Thursday, March 19, 2020


Fighting this Virus and getting through this pandemic, is like a nation experiencing wartime.  We all need to develop a wartime mentality.  Everyone has to make sacrifices.

In wartime there is the enemy.  There are often multiple enemies.  There are the warriors.  There are casualties and wounded. We each have roles to play. There is a wartime economy during which major elements of the economy are realigned. Sadly, there is also DESTRUCTION. But eventually we will have victory and recovery -- REBIRTH.

In life and society each of us has roles we serve in. Such as parent, child, employee, teacher, healthcare worker, soldier, volunteer, etc.  During a war, our roles are amplified. In wartime our contribtion to society is more important than ever.

In wartime it takes the combined strength of the society to fight the enemy. But we also must maintain and strengthen the homefront.
The homefront is as important as the frontline! In this pandemic, the frontline and the homefront are one in the same. We are truly all in this together. 

During wartime especially, our survival depends on our ability to come together.  Each of us must do the best we can to manage and get through a wartime period. Regardless of which role we may be in, we need to rise up for the greater good, as well as our individual benefit.
This is truly what Patriotism is all about!
As citizens, parents, families and households we have a role too. We try as best we can to adjust to the new reality, to make the best of it and keep our spirits up.

We all must make sure that we do not make it more stressful and difficult on those leading and fighting the war, as well as others who are helping the war effort. That means we must be willing to make sacrafices.
Patriotism calls for sacrifices.  
A Pandemic is a different kind of war. So how we need to fight it and how our roles come into play are different too. But there are plenty of parallels to a military wartime. 

As citizens and households our roll is to do what our leaders say they need us to do.  We also need to try to maintain a positive attitude as best we can on the homefront.

Our government leaders and healthcare "generals" have told us to practice social distancing.  But we also need to maintain a healthy and positive attitude.

As individuals we should consider the things we can do to successfully deal with social distancing. I made a list of things I can do. As you can see, on one hand social distancing doesn't have to be so aweful. Here are some things I can do:
Gardening, home improvement projects, going to parks, taking a pleasure drive, a family bbq, reading and writing, cleaning out my garage.
We must considering how to deal with social distancing in all our roles. Here are two other personal examples.

  1. I am a company owner and president. My business has customers to serve. So I thought about how my customers and I could to deal with effects of social distancing. I wrote a blog about that which speaks to some of the things I can do. 
  2. I serve as volunteer for a non-profit in the role of Vice President of the Jewish Federation of Dutchess County.  I am still actively considering what we can do other than cancelling events.
The millenials, the younger generation, would typically be the soldiers on the front lines in a military war. They would be asked to make great sacrafices as soldiers. In this war, in a pandemic that requires us to practice social distancing, they have the most difficult time psychologically with the practice of social distancing.  They are learning a powerful lesson about the meaning of patriotism!

During World War II there was a phrase that started in England and became a mantra for that wartime.  It is still quite popular to hear or see it since then. It speaks to the mental state one has to maintain during difficult and trying times.  It is:

Some today have been promoting a spin off on that for these times.

Last summer before the virus came around, when I started speaking about an upcoming period of DESTRUCTION and REBIRTH which foresaw starting in 01■01■2020, I created my own mantra have been using for sometime.

Patriotism is tremendous!  It is essential.  Without it one will not survive, let alone win a war.  But Patriotism is not enough to be victorious in life.

In life, I believe we also need God. We need to believe in a power greater than ourselves or our country.  We need to be grateful for life and for the Creator of all life. That calls for prayer.

I believe a nation united in prayer, let alone a world united in prayer has a powerful advantage.

During wartime there are miraculous events.  There are many stories of superhuman efforts and amazing turns in events. Prayer has played a part in wartime for as long as the Bible and in much of history.

America is a nation founded on faith and the Father of our great nation, General George Washington gave all the glory to God!  George Washington and witnesses around him attributed many moments which turned the course of events in the Revolutionary War, to Providence.

Social Distancing is something we can and are doing. But the effects it is having on our economy is actually FAR MORE DEVASTATING than any war America and the world has EVER FOUGHT.  We need social distancing to stop. In order for that to happen we need a vaccine that prevents the virus and/or a therapy that stops the virus.

We need a vaccine faster than mankind has EVER come up with a cure for a virus.  We need to end this plague against mankind before social distancing destroys us. We need a miracle!  And we need it now -- not in four months from now or even two months.
Please join in pray for the scientists and doctors and others who have been gifted with great minds to find a cure.  That is the miracle the world needs now!

(For my Jewish friends I offer the following regarding the Unetanah Tokef.)