Saturday, March 28, 2020


Laughter is good medicine. Laughter 
reduces pain, increases job performance, connects people emotionally, and improves the flow of oxygen to the heart and brain. 

It seems like God gave us laughter to heal our body.  Why would God stop there?! 
In today's terribly divided world we need laughter to heal our soul.  
Look at all the problems we have between us over our differences. You must have noticed how mean spirited people are to those who disagree with them about President Trump. 

Do you remember President Obama during the 2016 Correspondent's Dinner?  His jokes about Trump were so mean.  Personally, I believe that was THE precise moment when Donald Trump decided to run for President. 

For three years comedians, Hollywood, news anchors, latenight and daytime TV hosts have been obsessed with mocking the President of the United States. They make fun of his hair, hands, weight, wife, children, intelligence ... every single thing about the leader of our country! It is shameful.

Aside from the fact that he is our President and 60+ million support him, there is a deeper problem as I see it.

To begin with, the constant mocking in the mainstream media has been engrained in the public's mind.  Making jokes about President Trump has become part of American culture. It has gone well beyond just Trump.

When we go to extremes to mock others, as has become much too common, we misuse God's gift.

Here are some questions to ask ourselves to see if we are benefiting or misusing laughter:
  • Are we able to laugh at ourself? Or are we mostly making fun of others?
  • Do we see your own faults or do we only find them in others?
  • If others disagree with us, do we mock them or try to learn what they see?
I believe God gave us a laughter to help us cope with pain - to heal both our body and our soul.  I opened this post with a little explanation of the physical health benefits of laughter.

Here is how laughter can heal our soul. When we laugh at ourselves we see our own faults.  When we see our own faults it easier for us to repent.
Repentance saves the soul. God gave us laughter to save our soul.

"Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves for they will never cease to be amused."