Tuesday, March 17, 2020



Italy is so overwhelmed by the Covid-19 outbreak they they are leaving 80 year old and over people to die.

As unimaginable, unthinkable and horrible the Covid-19 virus is for someone who is 80 years old in Europe, it pales in comparison to being Jewish in Europe in 1939.

The Covid-19 virus kills approximately ~20% of those over 80 years old. The Nazi's WILLFULLY TORTURED AND MURDERED ~50% of ALL JEWS. Women, children and even babies were intentional targets.

The big difference is that with Covid-19 the goverment and everyone is doing what they can to save people. What made the Holocaust so hopeless for the Jews is that their Government and even their neighbors did all they could to round up and exterminate them.

While there is hope that worst of Covid-19 will be behind us by the Summer, about 6 months. In 1939, the Holocaust went on for 6 years!

Someone born in 1939 would be 80 or 81 years old today. If they lived in Italy today, they have more than twice as great a chance of surviving COVID-19 as a Jewish child did in 1939.

As much as anything the Depression stirred up the anti-Semitism which brought about the Holocaust.  It seems to me that there is a very strong chance of a depression again because of Covid-19.  With anti-Semitism already on the rise in Europe, one has to wonder what evil might come of the situation in Europe at this time.

During the Holocaust, the Ayatollah in Iran partnered with the Nazi's. What will Germany and France do about Iran's renewed attempts to enrich Uranium?

1. Roosevelt bowed to political pressure.  President Trump will NOT turn his back on the Jews NO MATTER how politically unpopular he is!!

2. This time Israel exists and it has a mighty sword. It offers refuge to any Jew from any nation.

3. Jeremy Corbyn LOST the election and the U.K. is no longer part of the E.U. Boris Johnson has been compared to Churchill.  Thank God for that!

I can't help wondering if God is testing us. Throughout the Torah there is a common plot or theme.  God tests us. He gives one generation an opportunity to correct for the transgressions and inequities of a prior.

For Christians, who believe that Yeshua was the Messiah, Rome and the Jews did an unimaginable, unthinkable and horrible act.  If God is testing us, I hope for the sake of Mankind and each and every soul that we do not make the same mistake we made back then, and in 1939.

Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) in Israel will begin in the evening of April 20. Easter is April 12th and Passover begins on April 8th.

April, 04■2020 is a big month indeed.
2+2=4 is such a "natural" expression. But when you see in the spiritual, 4 is so much more.