I write to think. I speak my mind in order to help organize my thoughts. Take it or leave it. (I make no claim to any the graphics on this blog.)
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Sunday, February 2, 2025
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Hamilton Broadway Musical |
As a matter of fact, I think the play is in some supernatural way foreshadowing future events, from the time it was previewed in 2009 at Obama's White House, the lives of Obama and Donald Trump and what would become the history of America. I know that's a crazy thing to think or say, "But just you wait, just you."
Donald Trump would come down his famous golden Trump Tower escalator just 50 days after the Hamilton musical debuted on Broadway.
Since Trump came down the escalator he has been non-stop! Here's the song "Non-Stop" from the musical:
The stories and lives of these four men, Burr, Hamilton, Obama And Trump, are clearly different. I am not saying that Lin-Manuel is a prophet! And, their is nothing biblical about the "Spoken Word," from wence this musical was created. That being said, there are so many very curious parallels that I have noticed for the whole thing to be coincidence.
Here is the full soundtrack of Hamilton:
Alexander HamiltonWe are waiting in the weeds for youYou could never back downYou never learned to take your timeAlexander HamiltonAmerica Sings for youDo they know what you overcameDo they know you control your nameThe world will never be the same,
Thursday, January 30, 2025
EXODUS 20.2 - I AM
Exodus 20:3 (Chabad) -- "You shall not have the gods of others in My presence."
There are two verses before we get to the first commandment. Those are what I am wrestling with in this blog post.
In the preceding verse, Exodus 20.2, God identifies Himself, but God does more than identify Himself, He qualifies himself: "I am the Lord, your God, Who took you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage."
Additionally, God seems to imply that He belongs to these people! He tells them He is "your God."
Considering that God created the Universe, doesn't "Taking you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage," seem trivial? In the grand scheme of EVERYTHING, breaking the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt is minor compared to creating the solar system or the oceans.
It seems to me that the point God is making has to do with trust. God is identifying himself as a Force to be trusted. God is giving the Israelites a reason why they can have trust in Him. With the words "your God"... God is emphasizing that He is the One guiding their journey. There are 42 "Journey's" in Exodus. That fact and the number 42 is not lost on Jewish sages.
In Exodus 20, God is about to tell the people to follow His ways -- the Ten Commandments. It seems like God is saying "I got you this far, so keep your trust in Me."
In this weeks Parshah, Parashat Bo, (Exodus 10:1-13:16) is the story of the Jews hurried departure from Egypt, carrying their unleavened dough before it could even rise into bread. God commanded the Israelites, “This is the law of the Passover offering. You must remember this day as a covenant between Me and My people. Remember, this day you were freed from Egypt by God to go to the land of milk and honey. Remember, this day, for all generations and honor Me by not eating any leavened bread.”
In this section of the Torah, we read about the Plagues that God brought. Each of the Plagues has a meaning! As everyone knows, there are 10 Plagues. (10 Commandments too.) The Ten Plagues also add up in Gematria to ONE (Aleph) God.
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=55If we reduce 55: 5+5=10 (The Ten Commandments.)If we reduce the Ten: 1+0=11=Aleph (First Letter in Hebrew)
In Exodus 10:1-2 of Parshat Bo, I found insight into Exodus 20 and receiving the Word at Sinai, 50 days after the Passover.
1 The Lord said to Moses: "Come (Bo) to Pharaoh, for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, in order that I may place these signs of Mine in his midst,
2 and in order that you tell into the ears of your son and your son's son how I made a mockery of the Egyptians, and [that you tell of] My signs that I placed in them, and you will know that I am the Lord."
There it is: You will know that I am the Lord.
These verses are pointing to the future, "your son's son" suggests some far-off time. This begs the question of when? Presumably a time when future generations will need to recognize God in their midst. A God who will come (Bo) to take us out of a land and out of a house of bondage. God also specifically said "you tell of My signs that I placed in them, and you will know that I am the Lord."
For over 3400 years, every year since that command was given when the Jews went out of Egypt, we have told the Passover story. We reenact it at the Passover Seder when we list every sign in "order."
The Exodus from Egypt is a pivotal event in Jewish collective memory, symbolizing redemption and the establishment of a covenant with God. Egypt also serves as a symbol of oppression from which God redeems His people, underscoring themes of deliverance and divine intervention.
Egypt is seen as a backdrop for highlighting Judaism's monotheism against Egyptian polytheism and its rejection of idolatry and bodily mutilation practices common in ancient Egypt.
Furthermore, from this story we form the anticipation of a future Devine Redeemer who will show signs and lead the people from bondage and a world filled with idolatry. Does this sound like anyone we should recognize from the history of the Jewish people? Is there another profit who tells "His chosen people," I AM? Is their a Devine Redeemer who pours out water from a Rock?
Matthew 16:13 -- When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” 14 They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” 16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” 20 Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.
The miracles of Moses and Jesus share several parallels, highlighting their roles as divine agents:
- Demonstration of Power: Moses performed miracles like turning his rod into a snake and water into blood, while Jesus turned water into wine and fed thousands with a few loaves of bread.
- Healing and Salvation: Moses lifted a bronze serpent to heal snakebites, and Jesus was lifted on the cross to save humanity from sin.
- Provision and Redemption: Moses provided bread in the wilderness, and Jesus multiplied loaves to feed the hungry, symbolizing spiritual nourishment.
- Authority and Covenant: In their roles as intermediaries between God and humanity, both figures mediated covenants.
Exodus 20.1 reads, "God spoke all these words, to respond:"
What is God responding to? Since this is the first verse in chapter 20, I looked back to the prior chapter, Exodus 19 for that answer. This is an amazing chapter! Read it for yourself.
Exodus 19.9 (KJV)-- And the Lord said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and believe thee for ever. And Moses told the words of the people unto the Lord.
Exodus 19.9 (KJV) -- And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice.
Like Genesis which has so much meaning in the first word, Bereshit בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית, the first word of Exodus 20.2 in the "Ten Commandments" also possesses tremendous meaning. Exodus 20.2, begins with the Hebrew word אָֽנֹכִ֨י (Anochi) which translates to "I am." It is followed by the YHVH, which is considered to be the unspeakable name of God and is usually translated as "I Am Who (or that) I Am." In effect, you could read that beginning of Exodus 20.2 as "I am, I Am Who I Am."
God said "you tell of My signs that I placed in them, and you will know that I am the Lord."
Speak to the Rock
In the wilderness, Moses is told to "speak to the Rock," rather than striking it. God told Moses in Numbers 20:8 (NIV) -- "Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink."
I believe God was about to reveal Himself if Moses spoke to the Rock. If Moses spoke to the Rock, I believe the Rock would have responded with a Voice that the people heard, and they would have believed forever.
Instead, Moses struck the Rock. By doing so, Moses deprived the people. Because Moses didn't trust God, He was not allowed to enter the Promise Land. God was done with Moses.
The Jewish people would not have another prophet like Moses. We would have to wait for Messiah. once again, like in Exodus, the issue was whether we would recognize Him the next time. We were told how to recognize Him, but would we? Or have our hearts been hardened like Pharaoh's?
All through the Tanakh and the Gospels, God wants believers to know him. God is seeking a personal relationship, but it takes time to build a personal relationship. It takes time to build trust. It takes Supernatural signs to reveal a Supernatural God. It takes humility on our part. As we saw with Pharaoh, even great signs are not enough for stubborn people.
God speaks to us, if we have ears to hear. If we speak to the Rock and listen, we will hear His voice.
Matthew 7:24-27 -- 24 Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
One can search for Truth. Or one can wait and hope for it to be revealed. Either way, one needs ears to hear and eyes to see.
Here's is a traditional Jewish teaching on Parashat Bo from a reliable source; My Jewish Learning.
Egypt is the template for all Jewish Exiles. Rabbi Hajioff does a very good teaching on this.
Vav - 6
Vav is designed like a hook or nail. It connects. It is a chute which connects the higher level to the lower level. It has the word meaning "and."
Vav in front of a word it transforms past into future and future into past. By merely attaching the vav, the past is transformed into the future. In reverse, consider the word yehi, which means “it shall be,” as in “Yehi ohr—[And G‑d said,] “Let there be light.” Place a vav in front—vayehi—and the meaning becomes, “There was light,” in the past tense.
Vav has integer and gematria value of 6.
The Prophet Ezekiel had six visions which connected to the higher level:
- Vision of the Cherubim: Ezekiel sees four creatures with the faces of a human, lion, ox, and eagle. Each creature has four wings, and they are connected by their outstretched wings.
- Vision of the Scroll: Ezekiel sees a scroll.
- Vision of the Plain: Ezekiel sees a plain.
- Visions of Jerusalem: Ezekiel sees the abominations in the Temple, the inhabitants of the city slain, the city destroyed by fire, and the departure of God's glory.
- Vision of Dry Bones: Ezekiel sees the dead of the house of Israel rise again.
- Vision of the New Temple: Ezekiel sees the New Temple and associated scenes.
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;
the whole earth is full of his glory.”
The first word in the Torah is 6 letters בְּרֵאשִׁית (Bereshit).
The world was created in 6 days.
Passover is in Nisan the 1st month of the ecclesiastical year but it is the 6th month from Tishrei, the first month of the calender year with begins the New Year.
The Seder plate has six symbolic foods,
600,000 men (20-60 years old) left Egypt. Exodus 12:37 -- The children of Israel journeyed from Rameses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand on foot, the men, besides the young children.
Revelation at Sinai:
The word Israel is an acronym for "יlllש ששים רבוא אותיות לתורה", which means "There are six hundred thousand letters of the Torah.
Man was created on the 6th day.
The sun is highest in the sky at the 6th hour of the day.
Shavuot is celebrated on the 6th day of the Hebrew month of Sivan (6th month from Tishrei New Year month. The Hebrew word Sivan (סִיוָן) means "season" or "time".
The magan David has 6 points. The Star of David looked at through the wisdom of Kabbalah.
In Christian context, John 19:14 It was the day of Preparation of the Passover; it was about noon. (Noon is the 6th hour.) “Here is your king,” Pilate said to the Jews.
Yeshua crucified on the 6th day of the 6th month, Elul. (The sixth month and the last month of the Jewish yearly cycle.)
Matthew 13:8 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.
There is a deep connection between the Vav (6) and the Samech (60).
P.S. I grew up on 6 Flower Hill
Samekh - 60
Samekh (Samech) is the 15th letter in the Hebrew aleph-beyt. It's gematria value is 60, which reduces 6, the letter Vav.
I love to look for the alphanumeric connections for better understanding and deeper meaning. Names and dates can be extremely enlightening as well, if applicable.
In Hebrew numerology, the number 15, represents three "three fives." The Hebrew letter "Hey" (ה) represents the number 5 and is often linked to "behold" and "reveal" and concepts like grace, favor, and redemption. Repeating a number in Hebrew numerology can emphasize its meaning, so "three fives" signifies a stronger emphasis on the concept associated with the number 5.
Repeating 5 three times amplifies the concepts associated with 5, potentially representing a heightened level of divine blessing or intervention.
There is a fascinating connection between 15 and 60 in the Priestly Benediction. In the Priestly Blessing there are fifteen words and sixty letters. When the Kohen blesses the people, he must put his hands together. According to the Mishnah , there are thirty bones in each hand, sixty when the hands are joined.
The design of the samech is a closed circle. The letter Samech is one of the only two fully closed letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the other being the letter mem sofit (in final form).
A circle represents infinity, because it has no beginning or end. In Kabbalah, the samech represents the infinite power of the Ein Sof, G‑d’s infinite light.
The samech also resembles a wedding band. The Giving of the Torah at Sinai “was the betrothal ceremony” when G‑d gave us the ring, our wedding band, the Torah.
The root word of the letter Samekh means “to uphold, support, or lean on.” Samech stands for soolam (סוּלָם), meaning ‘ladder’, a key symbol in Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah), referring to one’s inner journey. The letter SAMECH is a symbol of support and protection.
The word samech סמך is an acronym for: salach סלח,to forgive; mechal מחל,to pardon; and kaper כפר, to atone. "When one takes strides to forgive, pardon and atone, one achieves a great spiritual healing.
A Chassidic Rabbi's Teaching on the letter Samech
It is always helpful to refer to Psalm 119 for a deeper understanding of a Hebrew letter. Pastor David Guzik does a very good Judeo-Christian teaching on Samech in Psalm 119.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Future of Gaza
What does the future hold for Palestinians in Gaza? I can tell you this: It doesn't look like the failures of the past.
The people living in the coastal plains of "Gaza" have been an existential threat to Isreal and Jews since Gaza was the base of our ancient fierce biblical enemies, the Philistines.
Applying old failed solutions will not resolve the age old problems with Gaza. In the video below, Joel Rosenberg of "All Israel News" speaks to Trump's bold plan for the future of Gaza.
My Trump hating friends are digging in their liberal Anti-Trump heels, and failing to see the advantages of the future Trump is sketching out.
I say "STOP THE HATE," Trump hate, that is, and give peace a chance!!
I like the direction Trump is heading! Building on the success and approach of the Abraham Accords makes a whole lot of sense!
Let's all face it: Gaza is a "demolition site" and it needs to be "cleaned out" in both physical and ideological terms!! There can never be peace with Hamas or any it's supporters.
The vast majority of Gazans elected Hamas and support their attack on Oct 7th!! They cheered the atrocities.
The YouTube Channel, The Israel Guys, reported on the complicity of Gazans.
Up until now, Palestinians in Gaza have essentially had two options:
1. Stay in Gaza and live peacefully beside Israel. 2. Stay in Gaza and continue to strive to kill Jews and destroy Israel
They chose option #2! "There are two million terrorists in Gaza."
Trump's approach of relocating the residents of Gaza is essentially swapping out choice #2 for a new choice.
- Stay in Gaza and continue to strive to kill Jews and destroy Israel.
- Leave (Relocate to a Muslim country.)
Bible believers know we are witnessing supernatural events. Israel and Turkey are beginning to square off in Syria.
Friday, January 24, 2025
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Star of David with Zion in Hebrew |
When Joshua crossed over the Jordan in 1405 BCE he entered the Land promised by the God of Israel to the Israelites. Each of the Tribes of Israel, Jacob's son, had a section of land.
Judea and Samaria are regions that were part of the ancient Israelite kingdoms of Judah and Israel. Judea was located south of Jerusalem, while Samaria was located to the north.
Northern Samaritans and Southern Judea Jews share a common male chromosome ancestry, which happens to be different than Palestinians. Palestinians trace their genetic ancestry primarily to ancient populations of the Levant, including Bronze Age Canaanites. Which is to say, the battle between Israelites and Palestinians is an ancient one. One that the God of Israel was quite clear about.
The Star of David Testifies to the Land of Israel
King David united the tribes into the Kingdom of Israel. The Star of David, Israel, and Zion all trace back to King David.
In the Hebrew context, the Star of David is actually referred to as the “Shield of David” (magen David), a phrase first mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud, not as a symbol, but as an epithet for God [Pesachim 117b].
The shields of King David’s army had the Star. Rabbi Akiva chose the Star of David as the symbol of Bar-Kochba’s revolt against the Roman emperor Hadrian (Bar-Kochba’s name means “son of the star”).
According to historical estimates, the landmass of ancient Israel in 1000 BC, encompassing the combined territories of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, would have been roughly around 10,000 square miles. The land area of Israel today including Judea Samaria and Gaza is approximately 10,600 square miles.
That's why Hitler made Jews wear the infamous yellow star.
The phrase "West Bank" became commonly used after Jordan annexed the area in 1950, following the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. It referred to the territory west of the Jordan River, distinguishing it from Jordan's "East Bank" region.
Before Jordan annexed the territory and renamed it the "West Bank" in 1950, the area was commonly referred to as Judea and Samaria, names rooted in biblical and historical traditions.
Jordan annexed the west bank of the Jordan river in 1950 for several key reasons:
- The Territorial Ambitions of King Abdullah who sought to incorporate the West Bank into Jordan as part of his vision of a "Greater Syria" and to consolidate control over Arab Palestine.
- The annexation was framed as a measure to safeguard Arab territories from further Israeli expansion after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
- Annexing the West Bank gave Jordan control over East Jerusalem and its religious sites, enhancing its regional influence.
The people living in that area after Jordan annexed the "west bank" were deemed citizens of Jordan!
Jordan officially relinquished its claim to the "West Bank" on July 31, 1988, when King Hussein announced the severance of legal and administrative ties with the territory. After that residents in the abandoned "west bank" lost their Jordanian citizenship. Jordan does not even supply aid to settlers in the West Bank. Instead, Jordan has been actively sending humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, often passing through the West Bank.
Furthermore, Jordan does not grant Palestinians in the West Bank an automatic right to move to Jordan today. The Jordanian government views a large-scale migration of Palestinians from the West Bank as a threat to its national security.
Besides Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon consider the presence of large numbers of Palestinians a national security threat and restrict their ability to settle permanently.
Let's Keep Jordan in Context!
The modern nation of Jordan was created in 1921 when Winston Churchill, as part of the British mandate, established the Emirate of Transjordan under Hashemite Prince Abdullah. This separated the territory from the British Mandate Palestine to distinguish it from areas intended for a Jewish national home. Jordan formally gained independence from Britain in 1946, becoming the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan with Abdullah as king.
There was no ancient "Kingdom of Jordan" as we know it today. The region of modern-day Jordan was home to several ancient kingdoms during the Iron Age (1200–332 BCE), including:
- Ammon: Centered around modern-day Amman.
- Moab: Located in the highlands east of the Dead Sea.
- Edom: Situated in the southern region near Wadi Araba.
Neither the Palestinians or the Jordanians can make the claim to a homeland or a nation that Israel can!!
The current USA Administration does not use the phrase "west bank." There is Judea Samaria. That is historically accurate. Once you realize that, it is obvious that the so called west bank of the River Jordan IS Israel.
I expect it won't be long before the USA Officially acknowledges the area west of the Jordan as Israel. Much the same as President Trump did with the Golan Heights.
As Jews, I believe we should do the same. I am!
Calling all of Judea Samaria Israel is correct on every level. The west bank of the Jordan is no more Palestine than Israel is Cannan.
It behooves everyone living in a country, regardless of their origin or ethnic identity, to live there peacefully. Israel has every right, just like any country, to expect that and to demand that.
Am Yisrael Chai! עם ישראל חי
P.S. RIDDLE ME THIS: What's really small and bigger than something really big?
The "West Bank" and the Gulf of America.
When Trump acknowledges the west bank is part of Israel, the news is going to reverberate around the world and back again. It will be huge!
Just listen to how Trump is reshaping the Middle East in 4 days.
West Bank belongs to Jews. Palestine is a myth. (Elise Stefanik, nominated U.N. Ambassador)