Friday, October 22, 2021



Trump pressed on several key themes when he ran for President in 2015/16. As President he made great strides on all of them. So much so that supporters often repeated words that became a mantra - "Promises made, promises kept."


1ST TIME - Trump's 2015/16 Campaign Platform:

  • A country needs a secure border.
  • America is too reliant on exports, we need to bring manufacturing home.
  • Past Presidents made stupid deals - renegotiate NAFTA.
  • The Paris Climate Accord is bad for the USA. We can have clearer air and water without it.
  • The Iran nuclear deal is terrible.
  • China is taking advantage of us.
  • Our NATO allies are taking advantage of us.
  • We need to rebuild our military and project strength 
  • Drug companies aren't treating Americans fairly.
  • We can become energy independent. That is good for Americans personally and for national security.
  • The mainstream fake news is lying about the the Russian Hoax and treats him very badly. Fake news is the enemy of America.  Social media giants are out to get him.
  • There is a way to make a Middle East peace deal. 
  • We will move the American Embassy to Jerusalem.
  • We need to rebuild America's infrastructure. 

2ND TIME - When Trump ran for President the second time he added a bit more: 

  • Finish the wall. Biden will open the border.
  • We would have a vaccine by the end of 2020. (Politicians and media mocked his prediction. The vaccine was announced 1 week AFTER the election.)
  • The world needs to hold China accountable for Covid. China owns Biden and Biden will never do that.
  • He will focus on infrastructure in his second term since Democrats didn't let him get his $1 trillion dollar proposal through during his first term. 
  • Europe should buy natural gas from it's NATO ally the USA rather than it's NATO enemy Russia.
  • Now the USA has achieved energy independence we must maintain it. Biden will kill the XL pipeline and other projects, making the USA dependent again and driving up energy prices.
  • Bring more manufacturing home.
  • Bring troops back home (he struggled with securing Afghanistan.)
  • The economy will enjoy new records and stocks would soar to new highs!
  • Hunter Biden did corrupt things and that Joe Biden could not be trusted as President. (The media and the FBI buried the findings on the Hunter Biden laptop.)
  • He will not let the far Left Squad run the country and turn the USA into a Socialist Nation.
  • There is Deep State corruption in the FBI, DOJ, CIA.
  • The Deep State and the Washington Swamp is after you (Patriotic Constitution believing Americans) and Trump is in the way. 
  • Cancel culture is a Left Wing movement to overthrow America and it must be stopped.
  • The Socialists Left is after God and the Judeo-Christian values our Nation was founded upon. 
  • Bidden will raise taxes.
  • The Left wants to defund the police - crime is going up. 
  • We have to stop teaching Critical Race Theory.
  • The Radical Left is going to run this country. Biden doesn't even know where he is.



I believe the answer in a word is: HATE!  Why do I say that? Because it is the best explanation for why you'd vote against what Trump promised. He was right on every one of his campaign points. 


Wednesday, October 20, 2021




Put this under the category of "WTF?"

Check the U.K. on this chart about.  Now consider the fact that to date, 78.9% of the U.K. population over the age of 12 is fully vaccinated for Covid. 

Africa is WAY behind on Vaccinations. Less than 20%. And yet look at their cases on the same chart.

It is true Covid testing in Africa is MUCH lower than in the USA. 6 out of 7 cases are estimated not to be detected there.  

By the same token, they do count deaths. According to WorldData, Africa has had 211k deaths out of population of 1.26 billion. That is a mortality rate of 0.0001674603.  Contrast that with the USA.  We've had 728k deaths, nearly 3.5 times more than Africa.  But our population of 330 million is about 1/4 the sizes!  Our mortality rate is 0.2206060606.  Therefore, if my calculations are correct, the mortality from covid is 1,317 times higher in the USA than Africa. 

This begs a question. Know any good witch doctors? LOL.

I was relieved to get my vaccine early on. And I will be going for my booster as soon as possible.  Plus I had my flu shot like I do every year. I even got the Shingles vaccine. But the data on Covid is disconcerting.  So I'm  not anti-vac!  But I seriously question the mandate.  

Biden's big campaign vow was to lick Covid by July. Like everything else this clown says and does is a failure.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


Situations that smack of the "End Times" are trending and I see the irony.  

Have you seen the MASSIVE Netflix #1 hit series "SQUID GAME?"

The week of this post, Squid Game topped the charts in 94 countries. With this dystopian drama series Netflix says they have "pierced the cultural zeitgeist. "

So what is the defining spirit of culture at this point in world history? What is the mood of people in the 194 million households that are tuning in?  In a phrase - "End of Days."

Squid Games is a "thought-provoking, emotional viewpoint about society, showing how wealth disparity can often lead people to do the unthinkable for money—even at the expense of their own lives."

The Korean show creator said "Squid Game" was inspired by a game he used to play when he was younger as a child in the schoolyard or the streets of the neighborhood.  He felt that this game could "represent the kind of society we live in today.”

The Holocaust desensitized people. The public, the soldiers, and even the victims. To perform or to experience the actions of the Nazi monsters, people's normal emotions and morals were stripped away or buried. There are so many ways that the entertainment industry is doing this today. From games to TV series to hit movies, we are desensitizing young adults.

I wonder if in some prophetic sense, people are being prepared for what is to come?  "What" the elite call "The Event" -- The thinking that some major crisis triggers a series of other cascading events, together which lead to the breakdown of civilization. 

There are many very wealthy "preppers" who are going to significant lengths to prepare for an apocalyptic like world.  An article from the New Yorker speaks to this.

The writer of this article says "In recent years survivalism has expanded to more affluent quarters, taking root in Silicon Valley and New York City, among technology executives, hedge-fund managers, and others in their economic cohort."

The wealthiest in society who can afford to are taking "prepping" to higher levels.  Examples include buying up land in New Zealand, getting Lasik eye surgery and "hardening" their homes into secure compounds. 

The super rich aren't the only ones who are actively "Doomsday prepping" -- preparing for a political, social, or natural global emergency by stockpiling food, weaponry, and other supplies. Survivalism has been edging deeper into mainstream culture. 

A survey commissioned by National Geographic found that 40% of Americans believed that stocking up on supplies or building a bomb shelter was a wiser investment than a 401(k). 

In 2012, National Geographic Channel launched “Doomsday Preppers,” a reality show featuring a series of Americans bracing for what they called S.H.T.F. (when the “shit hits the fan”). The premiรจre drew more than four million viewers, and, by the end of the first season, it was the most popular show in the channel’s history. 

There is no doubt that the Covid pandemic has contributed to the fear that something much worse is on the horizon. But much of [this] predates the outbreak. The divisive political climate has also contributed to what has become increasingly uncertain times. 

The theme of extreme wealth disparity and the desperate lengths humans will go to is played out in Squid Game. Some find the show uncomfortably close to the horror that Jews faced in the ghettos and concentration camps before and during WWII. 

Squid Game isn't Anti-semitiic per say. But it is representative of a trend in thinking that is especially frightening to Jews. Jews know too well that when society breaks down, the Jews are likely to suffer. For thousands of years, the Jew has been the scapegoat. 

For those who believe in God and the Messiah all of this is rather ironic. If "Armageddon" is ahead, and we are truly in the "end times," the way to prepare is with something far more simple and less expensive  - a Bible.  A well stocked pantry is nice, but it WILL run out and then you will have to go outside.

Isaiah 55:11-13 -- "so My word will be that goes out from My mouth. It will not return to Me in vain, but will accomplish what I intend, and will succeed in what I sent it for. “Yes, you will go out with joy and be led forth with peace. The mountains and the hills will break forth before you singing, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands! Instead of the thorn bush, a cypress will come up, and instead of the brier, a myrtle will come up, and it will be a memorial to Adonai, as an everlasting sign that will never be cut off.”

๐Ÿ™PSALM 91๐Ÿ™

Sunday, October 17, 2021



I will tell you what I think. They have THEIR interests at heart. Which begs the question - what are their "interests?"

Do you recognize these two gentlemen? 

These two men founded and lead the firm which owns/holds and controls more assets than the GDP of every nation in the world except the USA and China.  

Their power and influence can not be overstated. Their firm is one of top five shareholders in the top 7 banks in America and other banks around the world. What's more, the top USA banks they have top shareholder positions in the banks which are top shaholders of the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Boston, and all the other Federal Reserve Banks which control the USA Money supply!!

Their firm is one of the top five shareholders in most of mainstream media companies including CNN, ABC, CBS, Comcast which owns NBC, the NY Times, and many others.

Their real estate holdings are unfathomable!!  After the "Subprime Crisis," they took ownership of MASSIVE portfolios of foreclosures at pennies on the dollar.

Their firm is among the top 5 institutional shareholders of Amazon, Alphabet (Google) and Facebook, Tesla, ExxonMobil, Microsoft, Berkshire Hathaway, Apple, Walmart and many of the other largest companies in the world.  (In most of the examples above they are in the top 2 or 3 largest shareholders!)

Their firm is among the top 5 shareholders of the top pharmaceutical companies in the world including Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Merck, Sanofi and others.

Their firm is the world's largest investor in fossil fuels on the planet!

Their firm is one of the top 3 shareholders of the three private prison corporations in America. Their firm wins regardless of which private prison company gets the government contract!  

The fact is, their firm wins regardless of where you bank or which news channel you watch! They win whether you watch The View, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah or Seth Meyers. 

Have you guessed who they are or firm they Founded and run together? 

Yes, they are two "nice Jewish boys," and their firm is BLACKROCK.  

To put the value of Blackrock (approximately 10 trillion of Assets) in perspective, consider it compared to these other giants. Blackrock has approximately 7x more assets than Goldman Sachs, 8x Morgan Stanley and 2.5x more assets than JP Morgan Chase.  Don't confuse Blackrock for Blackstone. Blackrock has 13x more assets under management than Blackstone.  Blackrock dwarfs the total capitalization of Tesla and the total shareholder equity of Apple. 

There is only one other firm that comes close to matching the total assets of Blackrock. That firm is Vanguard. Their influence is practically as large and has very similar holdings. [As of 2021, Vanguard has more than $7.50 trillion in assets under management (AUM), second to BlackRock, Inc's $9.01 trillion (AUM).]


So I ask you, which President fought to drive down energy prices? Which President attacked drug companies for charging more in America and was issuing Executive Orders to stop that practice?  Which President supported law & order and was succesful at stopping open borders? Which President went after the mainstream media, the big banks and social media giants? Which President was constantly in a battle with the Federal Reserve?  Which President went after the unfair and inhuman trade practices of China, the country supplying many of those big companies?


Black Rock uses it's power!  Here is a recent article that speaks to the ways the founders do so. Larry Fink's Global Crusade. 

The real power in America controls the most voting shares of the major corporations in America.  The real power is the power behind the lobbies of all those companies who influence the Washington DC swamp! 

If the "real power" wants Americans to hate Trump, they have the means to drive that message into our brains every hour of the day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year for 4+ years! The real power has more than "7 ways from Sunday" to go after Trump!  We saw many of them, but I'm convinced we don't know the half of them! 

The first time Trump got elected was an accident! The politicians in Washington, the pundits, the polls and the media never thought it would happen. Hillary was so shocked she couldn't come out for a consession speech. China and Russia never thought it could happen. Trump surprised everyone except his supporters. But the real power made absolutely certain that accident wouldn’t happen again! 

Could the real power in America influence former FBI director Comey and CIA director Brennan to lead Americans to believe in a Russian Hoax, a Ukrainian Hoax and a pornstar lawyer?  Could those hoaxes influence voters? Would the media be complicit and perpetuate such lies?

I find it interesting that one major corporate player in the whole election process, Dominion Voting Systems, is a company that is owned by "Private  Equity" firms and thus I could not identify it's shareholders. 

The real truth, and I am not talking about your truth or my truth, is the WORD - the Bible. But the real power in America has been turning our nation from being a country that was founded on faith in God, into a nation that has turned it's back on God and believes God loving Christians are the enemy.  The real power in America is trying to convince us that red-blooded American Patriots who love the USA are domestic terrorists.  

President Trump got more votes than any incumbent President IN HISTORY and over filled massive stadiums around the country for the last 6 years and STILL DOES!!  YET, Biden who lost two previous Presidential races by a mile and campaigned for his 3rd attempt from his basement got more votes than any Presidential candidate in history including Obama. That is despite having a running mate who was the least popular candidate and dropped out of the Primary with about 1% support. 

If the real power in America wanted Biden to be elected, despite his obvious cognitive issues, horrendous reputation for decision making, racist gaffes, smelling little children and numerous other flaws, they had unlimted resources and many ways to accomplish what wasn't possible in two previous elections.  

Trump ran against the real power in America. He ran against the Washington Establishment. There will never be another Trump. Long live the Washington DC swamp. 

God bless America??

Relevant Article 

Friday, October 15, 2021


What I am about to say is not political.  It is spiritual. To preface my remarks, please read the following article in JNS about Obama's revisionist book "The Promised Land."

Like the Serpent (Satan) in  ื’ืŸ ืขื“ืŸ, Obama is a most clever beast.

In a fight, one best know the enemy.  With Anti-semitism who is the enemy? It's not Obama, Trump, or Biden. God appoints Kings. 

Daniel 2:21 "He changes times and seasons. He removes kings and installs kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning." 

The enemy isn't even white supremiststs. The enemy is neither a Democrat or a Republican.  

The enemy works through who ever he wants. His tools are lies and deception. He appeals to the flesh, Man's earthly desires.  He exploits our fears, ego and selfishness. 

The enemy isn't "natural."  The enemy animated himself through Pharoah, Niro, and Hitler. He was there at Bable, Nineveh and Sodom. The enemy is the evil which seeks to be God. It is the evil that seeks to destroy God's "chosen people" in his conquest over God.

Deuteronomy 31:7  Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the sight of all Israel, “Be strong! Be courageous! For you are to go with this people into the land Adonai has sworn to their fathers to give them, and you are to enable them to inherit it.

Like the Tanakh, Anti-semitism will never be fully understood in the natural. The roots of Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism run deep, all the way back to The Garden. Our battle is Supernatural. 

I believe that in order to understand Anti-semitism one must understand this scripture: 

Genesis 3.1 The serpent was shrewder than any animal of the field that Adonai Elohim made. So it said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from all the trees of the garden’?”

Anti-semitism is a battle which predates modern and ancient history.  

 We are fighting an enemy who was there at "Bereishit" in the Garden.  The enemy is never done. Each time he is put down, he rises up again. We will be fighting this enemy until HaMashiach defeats him and brings Shalom. 

This is not to say that we don’t have an important responsibility to fight Anti-semitism in all it's forms. Surely, we should have resisted Hitler with all our strength! Clearly we have battle on our hands with Russia and the CCP. No doubt Israel's enemies are surrounding her.

Hazak hazak, v’nithazek! God keeps his promises!

Numbers 33:50-53  Adonai spoke to Moses along the Jordan in the plains of Moab across from Jericho saying, “Speak to Bnei-Yisrael and say to them: When you cross the Jordan into the land of Canaan, You must drive out all the inhabitants of the land before you. You must destroy all their idols and cast images, and demolish their high places. You will take possession of the land, so you will settle in it, because I have given it to you to possess."

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Be Fruitful, But Not TOO Fruitful.

God told Adam not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. 

When Man's desire to "create" gets out of control, we invite God's wrath. 

Has Man gone too far?


Thursday, September 30, 2021




Hebrew is God's "alef-beyt."  Hebrew is so much more than letters.  The letters themselves tell a story and reveal God. 

Before I show you some examples of how God uses Hebrew to speak of perfection, here are a couple basics.

There are 22 Hebrew letters. In the Torah there are no vowels.  This is one of the things that makes it more difficult to read directly from the Torah, versus modern Hebrew.  Each Hebrew letter is also a number. The first letter, alef, is the #1. The second letter, beyt, is the #2 and so on.

Each Hebrew letter also has an original primitive (ancient), also known as paleo form. (Think of hyrogliphs.) In other words, Hebrew is a picture language. The image of the letter is synonymous with the meaning of the letter. For example the paleo image of first letter, alef, and number ONE is an OX head. The letter alef is synonymous with strength. And the number ONE is associated with God.

God loves math like he loves his alphabet. God uses hebrew letters and numbers to provide us a deeper understanding of his Word.  There are amazing mathematical patterns within the Torah!  ONE of my favorite examples of this is the 23rd Psalm, the Song of David. There are "perfect numbers" (triangle numbers) all through the Psalm. There is even the math for a Magen (Star) of David to be found in the letters of the Psalm. 

"The Lord is my shepherd,

I shall not want."

Psalm 23

The Psalms are the makings of wonderful songs. King David was a wonderful musician. The whole Torah has been called a song. Rabbi Lord Sacks explains why as follows:

"And why call the Torah a song? Because if we are to hand on our faith and way of life to the next generation, it must sing. Torah must be affective, not just cognitive. It must speak to our emotions. As Antonio Damasio showed empirically in Descartes’ though the reasoning part of the brain is central to what makes us human, it is the limbic system, the seat of the emotions, that leads us to choose this way, not that. If our Torah lacks passion, we will not succeed in passing it on to the future. Music is the affective dimension of communication, the medium through which we express, evoke and share emotion. Precisely because we are creatures of emotion, music is an essential part of the vocabulary of mankind."

There are several literary techniques used in the Torah to emphasize points. ONE of the ways God shows us His perfection is through the use of acrostics. An acrostic is a poem, word puzzle, or other composition in which certain letters, often the first letter, in each line form a word or words. We find this pattern in the Bible.  Here are some examples.  In each of these cases the pattern is found in the first letter of every verse, and what the pattern forms is the Hebrew Alphabet.  (Note: The Acrostic pattern is lost in translation to English.)
  • Psalm 112 - About the Perfect Man
  • Proverbs 31 - About the Perfect Woman
  • Psalm 119 - Praises the Completeness of God’s Word, the Law - each set of 8 verses starts with a different letter.
  • Lamentations - The Perfect Fullness of Sorrow 
Psalm 145 is also an acrostic. This is the only Psalm, aka chapter, in the Book of Psalms, that identifies itself as a ืชְּื”ִืœָื” (tehillah) --namely, a hymn of praise.

Tehillah is derived from the Hebrew word ืชְּื”ִืœָּื”}  meaning "praise, song or hymn of praise", which itself is derived from ื”ָืœַืœ (halal) meaning "to shine; to praise, boast, be boastful".
"I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever".  Psalm 145.1
Psalm 145 is also an alphabetic acrostic. The initial letter of each verse is the Hebrew alphabet in sequence.  (The Hebrew numbering begins at the first verse, not the title. It begins at ืืจื•ืžืžืš Aromimkha, "I will exalt You," verses the title, "A Psalm of David."

Psalm 145 is the last Psalm attributed explicitly to David and also the last of the nine acrostic Psalms in the Book of Psalms.

Think of David!!  His story begins with the miracle of slaying Goliath.  His life includes other miraculous events. There is a miscarriage of sorts within the story of his Kingship in relation to King Saul. When it comes to deceit,  David performs one of worst acts deceit. As for David's seed, need I say more.

David was the greatest King who united Israel. But he was not the "perfect man." He was a fallen man. He was however profoundly faithful.

The fact the verse 14 omits the letter Nun is coupled with fact that instead it goes to the letter Samekht - which means to hold up, to support.  And when Israel and David could have fallen, God held them up. God is our Rock and our Shield. 

Here is something I noticed which I find interesting: If we take Psalm 145 (which Praises the Completeness of God’s Word) and subtract Psalm 112 (The Perfect Man) we get Psalm 33.  (145-112=33). Psalm 33 praises a nation devoted to God.
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord..." Psalm 33:12
Psalm 33 is a poem about the blessing that comes from trusting in God. The central word, literally, is the word "blessed" or "happy." In Hebrew there are exactly 80 words before and after it. As is so common in Hebrew poetry this central word or phrase sums up the psalm. We can only be blessed or find happiness when we place our hope in God.
Although this is not an alphabetic acrostic Psalm 33 is uniquely structured with 22 verse lines and a clear parallel structure to the lines. (Note: The are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet.)

Structure of Psalm 33:
Part 1: God is great, good,  creator, awesome,  sovereign
Part 2: Trust God, Watch God, Rescue, Our Hope
Central word - Blessed.

Psalm 33 seems to have been purposely designed to be a prelude to Psalm 34 which is another alphabetic acrostic Psalm.  Psalm 34 describes angels as guardians of the righteous.  That brings us back to Psalm 145 and the missing letter Nun.

"The Lord redeems the soul of His servants, and all who take refuge in Him shall not be accounted guilty." Psalm 34:22
Psalm 34:
1 Of David, when he disguised his sanity before Abimelech, whereupon he drove him out and he departed.
2 I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise is always in my mouth.
3 My soul boasts of the Lord; may the humble hear and rejoice.
4 Declare the greatness of the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.
5 I sought the Lord and He answered me, and He delivered me from all my terrors.
6 They looked to Him and they became radiant, and their faces will not be ashamed.
7 This poor man called and the Lord heard, and He saved him from all his troubles.
8 An angel of the Lord is stationed around those who fear Him, and He saved them.
9 Comprehend and see that the Lord is good; praiseworthy is the man who takes shelter in Him.
10 Fear the Lord, His holy ones; for there is no want to those who fear Him.
11 Young lions suffer want and are hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good.
12 Come, children, hearken to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
13 Who is the man who desires life, who loves days to see goodness?
14 Guard your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceitfully.
15 Shun evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it.
16 The eyes of the Lord are to the righteous, and His ears are to their cry.
17 The face of the Lord is against evildoers, to cut off their remembrance from the earth.
18 They cry out and the Lord hearkens, and He saves them from all their troubles.
19 The Lord is near to the broken-hearted, and He saves those of crushed spirit.
20 Many evils befall the righteous, but the Lord saves him from them all.
21 He guards all his bones; not one of them was broken.
22 Evil will kill the wicked, and those who hate the righteous shall be accounted guilty.
23 The Lord redeems the soul of His servants, and all who take refuge in Him shall not be accounted guilty.

In closing this post about "Perfection" in God's Hebrew in the Torah, I offer the following videos by two teachers I like very much: 

The first is a teaching by a Pastor in Australia. "I am the first and the last."

My favorite Hebrew teacher is a Christian who doesn't speak Hebrew. John is a math wiz who loves Hebrew. Here are three of his videos about math in the bible. If this doesn't blow your mind nothing will.

Zei Gezunt!

P.S.  Here is some Bible "trivia."

The Gemetria value of the name David is 14. The Messiah was to be in the line of King David.  

The Passover Exodus tells the story of the birth of the nation of Israel. Both "The Book of Exodus," (which is actually called The Book of "Shemot" (Hebrew  "Names") and the first book in the Brit Haddasha, Matthew, begin with a list of names. 

Matthew 1 then says, 
"So all the generations from Abraham to David are 14 generations, from David until the Babylonian exile are 14 generations, and from the Babylonian exile until the Messiah are 14 generations."