Wednesday, March 18, 2020


People of Nineveh Repenting
This is only week one of "social distancing." We have many weeks, possibly months, to go with people from around the world doing something we have never done before as a society - self isolation by people in nations around the world.

The world is at a standstill. People are trapped inside. But humans are NOT still inside themselves. Desperation, fear and anger are fermenting inside them.

People are unable to socialize. We are unable to have important needed social interaction. People are unable to blow off steam and energy.  This is especially important for anyone below the age of about 45.

In Europe and other parts of the world this is especially problematic.  Their economy and culture is designed around their squares and plazas. They are vibrant centers of human activity and interactions.  Today, they are eerily quiet.

In cities across the world are little shops, eating places, pubs and bars run by their owners and small staffs.  They live hand to mouth off the street traffic in each week. The money that comes in every week pays that weeks bills. There income has stopped but their bills haven't. The electric, rent, salaries and other expenses still have to be paid. For some their inventory is perishing. These businesses are dieing.

Each week that this "social distancing" continues more of these little businesses in Europe and America too are going to disappear.  We are going to be left with ghost streets. Streets and neighborhoods that are skeletons of their former selves.

Plus, what is happening to the people who shut themselves in? What are they doing and thinking? How are they processing their new reality?

Humans are designed to congregate. We are evolved to cluster in groups.  What is happening is not normal. We are cut off from our normal and natural way of life.

Humans need the interaction that goes on in our restaurants and bars as much as we need the food and alcohol they serve.  We need to see other people. To feel the energy that comes from social interaction.

Society is in an un-natural state. We're not evolved to function like this. We're in an unsustainable state of disfunction.
Just because this is temporary doesn't mean we can last that long. 
The authorities and the media tell us we may have to go on like this for months.  I say we can't. So much is being destroyed each week that Society as we know it can not last that long.

America is handling the virus a little differently and better than EuropeI feel, but the problems are similar here. Plus, a crisis and meltdown in Europe will reach the USA.

In a sense it is like a Tsunamis whereby an earthquake in one part of the world travels long distances and creates great destruction in another part of the world. The shock waves of an explosion ripple out.

What's next?  Who knows how this plays out?

In the story of Noah in Genesis, the world had become violent, evil and corrupt. So God destroyed the world and started over. God recreated the world while he kept Noah's family and life safe on the ark. When the rain stopped God brought the rainbow and the waters receeded. Noah's ark came to rest and Noah opened the ark to our new world.  God promised never to destroy the world. But God didn't promise he would stop US from destroying the world.

EVEN during WWI and WWII society continued to function. At any given time most cities, villages and towns continued to go about business.  People went on their way unless there was fighting in their location. We have never had a time when most public activity came to such an abrupt and complete halt across the world all at the same time.

We need a vaccine and therapies SOONER that later.  We can't wait months.  We don't have months!! We need to be allowed go back to life as nornal while normal still exists. Before normal is destroyed!
It is not the death from the virus that is destroying us. It is the lack of life.
PRAYER AND REPENTANCE CAN TEMPER GOD'S SEVERE DECREE.   IF ANYONE HAS TAUGHT US THIS IT'S THE BOOK OF JONAH!  If the King of Nineveh can have the warring and lustful Assyrians of all of Nineveh sit in sackcloth and ashes, WE CAN come together in prayer.
We need a miracle we are not worthy of it.  
We need to provide God with a sufficient reason to send us a miracle. We need our prayers to be delivered to God by One who can intercede and advocate for us.  But first, we need to pray.

The President needs to declare ANOTHER day of prayer and next time all Americans must do so.

Then again, DESTRUCTION may be our fate. And the DESTRUCTION may not be sufficient for God. We may not be ready for the REBIRTH.