Saturday, November 5, 2022


Our body is assembled from the elements listed on the Periodic table. Some elements are much more common than others. The human body is approximately 99% comprised of just six elements: Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, and phosphorus.

The elements that make up our body are used to make the colors in fireworks in the sky. The vivid colors and bright hues that result from these chemical elements that are also essential for life.

Calcium is the most plentiful mineral in the human body and is needed to make orange fireworks. It’s crucial for a range of bodily functions including bone and teeth maintenance, muscle contraction, hormone secretion, blood clotting and heartbeat regulation.

Potassium, which helps create purple fireworks, also plays a role in managing heart rhythm. In addition, it balances water and mineral content in the body, helps to build muscle, and controls blood pressure.

Copper, found in bright blue fireworks, is the sidekick that some proteins need to do their jobs. For example, the protein that makes the body’s energy-carrying ATP molecules requires copper to function. Copper is also necessary to form collagen, the most abundant protein in humans and the main component of connective tissue.

Iron, used to make gold fireworks, is vital to immune function, energy production and oxygen transport in the body. Hemoglobin, the protein that gives blood its red color, needs iron to carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.

Lithium helps produce red fireworks and is thought to affect the release of the chemical messenger serotonin. Lithium has been used for decades to treat mood disorders

Phosphorus is the second most common element found in our body after calcium. The mineral Phosphorus is contained in each cell in our body. Most phosphorus is in the bones and teeth, and some is in our genes. 

The heat generated by friction when a match is struck causes a minute amount of red phosphorus to be converted to white phosphorus, which ignites spontaneously in air. 

The word phosphorus is derived from the Greek word 'phosphoros', meaning bringer of light.

Our body needs phosphorus to make energy. Phosphorus is needed for the growth, maintenance, and repair of all tissues and cells, and for the production of the genetic building blocks, DNA and RNA. 

Without Phosphorus, our light goes out!  Then it is DUST TO DUST.  

Thursday, November 3, 2022


Prologue: Last night, Nov. 2nd was my birthday. I had tumultuous dreams.  When my mind is racing I find writing helps me refocus. The post below is the produce of last night's thoughts.  First I wrote in my private journal during the early morning before getting out of bed. Then I got sad news about a friend and colleague who passed away in the night. So I decided to put it on my blog and clean it up. 


Our bodies contain the elements of stars. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1.1. The Hebrew for earth (ground) is pronounced adam-ah. 

The fireworks we watch in the sky have many of the elements we are made of.  Our body has the makings of a light show. 

Our body is assembled from the elements listed on the Periodic table. Some elements are much more common than others. The human body is approximately 99% comprised of just six elements: Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon, calcium, and phosphorus. Another five elements make up about 0.85% of the remaining mass: sulfur, potassium, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. All of these 11 elements are essential elements. The remaining 0.15% of the human body is comprised of trace elements.  

"You turn people back to dust, saying, “Return to dust, you mortals.”" Psalm 90.3


There is a thread that runs through our life and connects us to our past and our future. This runs backward and forward in time much further than we can even know. Its called our genealogy and it is based on genetics. We share DNA with our ancestors from the beginning to the end of time -- From the birth of mankind to the death of mankind. 

DNA is possibly the most amazing thing in the universe.  If you unraveled the DNA strand in a single cell it is nearly two (2) meters long. Conversely, that 2 meter strand fits into 0.09 micrometer of space within a cell!  ONE micrometer is one-millionth of a meter, so .09 is 1/25,400th of an inch. If we unraveled the entire DNA in a human, it would stretch 10 billion miles. That is equivalent to a trip to Pluto AND back! 

The structure of DNA is comprised of pairs of nitrogen-containing bases or nucleotides. These nitrogen-containing bases are cytosine, adenine, guanine, and thymine. The 3 million combinations of these pairs form the human genome that make us "humans."

DNA is found in all living things. 40-50% of our DNA is identical with a cabbage. We share 50% of our DNA with bananas. 99.9% of the DNA in all humans is identical. It is the tiny difference that allows us to be individuals. 

8% of human DNA today is made up of ancient viruses that used to make us ill. Our body's DNA builds our immune system with the memory of how to kill those ancient viruses. The DNA in every human cell gets damaged over 100 times a day!  But our body's DNA provides our bodies with systems to repair us. Our body exists because DNA can replicate and duplicate. Without DNA the 37 trillion cells that are constantly dying wouldn't be replaced. Radiation destroys our DNA, thus we did as our cells die!  Get the picture? 

DNA doesn't return to dust as quickly as one might think. Researchers calculated that DNA has a half-life of 521 years. Which means that even if a bone was frozen at an ideal preservation temperature of −5 ºC, the oldest animal that could be cloned is roughly 1.5 million years. (Not long enough to replicate a dinosaur.)


Even with our DNA and dust, we still need the breath to animate our life. "Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2.7"  

Our birthday marks the day that the breath of life comes into our body and our yahrzeit marks the day we expel it and give up the ghost, as some say.  Then, "... for dust you are and to dust you will return." Genesis 3.19. 


In biblical prophecy interpretation there is the principle of a year-for-a-day, in which the word day in prophecy is considered to be symbolic of a year of actual time. In Numbers 14:34 the bible tells us The Israelites will wander for 40 years in the wilderness, one year for every day spent by the spies in Canaan.

Psalm 90.12 says "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."  

"Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures;" 90.10.

On a birthday cake each year is marked with one candle. After we light birthday candles, we blow them out.  We don't know the number candles we are given and when our breath will leave us. That is the year we won't be on the earth to blow out any more candles. 

It is Jewish and Christian tradition for the living to light a single memorial candle to mark the entire life of a loved one.  Jews call that a yartziet candle. 

But when we light a yizkor/yahrzeit candle, unlike birthday candles, we don't blow it out. We let it burn. The breath, Hey (חַיִּים Ḥayyīm) the Spirit, doesn't die. 

Epilogue:  Steven Wasser (z"l), your name will be for a blessing. We missed you the moment you passed away. I shall forever share Nov 2nd with you. Rest in peace Steven. 

My previous post -- About This Day. 

Song: "On Nature" by Matisyahu

One of my favorite songs is by Matisyahu.  It is called One Day.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2022



Me and Parnelli in my 50th year. Me and Parnelli

My grandfather Phillip died on my 2nd birthday, November 2, 1961.  So my birthday marks his yartziet. 

Nov 2nd also happens to be "All Souls Day," a Catholic holiday for "remembering the dead." Tradition has it to light a candle. We can do that for Phillip and my birthday. 

Tradition for All Souls Day and a birthday has it to write a memorial in some way. Check. For every year since he died, Phillip's yartziet has been remembered in my Temple's calendar. And I'm sure to get one birthday card. 

Tradition also calls for a meal in rememberance. It so happens we have birthday dinner plans with our daughter Sarah and her family. 😉 

As it turns out, the customs for a yartziet seem to mirror those for a birthday.  How about that?

The coincidences don't stop there for me. 

My grandfather's name Philip (Greek spelling) means "horse-loving."  I love horses. So much so that my wife and children surprised me with a horse for my Jubilee (50th) birthday.  That's him and me in the photo. 

King Philip of Macedon was the father of Alexander the Great, who was friend of the Jews.  We named our son Alexander, who is great. Alex was born on Yom Kippur when Jews read the Book of Jonah

All Souls Day falls just after Halloween. The word "Halloween" comes from All Hallows' Eve, which is the evening before 'All Saints' (or All Hallows') Day. It initiates the season of Allhallowtide, which lasts three days and concludes with All Souls' Day. 

On Halloween this year, my family was at my daughter Sarah's house. While the family was all playing, I spent a good portion of the evening laying on the floor with her dog "Angel" who was dying. 

Angel lived 18 years, "double chai." In Judaism double chai signifies 'Life.'  The family described Angel as the devil because she killed so many animals including neighbor's chickens and cats. Angel, the devil, was always getting in trouble. This summer she went down into a storm sewer and we had to call for help to rescue her.  

So Angel, the devil, who lived double chai, died on All Hallows eve. And tonight I will light birthday candles with my Catholic wife, Mary Theresa, as we celebrate my birthday and I remember my grandfather Phillip, Angel and my horse.

There is one tradition for Old Souls Day that we can't do for my birthday yet. That is to visit my grave. 

They say "coincidence" isn't a kosher word. 


Epilogue: This night I had tumultuous dreams. Before Day break I wrote another related blog post.  DUST TO DUST

Monday, October 24, 2022



Revelation is in the stars. The universe IS incredibly mathematical and there are patterns everywhere. Micro-novas follow patterns too and occur about every 12K years. What evidence is there of this on earth?  There is plenty if you do just go looking for it. 

First the science part . . . 

Space weather effects us here on earth!  This article on the National Academy of Science website explains some of the effects.  As the title of this article on the MIT Technology Review says, "Space weather affects your daily life. It is time to start paying attention."

The impact of space weather is a greater concern and warrants greater focus in these times because the Earth's magnetic field, which shields us, is weakening much more rapidly than scientists anticipated. What was expected to take place over hundreds or thousands of years is now happening in DECADES.

The result is that we are more vulnerable to "space weather." At the same time the galactic sheet is effecting the Sun and increasing the potential for more significant space weather. 

"[Electron fallout] from the Earth's radiation belt plays an important role in mesospheric ozone loss as a connection between space weather and the climate system." Quote Source

In the news: A massive 'proton aurora' blasted a 250-mile-wide hole in Earth's ozone layer. 

The Earth's magnetic field is crucial for protecting us from Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) expulsions of plasma and magnetic field from the Sun’s corona that come our way, as well as background solar wind and other interplanetary space weather.  

An explosive CME release produces a solar flare and the accompanying acceleration of plasma away from the Sun travels outward from at mind bending speeds. If a release is pointed in Earth's direction, the energy can reach our planet in as little as 15-18 hours. Visual rays can hit earth in as little as 8 minutes. That's the warning we get!

Between the much weaker magnetic field around Earth to protect us AND our enormous dependence on electronics, civilization is extremely vulnerable to this electromagnetic energy.  We have a uniquely modern situation which would present a modern disaster!  

The odds are very high of a larger solar flare, like the one which hit earth in 1859, known as "The Carrington Event" and another one that nearly hit us in 2012. There have other recent close calls. An actual strike is practically inevitably.  NASA and many scientists agree on this. 

Auroras blasted a 250-mile-wide hole in Earth's ozone layer

There is another and FAR more significant solar event called a "micro-nova" which we are also due for. This is far more cataclysmic than regular occurring CME's. A micro-nova would undoubtedly provide the magnetic forces to flip Earth's poles, again. Do a little "googling" and you will find that there is more recent scientific thought of this subject than you may want to know because it is potentially terrifying.   

In addition to our magnetic field weakening, or perhaps for related reasons, in recent years scientists noticed the unusual accelerated shift in the location of Earth's magnetic North Pole. It is said to be "galloping across the Northern Hemisphere." The South Pole is doing likewise. 

The World Magnetic Model (WMM) is the mathematical system that lays the foundations for navigation, from cell phones and ships to commercial airlines. Scientists from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) were forced to release an early update to the WMM when it was found that the movement of the north magnetic pole was accelerating.  The possibility of a full magnetic pole reversal is in the geological record, but has not occurred during the human epoch. If this happens we are looking at events on earth like what you see in sci-fi movies such as "The Day After Tomorrow," "2012" and "Don't Look Up."

There is all sorts of talk about UFO's and asteroids, but the government APPEARS to be overtly NOT calling public attention to FAR MORE PREVALENT risks of Geomagnetic events. WHY? 

Now for the crazy talk part . . . 

Is it possible that leaders in government, the Pentagon, the CIA don't want to cause fear or even panic? Is it possible they have had much greater awareness and concerns for decades, ever since the space exploration and lunar mission that President Kennedy launched? Is it possible that they have been making secret preparations for certain people and Pentagon personnel to survive underground to ride out an anticipated pole reversal and/or micro-nova? Would they tell us if that has been their plan since NORAD was built into Pikes Peak during the Kennedy Administration? That is also where the new Space Force is located. 

If there is increasing evidence of the risks of solar and geomagnetic activity in the coming years, it will be hard for our government and climate scientists to blame global warming on just man-made causes! People will demand better answers!!


Could it be that Man has given "Mankind" too much credit for global warming? The woke FB censors routinely do so every time they stamp their "climate science" alerts on social media posts.

There is a strong case for "Space Weather" being a cause of climate change. Man-made climate change may be a theory built on a foundation that will soon crumble.  Then what?

Our Star, the Sun, may soon point in a huge way to what the major cause of warming truly is. And when it does we may discover why COOLING could be a much more deadly challenge we face in our lifetime. Then we may wake up to the fact that the Book of Revelation has been is written in the Heavens since before the Word was written on parchment. 

"Before the world began, there was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were made through him." John 1.1


Epilogue: I am reminded of a blog article I posted a year ago entitled:  "End of Times is Trending

The LORD said to me, “Faithless Israel is more righteous than unfaithful Judah." Jeremiah 3.11 

At least Israel repented, albeit to idols. 

Americans need to read and listen to the Book of Jeremiah. With eyes that see and ears that hear!

“Do not learn the ways of the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are terrified by them." Jeremiah 10:1-2

Earth’s magnetic field supports biblical stories of destruction of ancient cities. 

Other related posts on my blog

In 40 Days

Testing, testing . . . Mankind

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

IN 40 DAYS . . .


What is Putin's endgame? Surely he can't be foolish enough to think he can govern Ukraine. 

No booty can recover his losses. Putin has weakened Russia's military and drained his national supply of ammunitions. He has substituted high paying European customers for his oil & gas with bottom dollar paying Chinese. 

The Western international community will never be willing to respect or trust Putin again on the world stage, not even at the U.N. He has ruined his reputation. 

Putin has caused a international and domestic mark to be put on his head. He has backed himself into a terrible position with no way out. The only way for Russia to come back from the isolated position that it is in with the West is for Russia to deliver Putin's head on a platter. Putin has to know that!  

Putin is a smart and highly strategic man. So what is Putin's endgame?


Putin is on a devine mission. For Putin, the conflict in Ukraine is of biblical importance AND SCOPE! For Putin this is a Holy War. 

Putin isn't only buying drones and missiles from Iran, they are aligned against the "Great Satan." Soon Israel will be drawn into the conflict. That will make the prophetic character of the situation even more pronounced!

The probability is that the USA sabatoged the Nord Stream pipeline. The USA is already spending tens of billions on weapons being used in Ukraine to kill Russian soldiers. Therefore, in Putin's mind he is already at war with the USA. Effectively, the USA and Russia are in an undeclared war. 

Putin isn't only willing to escalate this war to a nuclear confrontation, as he has stated, he is anticipating it. That means he is far more apt to push the button.  Putin's warning about using nuclear weapons has been matched by Biden's unveiled threats. 

Both Putin and Biden perceive the moral course of the world to be at stake. Both have their fingers on the nuclear button. In my opinion, the world is far closer to a nuclear confrontation than it was during the Cuban missile crisis. In takes only 8 minutes for these two judgment impaired ideologically obsessed men who are late in their natural lives and seem to want to prove their vitality, to launch enough nuclear missiles to end most life on this planet.  

The psychological inertia of the war is taking us down the path to mutual nuclear destruction. It must be stopped or by November 28th it may be too late.


Why in THE WORLD do both Putin and Biden seem so inclined to talk as though a nuclear Armageddon is nearly a forgone conclusion?  Have you noticed how there is almost a fatalistic tone to Putin's and Biden’s rhetoric? How come they seem so accepting to the possibility that nuclear weapons are on the table?  Is their posturing strategic? Are they playing a game of chicken?  Is this a battle of their personal ego's?  Is Putin "Corn Pop?"  

Why aren't leaders diligently pursuing a diplomatic resolution?  And if we are, why are leaders not offering the public reassurance that efforts are progressing? It is almost as though world leaders are testing how far they can go before the public begins to panic about the end of the world.

Last but not least. Why are so many people apathetic? Why aren't there MASSIVE public protests in Europe, United States, Israel and elsewhere DEMANDING a stop?!!  Why is the public putting trust in Biden and Putin, let one Zelensky, to arrest the military conflict??

The whole situation is odd. Not just the way Putin and Biden are talking. But the WHOLE SITUATION.  

It is said that WWII began at WWI. I personally don't believe today's situation began when Russian troops crossed the border into Ukraine.  It began long long before that. It began before Biden was elected or even when Trump won the Presidential election. It began before Obama called ISIS the "JV Team" and caused the largest migration in history of Muslims into Europe. It may have begun on 9/11/2001 or 4/8/1966 or even 9/1/1859.  

Why should we care about when it began? If we understand how it began, In Beginning, we might understand the ending.  The greatest historians' books about major historical events are typically extremely long. That is because historians draw the important connections between a multitude of people and hundreds of events over long periods of time. 

Something is "off" with Ukraine, with Covid, with climate change and a lot of things. World leaders are not telling us what they know.  They are not telling us what they are planning.   

On 10/17/2022 (22 Tishrei 5783) I had a revelation. Maybe it was a bizarre fantasy.  It was a conspiracy theory I have never heard before. Regardless of how I classify my thoughts, they explained a lot to me. This blog post doesn't explain it to you. Rather, it answered for me all the questions I raised in this blog post. Ukraine, Covid, Climate change, the rise in UFO sitings, plus even the Kennedy assassination, the rise in Cetacean strandings and the prepping trend are all connected.  

Eyes to see and ears to hear. No fear!

🙏PSALM 91🙏

Thursday, October 13, 2022


A month ago I blogged about my thinking that the Ukraine/Russia conflict was entering a new phase. You can read what I said here about "Putin's Diabolic Plan."

Whoever blew up the Nord Stream pipeline got what they wanted. On the surface, pun intended, they shut off Russian gas supplies to Europe. But if you look more deeply, pun intended, they escalated the war. 

It was a given that Russia would retaliate. It was a given that Russia would deem an attack on their infrastructure as "fair game basis" for attacking Ukraine's infrastructure, as well as whichever nation is deemed accountable. 

It was to be expected that such attacks would draw NATO and the USA more heavily into the war. The effect being more arms being supplied to Ukraine. 

We had to know that promises of such aid would cause Russia to speed up it's systemic destruction of Ukraine's infrastructure. Knowing that air defense systems and other more advanced military equipment is on the way, Russia will rush their targeting and attack efforts in order to destroy as much infrastructure as possible in advance of those new air defense systems. 

Russia can read the writing on the wall in terms of the vulnerability of their ground troops, so Russia was bound to make a tactical military to shift to using ballistic missiles and drones.  This would draw Russia closer to Iran as a supplier. It also put nuclear weapons on the table. This article in Reuters (10.13.22) documents these very events. 

With infrastructure a primary target, it is obvious all of this would result in Ukraine, let alone Europe, going into the winter without heat and shortages of electricity. A classic "siege strategy" is unfolding. Blowing up apartment buildings forces people out of their homes and making them more vulnerable to the cold. Without electricity, MUCH more ceases to function. 

What does this all suggest? Who blew up the pipeline? 

To figure out who blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, there is an old legal/crime solving adage we can apply.  This method is still applied today when trying to solve a "who did it" crime. 

Cui bono is a Latin phrase that means “who benefits?”, and is used to suggest that there's a high probability that those responsible for a certain event are the ones who stand to gain from it.

If we apply this line of thought to the situation in Ukraine, it is hard to argue that Putin is benefiting. Right off the bat he lost a vital revenue stream. He also lost major leverage in negotiations since his ability to quickly turn up gas supplies to Europe was removed. 

Putin is enemy #1. He is a marked man and anyone with motivation to take putin out from within Russia would certainly gains tons of political capital, assuming they survive in the process. The Nord Stream sabatoge will make Putin more paranoid, desperate and likely to do unimaginable damage knowing he personally can't come out alive! 

As for annexing Ukraine, whatever the Ukrainian people thought of Putin's Russia before is sure to be diminished with Putin on a rampage. At this point Putin has lost any chance of winning the hearts of the Ukrainian people. In effect, Putin has already lost the war!  

If destroying Nord Stream isn't in Putin's interests, who benefits? Here are some logical assumptions:

  1. Western arms manufacturers and dealers are making a fortune supplying the latest in expensive arms to Ukraine. They are also benefiting from the fact that European nations are all beefing up their own military defenses. The "military industrial complex" is raking in the money!!
  2. Ukraine is virtually certain to be brought into NATO before everything is done. Thus the NATO alliance has greater obligations to provide for the defense of Ukraine. (Read #1 again.)
  3. Ukraine will require hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of dollars in rebuilding projects. Major construction project contracts will be let out. Such contracts will more than likely go to huge Western multinational construction/management firms. 
  4. Corrupt actors operating in Ukraine will sift billions off all the money slushing around! 
  5. Western and Middle Eastern energy firms will have to replace Russian oligarchs and Russian energy supplies to Europe.  

Fortunes are being made off the Ukraine/Russia War. NATO gains territory. The Ukrainian people are mere pawns on the chessboard -- the innocent victims of war. The lives and futures of thousands are being devastated every day in Ukraine. 

The victors are the ones who benefit (Cui bono)! 

There is one giant body which surely has a hand in all of this. They are the one's behind the scenes running all the major corporations that will fill the needs created by the war in Ukraine.  They are the ones' profiting from the developments regarding Ukraine which I listed above. They are also the leaders of nations and the European Union. Their influence reaches all the way to the United States. In fact, the Biden campaign and this giant body use the same "Build Back Better" slogan!

This giant body is self admittedly seeking to form a "New World Order" and a "One World Government." 

This giant body seeks to do a worldwide "reset" and to "build back better." 

This gaint body also has a goal to reduce worldwide population by 25% from CURRENT levels. Wars, pandemics, starvation, abortion and destruction of the family are all effective means of achieving population reduction. 

WHO is this giant body with so much to benefit removing Putin? None other than the World Economic Forum (WEF)! 

Here is where it gets more complicated and devious. The WEF isn't a body that has any direct decision making. They aren't a country. They don't have weapons or soldiers. What they do is espouse an ideology. They promote and indoctrinate a philosophy about how the leaders of countries, banks, multinational corporations and the world's elite should think!  At the highest levels they are a cabal.  

The possibility is that the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, as well as the actions of NATO more generally, is the result of a Globalist philosophy, embedded in the mindset of a swarm of decision makers in nations like Germany, France, and Euro centric leaders coupled with Globalist of a W.E.F. like mind in the U.K. and the United States.

Approaching the question of "who benefits" (cui bono") from the Nord Stream pipeline sabatoge leads to a very complicated and intertwined set of possible assumptions.  Here is the great irony:  The Euro nations have formed a group body (Eurojust) to investigate the blasts. Is there no conflict of interest there?! 

Here is one last thought:  National Populist thinkers and leaders Trump and Putin are the greatest adversaries and existential threats to the Globalist mindset sought by the World Economic Forum and the European Union. They both stand in the way of the W.E.F. agenda. Is there a conceivable connection between the targeting of them could the crime of the "Russian Hoax" and the Nord Stream pipe sabatoge be in any way related?  Bazaar as it may seem to draw a connection, in the grand scheme, the W.E.F. has to neutralize any threats and road blocks to it's desired New World Order. They will stop at nothing!! Think about it! 

I will end on a question: Who is to say that the Nord Stream pipeline was sabatoged by ONE country?

P.S. Check out the figures that Russell Brand points our attention to in this resent post on his YT channel. 

Thursday, October 6, 2022



The U.S. Treasury Department recently released a new report showing our national debt passed $31 trillion. 

The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimates that Biden's policies have added nearly $5 trillion to deficits since he took office, according to The New York Times. That projection includes Biden's $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill which Democrats dubbed the "Inflation Reduction Act."

In fact, the national debt has climbed nearly $8 trillion since 2020 with $1 trillion coming in just the last eight months.  Higher interest rates on government debt are going to compound an already unsustainable burden on USA taxpayers.  The emphasis is on PAYERS since only about 42.9 percent of U.S. households paid income tax in 2021. The remaining 57.1 percent of households paid no individual income tax. The top 5% of taxpayers pay ~60% of Federal taxes!  

There are 124 million households in the United States. Assuming 43% are paying taxes that means that means approximately 53 million households

To use a word the has become extremely popular over the last 15-20 years, the national debt is not sustainable.

The term "Sustainability" has become a rallying cry for Democrats who want to eliminate fossil fuels. Biden campaigned on Sustainability!  (That and how wearing a mask and getting the vaccine would stop the virus. They didn't!) 

There is more hypocrisy going on than there is sustainability.  Our Federal Debt is not sustainable! Neither is Medicare or Social Security. Open borders are not sustainable.  Our electric grid is not going to sustain the massive rush to EV's.  Health care costs, college debt, and utility rates are not sustainable either. 

Thus far we have been able to kick all these unsustainable problems down the road, but at some point the road ends! What happens then? What happens then has a name.  It is called "The Fourth Turning" and then is now.

In the extraordinary book "The Fourth Turning" the authors' William Strauss and Neil Howe say there is an 80-year recurring generation cycle in American history and Western history. The cycle has stages and the last stage is called the "Turning."

The "Turning" is the crisis stage and marks an era of destruction, often involving war or revolution, in which institutional life is destroyed and rebuilt in response to a perceived threat to the nation's survival. Three prior cycles have Turnings that coincided with the American Revolution, the Civil War, and the Great Depression/WWII. 

According to the authors' theory, right now we are in the winter of history—the fourth turning of a crisis. It started with the Great Recession of 2007-09 and is likely to last toward the end of the decade—between 2027-2030. In other words, we are in a very dangerous time in history.  

The Fourth Turning was written in 1997. The predictions in it are prophetic of our time. Since we are about 60-70% into the Fourth Turning's events as described in the book, it is possible to guage the accuracy, and thus the credibility, of the author's predictions.  (The authors are working on releasing an updated edition with more recent research.)

Experts on this pattern, say that history speeds up in the Fourth Turning and is characterized as having an urgent view of the future. Change, risk and uncertainty reach their peak as the Fourth Turning culminates. 

I titled this blog post "A Question We Need To Ask Ourselves." The reason being is that there are ways we can prepare ourselves and our family personally for future events. Therein is the question.  "What can I do and when will I start doing it? 

Many of the wealthiest people in the world are preparing for a systemic collapse. So is a segment of the USA population known as "preppers." In addition, many in the ultra-orthodox and Messianc Jewish, Evangelical Christians and other religious communities sense we are in an "end-times" age. It is interesting how different folks prepare in different ways for a very similar sense that the world is turning

This blog post isn't intended to answer the question of what you can do should things get crazy and out of control, or shall I say supernatural. It was written to encourage you to do that. 

We live in prophetic times.  Times against all odds.  In an age the Bible predicted.  

Epilogue: I offer this teaching. "Sapient & the Strange Death of Europe."