Wednesday, February 26, 2020


India's Leader Modi embraces President

"His imbecile mind and disgusting manner have made the USA the laughing stock of the whole world."

That was said about LINCOLN in the Press during his day. It's what MANY thought of Lincoln, who was considered a Washington outsider and a buffoon. They said the "European powers will despise that this President was the best that Americans could do."

Today, Trump's critics say very similar things about him.  The way the mainstream press and the Washington establishment treated Lincoln bears a likelyhood to how Trump is treated.  The criticisms are hard to distinguish.
Lincoln was not deterred and Trump is certainly not either. 

By "putting America first" and encouraging other Nations to do the same, Trump has sent a strong message to leaders around the world that Patriotism and pride in one's country is a positive thing.

Standing his ground for America on trade and defense issues as he's done, Trump is taken seriously.  It is a truth revealing contrast to Obama who failed to respond to Syria's Assad when he crossed the "Red Line."

By showing that Sovereignty is not something to be abandonded nor ashamed of, Trump made himself a model which other National leaders are patterning and being elected for.

By the same token, Trump is quite clear that protecting the culture and identity of each Nation from inside is NOT a reason to cease relations or doing trade with the those outside.  To the contrary, Trump wants to build stronger relationships with our allies, do more trade, and break down old barriers to peace.

Trump is demanding relationships be on our terms. While holding America to its original Founders' vision, keeping to the Constitutional and reinforcing our trust in God.

Trump is demanding that trade be "fair and reciprocal." He is willing to take bold new moves to change the status quo with enemies like North Korea and Iran. But he does so from strength.  Even if that strength seems like childish name calling and threats. After all, that is the language some of our enemies understand!

Trump's strong message on trade has broken through. He's scored giant trade victories many thought impossible with Mexico, Canada,  South Korea, Vietnam and China. Deals with the U.K., Europe and India are in the works.  They almost seem inevitable given the President's success and momentum.

Trump took his message abroad right from the start in the Middle  East. But
Unlike Obama's "Apology Tour" when Obama who "bowed" to dictators in the Middle East and literally confessed America's sins, Trump held his head high and maintained America's dignity! Dozens of Arab countries in the Middle East respected Trump for that. They welcomed him and they listened to him at the major and historic Arab summit at the beginning of his Presidency.  
Cheering supporters in Warsaw Poland.
The crowds in Poland chanted Trump. The protestors fighting for Liberty in Hong Kong cheer him. Trump excited the people of Vietnam. Brits were encouraged to go bravely forward with BREXIT in the U.K. because they knew Trump had Great Britain's back.

Trump commands respect from the most populated country in the world, China. And just this week India, the largest and most populous Democracy in the world "Bowed in Respect" to Trump at the "Namaste Trump" rally.
110K Cheering supporters in India
Meanwhile, back in the USA, EVERY Democratic candidate for President showed NO respect for the current President of the United States. If anyone should be able to appreciate what Trump accomplished with ZERO political experience against 17 serious Republican contenders and then going on to defeat the Clinton machine it should be the Democratic candidates flailing for attention during the debates. 

The Democrats bring shame to themselves, their Party, the Office of the President, and on America through their contemptuous lack of respect.

The contrast between the respect Trump receives and doesn't receive is revealing the truth about the true platform of the Democratic platform. And it explains why Sanders is going to win the Primary but lose the Election.

Saturday, February 22, 2020


The DNC, the Deep State inside the CIA, DOJ, and the FBI, the elite Washington Establishment like Pelosi, Schumer, Waters and others are being overcome with FEAR.  They see the writing on the wall for the November election results.

Since 01■01■2020 the tables have turned on the corrupt in Washington. As the election on 11■03■20 approaches the fear in those on the Left will elevate.

The DNC AND Deep State's DESPERATE attempts to gain the upper hand will fail and PANIC will emerge.
DESPERATION and PANIC will bring irrational and drastic behaviors. And with that greater will be their exposure. 
The evil traitorous insiders in our government will know before the mainstream media will fully acknowledge it, that Trump's re-election is all but inevitable. They will see the writing on the wall before the actual election.  And, they know that a landslide victory which gives Trump 4 more years is the door that will give Trump a mandate, the authority and the time to DRAIN THE SWAMP!

Trump ALWAYS needed 8 years!  And I believe Trump knew he could not take on the traitors in Washington until AFTER they were EXPOSED and UNTIL he was re-elected.
The truth is being exposed now in such large and obvious ways that it can not be denied.  The sheeps clothing is being ripped and torn off the wolves in Washington, the Media, Hollywood. on certain politicians and activists. Their evil is being revealed.

The corrupt traitors will be like cornered beasts.  Their fangs and claws will come out. We are already starting to see this at moments with Pelosi. But it is going to get much worse. 

Disbelievers will not be able to deny to themselves what their eyes will tell them when they see the beasts.

Upcoming events in Washington D.C. will be very unsettling. But make no mistake, they are retribution for the beast.

The traitors will not win. What is RIGHT -- the Spirit and Foundation that our Nation was founded upon --is the LIGHT. Forces of Justice will be victorious.  IN GOD WE MUST TRUST.

As we approach 11■03■20, there will be two primary group reactions by the uunfaithful who have taken their hatred of the President into their heart and nurtured a grudge since 2016.

There are those who who have been deceived and are still under deception. Their reactions are ruled entirely by their ego. They will experience enourmous anger which will climax on election night. Their anger will become RAGE and they will release their RAGE on society.

The other group who has been deceived but can finally see, will experience profound sadness, confusion and regret, as well as tremendous resentment of those who deceived them. They will need comforting. 

The manifestations of the Beast won't be destroyed without a fight. The group who is still blind and controlled by their ego will be exploited and manipulated by evil. They will continue to fight, but they will no longer be playing by the laws of a civil society.

Up until now the beast has fought with lies and subversion. After 11■03■20 the beast is going to fight openly and violently.  This is why it is so important that we protect our 2nd Amendment.

In Trump's second term he will attack the Deep State with a vengeance, like he attacked regulations in his first term. Trump will have no concern about winning a third term. So he will be more aggressive towards the corruption in Washington, the Elite and the Deep State. He will push through term limits.  He will limit special interests.  He will go after the agents of corruption inside our civil service agencies and departments, seeking to cut waste and the size of our Federal government.

Trump's bold actions will be threatening to the establishment in Washington on BOTH the Left and the Right. His broom is Bi-Partisan!!

Those at risk in Washington DC see it coming. As the election approaches and Trump's giant victory is visibly inevitable some will know their exploitation of the taxpayer is coming to an end. Most will simply go off into the sunset on pensions with free healthcare. Those who need to will  easily find new jobs.

Then there is the worst of those in the Deep State, corrupt politicians and the greedy. They will not go without a fight. As they are forced out they will cause destruction. Like Hillary, they will damage data systems and try to sabotage as much as they can before they are thrown out.

There will be many heroes, most unsung, who will see it their duty to try to stop the beast that is seeking to damage our great nation. Some internal exchanges may be violent or even deadly.
What I am describing isn't just happening in the USA either. The ROAR is happening in China, Russia and Iran (larger older Persia).


Thursday, February 20, 2020


(Note: Things have shifted around quite a bit since I last sized up the Democratic field in September last year.)

Does anyone know what the Democratic Party stands for?  I think do. And I think it explains why Sanders is the frontrunner.

Franklin Roosevelt's policies represented a jump to the Left in America. The Vietnam War and the anti-war countercultural movement pushed America much further to the Left.  If Sanders was to be elected, and he won't be in my opinion, Bernie Sanders would be a giant leap to Left. Bernie wouldn't be a "D"emocrat in the White House!

Bernie calls his followers a movement.  It's NO movement -- it's a Revolution. Underneath the hood of his "movement" is a Communist Revolution and his "Bernie Bros" are Revolutionaries.
Little "c"ommunist leads to big "C"ommunist. Father Sanders (Crazy Bernie) would lead the way. 
Bernie Sanders is the worst possible candidate in the United States for President!  The DNC knew it last time, so they rigged the Primary. The DNC knows it this time too. They are scared as hell that Sanders is leading at this late stage so they let Bloomberg buy his way onto the debate stage in the 9th hour.

Like 2016, the Republicans couldn't throw anything at Trump to defeat him in the Primary because of one thing. That one thing is that MORE than ANYTHING Americans want to DRAIN THE SWAMP.  Any the only candidate the Republican voters believed had a chance is Trump.

So it is with Sanders.  His supporters view him as the only one who can change Washington. The problem is that the change Sanders represents is the LAST thing America truly wants! Sanders would change America in all the wrong WAYS.

America needs to clean up Washington. America needs less poverty. America needs better health care and education.  America needs many things!  But NOT the Sanders's WAY!

Socialism/Communism purports to solve these problems and to make things more fair. In reality, in practice it makes all those things much worse!
Utopia IS a place that DOESN'T exist.
So why is Sanders the frontrunner?  It makes perfect sense. The reason is as obvious as the nose on one's face.

The reason Bernie Sanders is the frontrunner and the answer to what is the Democratic platform are totally related.

For the last three years the Democrats and the media have whipped up anger and hate for Donald Trump. Impeachment has been the Democratic mantra for more than three years!
The Democratic Party platform is the "Anger and Hate for Trump."
Democratic leadership -- leadership in the House, the Senate, the Intelligence Committee, the Judiciary Committee, the Banking and Finance Committee and Hillary have pressed that message for three long years.

For three years the mainstream media drove the message of anger and hate for Trump into the hearts and minds of millions of their most motivated voters.

That anger and hate extends to everything Trump represents and everyone who supports him.  Trump haters will support ANYONE who is Trump's enemy.

Democrats LOATHED Republicans John Cain and Mitt Romney until they hated Trump.  Watch Democrats suddenly fall in love with NRA spokesman Clint Eastwood since he just denounced Trump and came out in support of Bloomberg.

The Democratic hate for Trump has no boundaries. It pumped up the sleazy porn lawyer Avenati and considered that total scumbag for President for one reason - BECAUSE he hated Trump so visibly. 
There are literally dozens of examples of abhorrent acts of social behavior that are considered acceptable and he even applaud because they feed into the TDS narrative. 
Democratic Trump haters won't even directly censure outright anti-Semites Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib because they are rabid Ttump haters.

Democrats, especially on mainstream media and in Hollywood even believed Jessy Smollett's preposterous story because it fit the hate Trump narrative. It is no coincidence that Hollywood (Hate Central) chose Robert Di Nero, the poster boy for Trump hate for the "lifetime achiever" award.  And chances are quite high that Alex Baldwin will make an appearance on SNL this Saturday to remind Democrats about what really matters in this 2020 election!

The Democratic Party and the mainstream media made Sanders the frontrunner.  He is riding the wave of anger and hate they created:
  • Trump's appreciation for capitalism is answered by Sanders disgust for it.
  • Trump's respect for the 2nd Amendment is met by Sanders's disdain for it.
  • Trump's support for Israel is met by Sanders support for Hamas and BDS.
  • Trump's Patriotism and Pride as Commander in Chief is met by Sanders adoration for Colin Kaepernick.
  • Trump's love for America is answered by Sanders contempt for it.
  • The popular support for Trump is met by Democratic voter's popular support for Sanders.
So far every Democratic Primary debate has turned into a circular firing squad which gives the night to Trump.  There is no apparent platform, and the candidates clearly don't agree on one.  Except for the most obvious platform.

The Democrats have had one singular message and platform for over three years. The Democratic frontrunner candidate is the one who MOST RESEMBLES THE ANGER AND HATE FOR DONALD TRUMP AND ALL HE STANDS FOR AND ALL WHO STAND FOR HIM. 

Bernie Sanders is an octogenarian Socialist who has lived off the taxpayers for over 40 years. He is a lifelong politician with the most unsuccessful legislative record to show for it. He is an annoyance to his colleagues in the Senate where none of them took him seriously. By all rights he as no right to be the frontrunner. But none of that seems to matter because he fits the image which the Democratic Party and the mainstream media have planted in the heads of so many millions of Americans.  Such is the power of propaganda!  If it can get Hitler elected, it can surely give Bernie Sanders the Democratic nomination.

The Democratic Party and the Leftist media made their bed and now they have to sleep in it.

There is however one other thing which Bernie Sanders represents and that causes his supporters to gravitate to him.  I agree with him on it.  People are TOTALLY feed with the Washington establishment, the Washington elite and the SWAMP, in both BOTH PARTIES!

The problem for Sanders is that as the Presidential election comes around the majority of voters will realize that Sanders IS the Washington Establishment, only worse!  He's both a lifetime Washington politician AND he has the worst solutions.

IN CONCLUSION: Trump is the true outsider who was sent Washington to DRAIN THE SWAMP! 

For over 30 years everyone from Oprah Winfrey to Rona Barett has encouraged Donald Trump to run for President because he was a smart and powerful outsider. He has also been articulating practically the same message for nearly three decades.
The one other thing will be the SAME reason Trump's going to be elected for 4 MORE YEARS -- TO DRAIN THE SWAMP.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020



First watch this video on Facebook  and then consider my question.

The Chinese Government continues to cover up the truth about the Coronavirus epidemic, which China is desperately trying to avoid becoming a pandemic.

This cannot be stopped in Asia without an effective prevention vaccine. Treatment will save lives but not prevent the spread.

Here is a link to CDC for information on the virus:

Thankfully Trump put a ban on travel from China a couple of weeks ago. That will slow the virus spread, but not stop it. Infected carriers from China have already been to able to travel to other nations, who can infect others who do not know they are infected and may come to the USA or Canada or MEXICO.

Thankfully Trump is also rushing construction of the WALL. You may have noticed that just recently Trump moved ANOTHER ~$4 billion from the Defense budget to the wall and has waived laws in order to  accelerate construction. 

Though Trump hasn't said so yet, possibly because he doesn't want to create panic, or be accused of exploiting the virus for political purposes, I suspect a big reason Trump IS SPEEDING UP wall constrution is BECAUSE Mexico does substantial business and travel with China which makes an outbreak in Mexico more likely.

IF infected, an illegal alien would bring the virus to the USA.  Whereas, those entering the USA LEGALLY are screened FOR RISK FACTORS at the border. That is one reason borders are important!

Border security is integral to defenses against a serious virus or other infections.  For the same reason the border and customs officers search for food & vegetables, invasive species and screen for NUMEROUS other risk factors.  If people can cross our borders illegally and bypass customs we lose an essential means of defense.  

Furthermore, Mexico doesn't have the disease control that the USA has so there may be a greater potential for an outbreak getting out of control.  IF this were to happen, with the USA having both an unprotected border AND superior health care, Mexican's fearing or facing infection would be motivated to cross illegally. 

The border wall is already helping to reduce illegal crossing.  It only stands to reason that a more complete wall will have a greater impact. 
It is just common sense to think that the Coronavirus elevated concerns in our government officials who are responsible for disease control and motivated Trump's recent actions to move funds and accelerate construction - if not for that virus then for the next.  

- 646,000 people worldwide die each year from the FLU.
- 1 Million Deaths Every Year caused by mosquitoes.
- 1.25 million worldwide die in car crashes.
- COVID-19 estimates are as high as 50 million. 





UPDATE 2/23/20:  Report Suggests That Details Point To Coronavirus Coming From Chinese Lab. Article Link. 

Hundreds of Israelis have been placed in quarantine after coming in contact with Korean tourist group that included people diagnosed with coronavirus.  Israel's goverment taking measures to defend against the attack. Israel's Airport Authority is working to return some 800 tourists from Asia to their home countries.

UPDATE: 2/24/20:  Iranian MP says Coronavirus death toll rises to 50 in Iranian city of Qom, government denies.  Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain and Afghanistan announce first coronavirus cases, all linked to Iran.
It's hard to keep up with virus, because it is ACCELERATING. That's the nature of EXPONENTIAL growth! The Covid-19 virus is going VIRAL!
Without a preventative vaccine and treatment, quarantine and limiting exposure becomes a necessary strategy for constraining the virus.

It is been just proven that the virus is transferring asymptomatically, even before chest scans detect infection. This dramatically increases the precautions that have to be taken to slow the spread. With Quarantine requirements practically impossible to be met is not likely that the spread of the virus can be stopped. Given how rapidly exponential growth accelerates, and with there being no vaccine, this virus can very possibly become a world pandemic within months if not weeks.  It can quickly overwhelm public & private health care services and hospitals.

Based on the current world population of ~7.7 billion and the current mortality rate of 2% it is possible that the virus could claim tens of millions of lives. Perhaps many more.

Before the physical reality of a deadly pandemic sinks in, the reality will take it's toll of world economies.  Besides fear's effects on individual behavior, the steps which government, schools, transportation and businesses will have to take could well cripple society and commerce.

I cannot overstate the financial consequences to the economy if a vaccine or effective treatment is not arrived at fairly soon.

On a positive note, the virus is not a death sentence. Plus the greatest minds and labs from around the world in all the related fields are working feverishly to find a cure.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


03■09 to 3■10 are the dates for Purim in ■2020■.
  • 2 - The number 3 biblically represents divine wholeness, completeness and perfection.
  • 9 - is associated with truth. The Biblical numerology of number 9 is the finality or the judgement. It is generally when at the time of judging a person and his works. Also, number 9 is used to define the perfect movement of God. The biblical number 9 is [also] a number of patience.
  • 10 (Yod) - The Word for the Number Ten in Hebrew. ... The Hebrew character or letter that equals ten is a Yud and looks like this: י, it is the smallest Hebrew letter. The symbolical meaning of the Yud is God's Hand, meaning how God's Hand works or interacts in our lives.
  • 2 and 20 are also very significant!.
The meaning and power of 10.
Purim is coming up. This is the festival Jews celebrate jubilantly the DESTRUCTION of Haman. We blot out his family name together as we are commanded to retell the Book of Esther!

Haman had hatred in his heart for the Jews. And he nurtured his grudge into a plot to destroy them. But with her brother Mordechai, the good Queen Ester revealed the truth and Haman's plot to King Achashverosh of Persia. (~300 b.c.) The King allowed the Jews to arm themselves and they defeated their enemies.

Today's conspirators acted like Haman. They took hate into their heart and nurtured their grudge over Trump winning the election.

But God will not allow a Nation founded upon his values and in trust to him, one that blesses and protects the Nation of Israel, to be overthrown by evil doers.
The cunning evil forces tried also to break America's support for Israel to weaken our Nation and remove our blessing. But they were rebuked!
Since Trump was elected and glorified God by declaring Jerusalem Israel's eternal Capital, God has been playing with the haters egos and it is hardening their hearts. America is winning more than it has in 50 years. Trump has had success after success.

The haters' hearts are as hardened as they can be. Each truly believes . . .
  • Hillary thinks she won.
  • Pelosi thinks Trump was not acquitted.
  • Biden thinks he is off the hook.
  • Sanders think he's the right leader for America.
  • Schiff and Nadler still think Trump colluded with Russia.
  • Romney thinks he is righteous. 

The stage is set for the Book of Esther.  In the days of Haman, descendant of Agag, the king of the Amalekites, his plans were spoiled and his days were numbered.
Haman and his family of conspiring traitors were brought to justice.

As King Saul and David destroyed the Amelekites, The General of Justice in America will use the fiery sword of justice to cut through the Deep State. Like Haman and his sons, Brennan, Clapper, Comey and many others will be lead to the gallows.
Since 01■01■2020 the tables have turned on the conspirators!
Once their crimes are exposed Americans can rejoice and celebrate, for a time. But the time will be brief. The 2020 election will come. And Trump will win mightily!

Coming events will ensure that Trump wins 4 more years. 

The haters didn't accept the last election. Their hardened hearts believed that Haman's plot would succeed. They took comfort in their belief that Trump would be removed before his term was over, in effect validating their vote and their ego.

When Trump wins the 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION  and the haters must face the reality of 4 more years with Trump, their hate will rise to a higher level - RAGE. They will take their pitched anger and aggression out on God's believers, the faithful and supporters of this great Nation.

People in a state of rage don't think rationally. They are truly dangerous. Chaos and violence will ensure. Bernie Bro's and Antifa fascists will go literally crazy.  The country will have to use police force on it's people. 

4 is the door.

The number 4 is meaningful.  4 opens the door to the Rise of Rage. The haters hearts will explode at the thought of 4 more years. (Follow my link for an explanation on that.)

The door will release the rage but through the door will come the Lord. Who will be the Judah?  We shall all behold in due time. Be patient and stay calm.

For believers in Yeshua, it is interesting to know that Dalet, 4, has special meaning too.

Saturday, February 15, 2020


"I [God] form the light and create darkness, I make peace and I create evil, I am the LORD who does all of these" (Isaiah 45:7) 
If a child or any animal plays in the dirt they are going to get dirty. They are going to need to wash off.  But that's OK.

Dry dirt you may just dust off.  Mud is more difficult, it needs to be washed off.
Some dirt is more difficult to remove than other. There is dirt that is downright toxic and requires that we wear protection, like gloves or a face mask.  There is dirt that is so hazardous that it requires a Haz-Mat suite, for example when cleaning mold.

In life there is Good and Evil. Evil is like dirt. It is all around us. We can't entirely avoid it. It will get on us. We can try to keep it away - to protect ourselves. We have to regularly wash it off us - like we wash our hands.

Office Mezzuzah 
We can take steps to protect ourselves and our home from dirt and evil. Such as Jews do with a Mezzuzah (see footnote) that we put on our door posts and entrance gate.

Evil is constantly lerking around to get us. Evil has its eye on us, perpetually looking for a way in, a portal opening into our life and a chance to rob our soul.

Hamsa in window
Since ancient times human beings have sensed the dynamic with good and evil. The hamsa is a prehistoric symbol and an example of humankind's instinctual sence of the evil eye watching us.

The hamsa also represents our desire to guard our surroundings from evil. Like a Mezzuzah, many Jews and gentiles hang the hamsa around their homes and wear them as jewelry.

Staying mindful of God is a great way we protect ourselves of Evil. Wearing a Kippah is a way to stay mindful. Saying prayers daily is another.
I believe that making time for Shabbat, lighting the Shabbas candles in our home, is a tremendous way to clean our home of evil. When we recieve the Sabbath Queen into our home we are inviting the Spirit (God) into our home. The Spirit is going to clean our home by driving out evil. In a sense it is analogous to having a super maid coming in that cleans our entire home.

We must be careful where we go and what we bring into our lives. There are some places and some topics that are dirtier than others. For example, a strip club is about as dirty a place a man can go. If a man walks in he will lust after women. If he is married he has a major clean up job to do!

Pornograhy is a similar evil problem.  The Internet makes it so easy to get dirty.

Politics is a very dirty subject. There are lots of nasty people in that field. Some have a good heart and they go into politics in an attempt to clean things up. If those folks don't have heavy "protection" they are going to get dirty - they will get infected. They must wash the evil off. If they stay in politics too long it is practically impossible for them to stay clean. That's one reason for term limits.

And when it comes to politics I am talking about ALL politics, regardless of Party!  Politics by its nature divides us - it separates us. That's what evil does - it pits us against one another. Politics will pit two good people against one another. That's how evil wins!  Evil doesn't care if you are a Democrat or a Republican.

Evil wins by increasing your emotions EITHER WAY!  Evil thrives on disagreement. People seem to be losing the ability to disagree in constructive ways. I think that is the work of Evil.

Some people can't deal with people on the other political side. But the key point I want to make is it doesn't matter what side either way!  Even if one is in a room with ONLY people on their same political side, they are still in the dirt. Evil surrounds them.  Some of us simply can't handle it and are best to stay out of the room altogether.
The news media and Hollywood are continuously dragging us INTO the dirt! 
Furthermore, if any of us thinks we have the knowledge to judge good and evil, think again.
Anyone can count the seeds in an apple, but only God can count the number of apples in a seed.
Robert Schuller
In Judaism we speak if the yetzer hara (יֵצֶר הַרַע), the inclination to do evil. But that phrase is drawn from the phrase "the imagination of the the heart of man is evil." (See Genesis 6:5, 8:21).

In closing, for me, I obviously speak about politics. I do things to protect myself. And I take time wash off.  But I have no false illusion.  I am in the dirt!  Please pray for me. 🙏💗
For every deed God will bring to judgment-for every hidden thing, whether good or bad. Ecclesiastes 12:14
Mezzuzah on front door post

And you shall inscribe them on the doorposts ("mezuzot") of your house and on your gates, so that your days and the days of your children may be prolonged upon the land which the L-rd swore to give to your fathers for as long as the heavens are above the earth (Deuteronomy 11:20-21).
According to the Tosafot and the Shulchan Aruch, the main function of the mezuzah is to protect the house from evil. Because of this attribute, the mezuzah has been called "the coat of arms in the knighthood of G‑d." To begin to understand the mechanism of this effect of the mezuzah, we must first delve into the concept of evil itself.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Perspective Changes the Conclusion

If two people look at apparently the same situation and come away with completely different assessments and conclusions, what are we to make of it?

There are multiple facets to this question that must be considered in order to make anything of it:

1. Are they looking at the "same situation" based on the same details? The same situation may be skewed by the presentation.  The information they are each basing their "make" may be different and/or biased.  If this is the case then they aren't looking at the same situation.

2. Do they look at the same situation with preconceived opinions? In other words, their make of the situation is skewed even before the situation came to their attention.

3. Are there extenuating circumstances that directly bear on the situation and if so are both parties giving comparable and reasonable weight to them?

4. Do the parties have a position in relation to some broarder matter that is related to the sitation?  In other words, are the ego's of the parties invested in an agenda that has any bearing on how they see the situation.

5. Have both parties dedicated the same amount of time to researching and trying to understand the situation and the background?

6. Do the parties have different values and philosophies that they will filter their assessment of the situation through?

7. Are there external forces, such as the media, politians or even friends trying to influence the conclusions of the parties?

In today's polar political atmosphere, it is no wonder two parties can look at the so called "same situation" and draw very different conclusions!

Assuming multiple facets are in play, then how do we settle the question of which party is correct?  That is the $64,000 question.  I am not so sure we can reconcile our differences.

Which leads me my own conclusion. 
What's important is not what we make of many situations, but rather how we debate it.

I wrote another blog post which I believe is relevant to the dilemma America has today and what may be the only way to fix the problem.

It is easy to disagree.  It takes effort to try to understand.