmed. We may see pandemonium as their governments lose the abilty to cope with the fear, anger and unrest.

With mass hysteria normal society fails to function. Systems we take for granted start to collapse and fail.

Some country goverments may need to declare "Marshall Law" and turn to their military to control the general population. Expect edicts such curfews and rationing.

Because arresting the masses is not feasible, the military will need to use strong arm tactics.  Visuals of this happening will be highly disturbing. Seeing one's own county's military used on it's own citizens will freak people out!  This adds to the fear, anger and unrest.

"Desperate people do desperate things!"
The public in Europe will start to blame the European Union (E.U.) itself.  The E.U. is operated by unelected bureaucrats. 

Such people DO NOT have the stature or nature to lead Europe in times of crisis. They lack the credibility and authority to command respect. The very viability of the European Union is going to be called into question.
WARNING: This is a viscious cycle that will bring down some leaders and elevate other leaders. The times ahead provide an opportunity, a calling even, for charismatic leaders to arise and rise rapidly. 

The media is going to play up the increase in cases causing some to panic. Scenes from Europe will be highly disturbing. As bad as that will be, what IS HAPPENING in communist China and Iran is worse.

State run media in China and Iran, also Russia, will try to block those images. They can not block them all.  Images and messages by courageous individuals and cries for help will sneak out and expose their evil systems of government.

America needs most mainstream media, (e.g. NYT, Washington Post, CNN, MSN, etc.), to change their agenda and how they operate. Their business model thrives on fear and promiting resentment and distrust of the present Administration. That is hurting America at a time when we need solidarity and optimism.  We need to win and that requires a winning attitude.

TURN OFF CHANNELS THAT FAIL TO DO THAT.  If you must watch TV, watch the Hallmark Channel, a nature documentary or a comedy movie rather than CNN or MSN!  
The World WILL defeat Covid-19. The more crucial battle is for the Soul of our Nation, and our own!  
As individuals and families we need to hunker down for a while. Create a protective barrier for your physical health and spirit. Gaurd your loved ones. Check in on close friends so they know your care. Offer comfort and assistance if you can and do not feel ashamed if you need to ask for help!

Reset your priorities. Less is more. Maintain a sence of gratitude. Peace is found through gratitude. Read scriptures or find other positive influences and activities.

There is another side to the tragedy of Covid-19.  We will get through this. There will be a rebirth, I promise.



2020 is an Extraordinary Year!

2020 = 40 = MEM  = Water, Choas, Blood
2020 = 400 = TAV = Cross, Sign Covenant

5780 is the year of the roar!

Sunday, March 29, 2020


COVID-19 is to the world a bit like cancer is to an individual family. 

If you have ever been through a health crisis, such as a serious cancer, you may be noticing some similarities to being locked down for COVID-19.  

With cancer, because of the effects of chemo one has to wash their hands and be far more careful about exposure to germs.  There are periods of time when your shut in. 

I remember when we went through Mary's cancer. The cancer was a curse but it was also a blessing in a strange sense too.  Of course there is the fear of the unknown. Concerns about survival. Questions about the future. But there was a bright side. Always look at the bright side! 

Human beings respond in certain basic ways to a crisis. 

Some with fear, anger, hate and blame. Others positively resetting their lives and seeking constructive ways to use their time at home. Generally speaking, all & all, adversity changes us for the better.

The breast surgeon said to Mary and me that it was going to be a very long year and to take it a day at a time.  Patience is key at times. 

That was a long year. Much longer than the "lockdown" we have now with COVID-19. But I notice now some similar aspects to the psychology of coping.

Here is little lady Charlotte sanding with my son Alex who is making shelves. Alex is also a major gardener. Covid-19 has given him time to get ahead. Whereas I went the route of flowers and trees, Alex went the root of vegetables. (Pun intended if you caught my spelling mistake.) 

I love what I see people doing in response to the virus crisis. I see people bonding every which way. Last night during a virtual Havdala service, I played "Rock, Scissors, Paper" with Rabbi Victor and friends from Temple Beth-El. Families are cooking a dinner together. Folks are doing household projects. Some are taking hikes. What a great time to go fishing or read poetry. 

With cancer, even though we had loving support, we pretty much had to go through it ourselves.  While our world turned upside down, everyone else's world was the same. 

Whereas with Covid-19, the entire world is upside down together. We are in it together. We are being brought together. 

With cancer and the chemo one can lose the taste of food, but gain an appreciation for the taste of life. 


Saturday, March 28, 2020


Laughter is good medicine. Laughter 
reduces pain, increases job performance, connects people emotionally, and improves the flow of oxygen to the heart and brain. 

It seems like God gave us laughter to heal our body.  Why would God stop there?! 
In today's terribly divided world we need laughter to heal our soul.  
Look at all the problems we have between us over our differences. You must have noticed how mean spirited people are to those who disagree with them about President Trump. 

Do you remember President Obama during the 2016 Correspondent's Dinner?  His jokes about Trump were so mean.  Personally, I believe that was THE precise moment when Donald Trump decided to run for President. 

For three years comedians, Hollywood, news anchors, latenight and daytime TV hosts have been obsessed with mocking the President of the United States. They make fun of his hair, hands, weight, wife, children, intelligence ... every single thing about the leader of our country! It is shameful.

Aside from the fact that he is our President and 60+ million support him, there is a deeper problem as I see it.

To begin with, the constant mocking in the mainstream media has been engrained in the public's mind.  Making jokes about President Trump has become part of American culture. It has gone well beyond just Trump.

When we go to extremes to mock others, as has become much too common, we misuse God's gift.

Here are some questions to ask ourselves to see if we are benefiting or misusing laughter:
  • Are we able to laugh at ourself? Or are we mostly making fun of others?
  • Do we see your own faults or do we only find them in others?
  • If others disagree with us, do we mock them or try to learn what they see?
I believe God gave us a laughter to help us cope with pain - to heal both our body and our soul.  I opened this post with a little explanation of the physical health benefits of laughter.

Here is how laughter can heal our soul. When we laugh at ourselves we see our own faults.  When we see our own faults it easier for us to repent.
Repentance saves the soul. God gave us laughter to save our soul.

"Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they will never cease to be amused."