Friday, February 14, 2025


"If you cannot write well, you cannot think well; if you cannot think well, others will do your thinking for you." --- Oscar Wilde

Knowing that God loves you can feel like having a very special Valentine. Valentine's Day has it's origins in early Christianity. Today it is a secular holiday. Coincidently, Valentine's day falls in the Hebrew month of Elul. In Jewish history, Elul is a month of Love. Elul is known as the Month of the Bride and is a time of special closeness between God and Israel. 

Exodus 34.6 -- And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness,

Knowing that God loves you can feel like having a super power.  The creators of the original superhero, Superman, were Jews in the 1930's, during the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany taking over Europe. The two young American Jewish comic book writers who developed "Superman" were aware of the horrific things happening to Jews in Europe. They created the concept of a "man" who came to earth from another planet who could leap over buildings and was stronger than a locomotive.  (Coincidentally, I just heard a locomotive. A sound neither I or my wife have ever heard before from where I am writing  this.) 

Superman was emblematic of Jews in need of a Messiah.  I blogged about this a few years ago in a post titled Superman As sAVIOR. The Messiah didn't come to rescue them from Hitler, but Jews did get to go back to Israel after 2000 years. 

Have you ever seen little kids talking about picking a "super power?" They might even debate which super power is the best: Super strength versus super speed; The ability to be invisible or see through walls or to fly. 

For some reason, the major superheroes in the children's cartoons I grew up with, kept their super power a secret. Many of them had a costume they wore when they had to use their super power. Once they were done using their powers they would change back into their "street clothes." Then even their friends and others wouldn't know. Why did it matter that they kept their super power a secret? 

I wondered about that last night and I was inspired to write about it early this morning. The super power that I picked was "knowing that God loves me."  

The love of God is considered so profound and personal that it feels like a secret shared only between you and God. There is an intimate quality to being unconditionally loved by One who knows your most private thoughts, fears and vulnerabilities.

Knowing God loves you can feel deeply personal and hidden. It is a special knowledge not everyone fully understands or experiences. Yet, in some mysterious way it provides a sense of comfort and security. 

Knowing that God loves you can provide a profound sense of peace and reassurance. Faith in this "knowing" can bring joy and strength to one's life that transcends external circumstances, offering stability and calm in times of turmoil.

Nahum 1.7 (NIV) -- The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.

Being loved by a parent or spouse is wonderful and so so important!  The love of grandparents and other family members is valuable too. However, the love of a person doesn't provide the same sense of assurance as feeling loved by God. When a child or adult has to face the world on their own, God's love provides a sense that another human being is simply not capable of giving.  Also, feeling materially secure is very different than spiritual security.  

Psalm 23:7 -- Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Life is filled with ups and let-downs, however studies have shown over & over that a spiritual relationship with God can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

The belief in God's love can inspire you to live with purpose and integrity. It can guide your actions and decisions, helping you navigate life's complexities.

The sense that God loves you is a reminder that you are cherished and valued beyond measure.  One can draw from that in dark times or as an inspiration to love another. 

A True Personal Story

When my daughter was just a little girl, I would make up bedtime stories to tell her. She knew that each story would come down to me having to choose between her and someone else. No matter what my made-up story was, it would always end on these words -- "I would pick you." I wanted her to know she would always have her father's love. 

That Was Then

Now, my children are adults with young children. Telling my grandchildren bedtime stories is their parent's beautiful privilege.  I often tell my grandchildren I love them and make time to visit them often.  

One day a year or two ago, I don't remember when, I was saying goodbye to one of my grandchildren, I can't remember which, and I had this unexpected urge to whisper this secret in their ear, "God loves you." Since that first time, I have done so many times, at bedtime and when I say goodbye.

I do not know my children's actual spiritual beliefs. My children, my grandchildren's parents, don't seem to have any appreciation of or use for religion. I'm not a fan of "organized religion" per say, but I do appreciate the opportunity a house of worship provides for learning the bible and fellowshipping with others.  

My "secret" is not a substitute for the way they are raising their children. I am very proud of their parenting and believe they are tremendous parents.  

Telling my grandchildren a secret, that "God loves them" is a way to give my grandchildren a gift that I believe is valuable gift.  It is about giving them a super power that will last them through life, after I have passed way.  

This secret is not between them and me. It is a secret between them and God. It is a small voice inside of them, that I hope they hear.


There is one particular bible passage that nearly everyone knows. Chances are you have read it at least a half-dozen times, if you've gone to that many funerals. But did you ever believe it? If so, you know a secret. You have a super power.  I put the passage in my epilogue.  

Granddaughter's braid
Perfect Timing

Coincidentally, I am writing this on Valentine's Day, when people go around wishing other's "Happy Valentines." We give sweet little candies that dissolve and cards that get thrown away. Perhaps Jewelry or flowers. The next day feelings begin to fade away and soon the flowers die. Nonetheless, Valentine's Day can be a precious experience for children.

My wife and I have never been fans of feeling required to give each other gifts or saying I love you because it is February 14th. It has always been more important that we knew it, like it is something inside and personal.  But I do love the Valentine's gift my grandchildren gave me this morning!

Happy Valentine's Day ... I hope you feel loved.  May the Force and Power of Love be with you. 


Psalm 23:

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

P.S. There is reason I chose to quote Oscar Wilde at the beginning.  He has many interesting quotes about God.  Clearly he has given the subject a great deal of thought.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Had the Philadelphia Eagles won their 3rd Super Bowl in a row last weekend, we'd be hearing talk of Patrick Mahomes being a G.O.A.T.. After being beaten so decisively last weekend, that status is a long way off. 
The acronym "G.O.A.T." has come to mean "Greatest Of All Time." It is assumed the subject is the greatest in the world.  "Time" encompasses "space/distance" in that expression. 

Biblically speaking, God is the Greatest of All Time, hands down. There is none like Him in all the Universe. 

Jeremiah 23:24 NIV -- "Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?" declares the Lord. "Do not I fill heaven and earth?" declares the Lord.

Space is relative to the speed of travel. If I said something is spatially a certain amount of time away, you would need to know the speed of travel to calculate the distance. Put another way, if I asked you how far you could go in one hour, you would need to know your pace of travel. You'd ask me if I meant by foot, bike or car. Space is relative to time and speed. 

Einstein's theory of special relativity posits that the speed of light is the maximum speed at which any object or information can travel in a vacuum. The speed of light serves as a universal speed limit. This concept is fundamental to understanding the relationship between space, time and energy, that Einstein encapsulated in his famous equation  -- E=m

In biblical terms, God is light. We know that light can travel around the Earth in 0.13 seconds. But God is outside of time or space since God created time and space. The entire bible rests on this premise from "In The Beginning," Genesis 1:1: -- "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth," implying that God existed before time and space began. 

As fast as light is, God is faster; which is to say God is Omnipresent: present everywhere at the same time.  He present at all time in all space. God is timeless -- He is eternal. 

In mystical Judaism, particularly in Kabbalah, Ein Sof (אין סוף) is a central concept referring to the infinite, boundless aspect of God. It signifies God's essence beyond all forms and distinctions, beyond understanding and existing prior to any self-manifestation in the creation of spiritual realms. Ein Sof is considered the ultimate source of all life and divine energy, which sustains the universe.

God gave us an even simpler way to understand him. Symbols were created before letters and words. 

The etymology of both Hebrew and Greek letters is rooted in Phoenician letters. The Phoenician alphabet, developed around the 12th century BCE, was an abjad consisting of 22 consonantal letters. An abjad is a type of writing system where each symbol typically represents a consonant, with vowels either omitted or indicated by diacritical marks. Hebrew consists of 22 letters which began as symbols.  (There's my number!) 

Psalm 90:4 (NIV) illustrates how freely God moves through time: "A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night." The verse says "like" because God is so much greater than we can comprehend. 
ET -- Aleph and Tav

There are bible verses that describe God in a way that encompasses time and space:

Isaiah 44:6 (NIV) -- "This is what the Lord says— Israel's King and Redeemer, the Lord Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God."  

A more simplified repetition:

Isaiah 48:12 -- Listen to me, Jacob, Israel, whom I have called: I am he; I am the first and I am the last"

In the first and last chapters of the Book of Revelation, Yeshua Hamashiach proclaimed to be "the first and the last." Again, this phrase refers to time and assumes all of space. This is a statement of Omnipresence!

Revelation 1:17-18 -- "I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades."  This verse illustrates that God's "space" includes both the natural and supernatural realm. God's omnipresence operates in multiple dimensions!  God's "Greatest Of All Time" status is truly beyond our comprehension

By the end of the book of Revelation, God's power over space in both the Supernatural realm (heaven) and the natural realm (earth) should have us in awe.  Yet, God finishs by reducing his identity down to just two letters in the last book and chapter of the bible:

Revelation 22:13 -- "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."  

What a Difference One Letter Makes!
Before Yeshua and after Yeshua, "the beginning" is the same. So the first letter is the same for both Jew and Greek. Aleph is Alpha -- One is One. But t
he last letter in the Hebrew and Greek alphabet are different.  For Jews, the last letter is the Tav. The last letter in Greek is Omega. The difference between the Tav and the Omega is huge. 

The Hebrew alpha-bet begins at the Aleph (1) and brings the Jew to the Tav (22).  According to historical understanding, during Moses' time, Jews would have written in "Paleo-Hebrew" or "Old Hebrew," considered the archaic form of Biblical Hebrew. At that time the Tav was written with a symbol of a cross. From the beginning, Judaism's alpha-bet, it's "first and last," leads to the cross, . 

Switching to the Greek:

Alpha and Omega
The Hebrew Tav and Greek (Tau) both have "T" sound. The Greek Tau looks like T.  But the Tau is not the last letter in the Greek alphabet. The Omega is. 

The Greek letter Omega (Ω) often symbolizes "the end" or "the ultimate limit."

The Greek letter Omega" (Ω) is derived from the Phoenician letter "Ein." In Kabbalah, the Ein Sof (אֵין סוֹף) is the title for the Creator. The "Ein Sof" signifies "the nameless being."  God transcends human understanding so as to be practically non-existent.  Sof (סוֹף) means "end" or "limit." Ein Sof is like limitless. 

The Creator of the Laws of Universe

When it comes to physics, Albert Einstein is considered to be the G.O.A.T.. He is followed closely by Isaac Newton.

Albert Einstein figured out that energy (E) is equal to mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light squared (c²) - essentially stating that mass and energy are interchangeable, meaning you can convert mass into energy and vice versa, with the speed of light squared acting as a conversion factor. 

Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity is the basis for understanding nuclear reactions like fission and fusion, and explains how stars like our Sun generate energy by converting mass into light and heat. Einstein's equation reveals a deep connection between matter and energy. 

As a very young man, Albert who would have been called Albrecht in German, purposely daydreamed to imagine riding next to a light beam. It was this daydream that lead to unlocking one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. I believe God gave Albert Einstein this vision, not unlike a biblical prophet being given a vision.  

Albert Einstein unlocked the secret of the energy of stars with a formula that even may help explain "time travel."  

Names are highly meaningful in the bible. In life too. Einstein's first name Albert comes from Adalbert, which means "noble bright" or "noble shining."  His last name Einstein breaks down into two words. The first, "Ein" I covered above. It is a concept beyond understanding. The second part, "Stein" means  "Stone/Rock." 

When I put this all together I get an amazing image of the person who figured out one of the greatest physics laws in the universe:
  • A noble bright man
  • A Rock beyond understanding 
  • Who figured out the secret of Light's ability to covert Mass
  • By the grace of a God given vision and the gift of mathmatical intelligence 
I wonder, was Albert Einstein as a vessel for end-times Revelation?  Watch the movie Oppenheimer.  What did Einstein whisper to Oppenheimer?

Trigger Warning: About to get political. 

The pronunciation of the Greek letter "Omega" varies, with some pronouncing it as "O-May-Ga" and others as "O-Me-Ga."  There is a curious timely connection to the "Mega." The word "mega" itself means large or great. You could say that Trump is making America "Mega" again. 

Politically speaking, Trump is the G.O.A.T.  He achieved the greatest political comeback of all time. Is it just a coincidence that so many Christians are anticipating the greatest biblical comeback of all time? 

Kosher Ram Shofar Horn from Israel 

Speaking of a real goat, notice the goat's horns. If you cut off the horn and then cut off the long narrow tip, you're left with the makings of a shofar, a trumpet used to call the people.  

Genesis 22:13 NIV -- "Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son"

My conclusion:

Issac Newton said "It is the perfection of God's works that they are all done with the greatest simplicity."

Such is the depth of meaning in the simplicity of two, two (22) letter combinations and the difference between the Tav and the Omega. 
  • Hebrew -- Aleph (First) -- Tav (Last)
  • Greek -- Alpha (First) -- Omega (Last)
A warning to all of us:
We live in days of deception. Worship no man. Make an idol of no one and no thing!  There is only one "greatest of all time" to be worshiped and that is "The Great I Am."

Check out this video by Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn who explains the mystery of the letters for the "First to the Last."

  • "He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God". 
  • "God is the same God, always and everywhere. He is omnipresent not virtually only, but also substantially". 
  • "This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent Being". 
  • "Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it never had many professors". 
  • "As a blind man has no idea of colors, so have we no idea of the manner by which the all-wise God perceives and understands all things". 
  • "Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion". 
Writing this blog post brought my mind back to a movie from 1997 called "Contact" staring Jodie Foster. I highly recommend it. Maybe it is a story for our time. 

Notice the Star and the Constellation at about 40 minutes into the movie.  Vega and Lyre.


Monday, February 10, 2025


In this blog post I am exploring scriptures to answer a question:

Why did Hashem "punish" Moses so severely for not speaking to the Rock? 

The 4th Book of the Torah is called Bamidbar בְּמִדְבַּר. The Hebrew means "in the desert" or "in the wilderness." Bamidbar is the culmination of the story of Israel's exodus from oppression in Egypt and their journey to take possession of the land God promised their fathers. 

Bamidbar begins by stating a key fact in the first verse.  (I am using the Chassidic translation from Chabad.)

וַיְדַבֵּ֨ר יְהוָֹ֧ה אֶל־משֶׁ֛ה בְּמִדְבַּ֥ר
Bamidbar 1.1 (Chabad) 1 The Lord spoke to Moshe in the desert, 

וַיְדַבֵּ֨ר - And He spoke
יְהוָֹ֧ה ' - YHVH
אֶל־משֶׁ֛ה - To Moshe (Moses)
בְּמִדְבַּ֥ר - Bamidbar (In the Desert)

Write from the very first word in the Word, we get a strong hint regarding the answer to the question. Hashem has something to say!

If we break down the first word וַיְדַבֵּ֨ר we get:

וַ - Vav (6) - And/Nail
יְ - Yod (10) - Hand/Arm 
דַ - Dalet (4) - Door
בֵּ֨ - Beyt (2) - In the House
ר - Resh (200) - Head/Authority 

6+10+4+2+200=222 (That's a number that  follows me. The link explains.)

That is who is speaking to Moses in the desert! Do you see the Passover revealed? 

Exodus 1.1 continues to give us a specific location and date: 

... , in the Tent of Meeting on the first day of the second month, in the second year after the exodus from the land of Egypt, saying.

2 Take the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel, by families following their fathers' houses; a head count of every male according to the number of their names.

Notice all the numeric/mathmatical references in this short piece of scripture. We see: 

  • 1st
  • 2nd (twice)
  • Sum
  • Count
  • Number

See all the references to Numbers in the very first verses of the Book of Numbers. The Torah is a code book that all points to Him. 

The Hebrew name of the 4th book is revealed in the 5th word of the book, בְּמִדְבַּ֥ר - Bamidbar (In the Desert). (4 is Dalet/Door. 5 is Hey/Reveal Behold). 

Most people know Sefer (Book) Bamidbar (in the desert) by it's more common English title, Numbers. Which makes senses to me because numbers are a door (4) to revelation. This morning is such a case.

For years I have been seeking a deeper understanding of Numbers 20:7-12 (Chabad) 

7 The Lord spoke to Moses, saying:

8 "Take the staff and assemble the congregation, you and your brother Aaron, and speak to the rock in their presence so that it will give forth its water. You shall bring forth water for them from the rock and give the congregation and their livestock to drink."

9 Moses took the staff from before the Lord as He had commanded him.

10 Moses and Aaron assembled the congregation in front of the rock, and he said to them, "Now listen, you rebels, can we draw water for you from this rock?"

11 Moses raised his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice, when an abundance of water gushed forth, and the congregation and their livestock drank.

12 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, "Since you did not have faith in Me to sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly to the Land which I have given them

Moses has led the congregation for 40 years faithfully through the desert. But God will not allow Moses to enter the Land He Promised because he failed to:

"sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel,"

Here is the Oxford dictionary definition of Sanctify:

Set apart as or declare holy;

Similar word's: consecrate, make holy, make sacred, bless, hallow, set apart, dedicate to God, anoint, ordain, canonize, beatify. 


- make legitimate or binding by religious sanction as in "they see their love sanctified by the sacrament of marriage."

- free from sin; purify. as in "may God sanctify his soul"

Again, here is what Adonai commanded Moses to do: "Take the staff and assemble the congregation, you and your brother Aaron, and speak to the rock in their presence so that it will give forth its water.

Notice that Hashem instructs Moses to "take the staff" even before he has him gather the congregation or Aaron.

How was speaking to Rock going "sanctify" God? 

I have believed I knew the answer to that question for several years. My belief is that God was going to the congregation before bringing forth Living Water from the Rock, He was going to respond to Moses. God was going to put his Word in the "mouth" of the Rock.  I blogged about my thoughts last Summer when I looked at the Hebrew letter/number Hey (5). 

This morning I believe I confirmed this in the scripture. More specifically in the Sefer Shemot (Book of Names), which we all know of as Exodus. The affirmation I have sought started to come into view yesterday morning. 

The Spirit led me to the verses by other verses from Exodus 4 (Chabad):

1 Moses answered and said, "Behold they will not believe me, and they will not heed my voice, but they will say, 'The Lord has not appeared to you."

2 And the Lord said to him, "What is this in your hand?" And he said, "A staff."

3 And He said, "Cast it to the ground," and he cast it to the ground, and it became a serpent, and Moses fled from before it.

4 And the Lord said to Moses, "Stretch forth your hand and take hold of its tail." So Moses stretched forth his hand and grasped it, and it became a staff in his hand.

5 "In order that they believe that the Lord, the God of their forefathers, has appeared to you, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."

6 And the Lord said further to him, "Now put your hand into your bosom," and he put his hand into his bosom, and he took it out, and behold, his hand was leprous like snow.

7 And He said, "Put your hand back into your bosom," and he put his hand back into his bosom, and [when] he took it out of his bosom, it had become again like [the rest of] his flesh.

8 "And it will come to pass, that if they do not believe you, and they do not heed the voice of the first sign, they will believe the voice of the last sign.

9 And it will come to pass, if they do not believe either of these two signs, and they do not heed your voice, you shall take of the water of the Nile and spill it upon the dry land, and the water that you take from the Nile will become blood on the dry land."

10 Moses said to the Lord, "I beseech You, O Lord. I am not a man of words, neither from yesterday nor from the day before yesterday, nor from the time You have spoken to Your servant, for I am heavy of mouth and heavy of tongue."

11 But the Lord said to him, "Who gave man a mouth, or who makes [one] dumb or deaf or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?

12 So now, go! I will be with your mouth, and I will instruct you what you shall speak. "

13 But he said, "I beseech You, O Lord, send now [Your message] with whom You would send."

14 And the Lord's wrath was kindled against Moses, and He said, "Is there not Aaron your brother, the Levite? I know that he will surely speak, and behold, he is coming forth toward you, and when he sees you, he will rejoice in his heart.

15 You shall speak to him, and you shall put the words into his mouth, and I will be with your mouth and with his mouth, and I will instruct you [both] what you shall do.

16 And he will speak for you to the people, and it will be that he will be your speaker, and you will be his leader.

17 And you shall take this staff in your hand, with which you shall perform the signs."

Moses should have known better not to strike the Rock!  God gave Moses signs to build the faith of the Israelites and others in Egypt. Moses knew what they needed to see to build their faith.

But Moses lost his faith and a result, the entire Congregation missed the opportunity to hear God speaking to them through the Rock that was providing them Living Water! 

This leads me to back to the chapter just before -- Exodus 3.  It took me back to when Moses first encounters God at the Burning Bush, where God speaks to Moses through a bush. 

The first clue comes to us in the very first verse of chapter 3 of Sefer Shemot, the Book of Names. Exodus Verse 1 begins "Moses was pasturing the flocks of Jethro..." Who does this remind you of? 

How about Joseph and his brothers. If it didn't remind you of Jacob and Joseph, God will make that clear in the 6th verse of the same chapter.

Exodus 3.6 -- And He said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." And Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look toward God.

The moment when God spoke to Moses in chapter 3:

Exodus 3:2-5 -- An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from within the thorn bush, and behold, the thorn bush was burning with fire, but the thorn bush was not being consumed. So Moses said, "Let me turn now and see this great spectacle why does the thorn bush not burn up?"The Lord saw that he had turned to see, and God called to him from within the thorn bush, and He said, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here I am!" And He said, "Do not draw near here. Take your shoes off your feet, because the place upon which you stand is holy soil."

Does this scene remind you of another scene in the Torah when God speaks out from a thorn bush? How about the binding of Isaac in Genesis when a ram caught in thorns by it's horn, provides a substitute for the Lamb and Isaac is spared. By the way, a Ram's Horn, which is used to make a Shofar, will be calling out to the people throughout the Torah. 

Back to the point of this blog post where I am seeking to prove why it was so important for Moses to speak to the Rock. Surely, God did not want Moses to not strike the Bush!!  He didn't even want Moses to get close enough to strike the Rock!  

I believe God had a Word for Moses that He wanted the whole congregation to hear. Moses was commanded to speak to the Rock. Had he, I believe the Rock would have spoken back to Moses and the entire Congregation. 

In Exodus 3 there is also foreshadowing for Moses that he will not be able to go into the Land and that "smiting" (Striking) was for God to do, not Moses.  

Exodus 3:19-20 -- However, I know that the king of Egypt will not permit you to go, except through a mighty hand.  And I will stretch forth My hand and smite the Egyptians with all My miracles that I will wreak in their midst, and afterwards he will send you out.

Like the Egyptians, God wanted the Congregation to see the Rock speak! 

Exodus 3.31 -- And I will put this people's favor in the eyes of the Egyptians, and it will come to pass that when you go, you will not go empty handed.

What sign did Pharaoh and the Egyptians finally see to believe and give the Israelites their freedom from slavery? The death of their first born sons. 

The entire bible points to God. 

In Genesis, when Adam & Eve disobey God and find themselves naked, God calls out Eicha, where are you? At the end, in Revelation 22.22, God calls out six times, Bo, Come! 

God created this world and each of us to have a relationship. God never gives up on us. We give up on him. 

But a day is coming ... 

Joel (Joel) 2:1-2 -- Sound a shophar in Zion and sound an alarm in My holy mountain; all the inhabitants of the land shall quake, for the day of the Lord has come, for it is near.

A day of darkness and gloom, a day of cloud and thick darkness, like the dawn spread over the mountains; a numerous and mighty people, the like of which has never been, and after it there shall be no more until the years of the generations.

Saturday, February 8, 2025


Ancient Letter Hey (5)

This Hebrew year, 5785, is the year of 5 (Hey). 5+7+8+5=25 > Five 5's. 

Hey (5) >> is the Hebrew letter that symbolizes "Behold/Reveal" The is a year that much will be revealed -- much to behold. 

The Hebrew year began just before the election of Donald Trump. This revealed what the American people believed about the truth. His inauguration speech, less than 3 weeks ago, was something to behold. Much is being revealed about corruption. 

We know that prophecy and the Bible focus on Israel and point to Messiah. Current events couldn't be more so.  Much is being revealed about Israel and Gaza!

Gaza Prophecy 

The Hebrew prophet Jeremiah delivered a prophecy concerning Gaza. 

Jeremiah 47:1-2 -- This is the message from the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet concerning the Philistines, before Pharaoh conquered Gaza. 2 This is what the Lord says:

...the city and those that live in it. People will cry out, and all those living in the land will wail.

Jeremiah 47:3-5 At the sound of the galloping hooves of his horses, at the rumbling of his chariots, the clatter of his wheels, fathers won’t turn back for their children because their hands are weak, for the day is coming to destroy all the Philistines, the remnant of the coastlands of Caphtor. Baldness is coming to Gaza, Ashkelon is silenced. Remnant of their valley, how long will you gash yourself?

The Hebrew Prophet Amos delivered prophecy concerning Gaza too. 

Amos 1:6-8 -- This is what the Lord says: “For three sins of Gaza, even for four, I will not relent.

Because she took captive whole communities and sold them to Edom, I will send fire on the walls of Gaza that will consume her fortresses. I will destroy the king[a] of Ashdod and the one who holds the scepter in Ashkelon. I will turn my hand against Ekron, till the last of the Philistines are dead,” says the Sovereign Lord.

Gaza (Heb. עַזָּה,, Azzah) is where Samson, who was captive, pulls the walls down on himself. 

Amos and Jeremiah's prophecy may apply to the Philistines and Gaza being overrun by the Egyptians in 609 BC, under Necho II. In 604/603 BC, following a Philistine revolt, Nebuchadnezzar II, the king of Babylon, took over and destroyed Askhelon, Gaza, Aphek, and Ekron. This is proven by archaeological evidence and contemporary sources.  So is history repeating itself like the Passover story?

Isreal Sent A Message to the Palestinians 

The Palestinian prisoners released in the third and fourth rounds of the hostage deal’s first phase received bracelets from the Israel Prison Service (IPS) with an inscription (in Arabic so they could read it. It was from Psalm 18:37 -- "I pursued my enemies and overtook them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed."

Stand and Watch

Prophecy is being fulfilled in 5785, the year of 5. Behold what is revealed.  There was Revelation at the parting of the Sea in Exodus. Adonia told us to "stand firm and watch."

Exodus 14:13 -- Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 

Revelation can be be frighting, so the Lord reasures us.

Exodus 14:14 -- The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Is Something Greater to Be Revealed?

Is God revealing things in order to warn us?  Are current events foreshadowing that the serpent's head will soon be crushed? 

Hamas has become completely wicked!!

Daniel 8:23 -- “In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a fierce-looking king, a master of intrigue, will arise. 24 He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy those who are mighty, the holy people. 25 He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power.

Cool coincidence...

This weeks Torah portion is called, "Beshalach," means "When he sent" and it is found in Exodus 13:17. It covers Exodus 13:17–17:16

This weeks Torah Portion includes the verses that the image for Hey is derived. 

Exodus 17: 11 -- As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. 12 When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. 13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.

Playing the Numbers

There are 6,423 letters in the portion: 6+4+2+3=15. 15 >> 3 fives.  There are 3 fives (15) in the middle of the year. 

Year : 5 (78) 5 > 5 (15) 5

I realized this is all very contrived! I enjoy finding the coincidences. Gematria, be it with letters, words, dates, names, etc. Is a source of clues. 

For me it is like finding puzzle peaces. Sometimes the pieces fit and the picture emerges. Sometimes, I know I'm forcing a fit. Sometimes there is no fit at all. Sometimes I don't find the pieces I hoped for. There are also times it all comes together. Either way.  I am always rewarded for seeking! 

The Book of Matthew was written for the Jew -- a Jew like Jonah: 

Matthew 7:7-8 -- Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


It's NOT hard to imagine a "Riviera" rising from the ashes and rubble of Gaza, and Trump is not the first to do so. The problem is that no body has figured out how to make it happen.

My sense is that Trump believes he was born to "make America great again" and that being a "blessing to Israel" is one way. Trump seems to have supernatural power. He never sweats it!

Whether destiny and providence have anything to do with what is happening, one thing is for sure. There is NO future in the past for Gaza. The time has come for a radical new approach.

Trump and Bibi were just getting started on the Abraham Accords before Covid hit and the 2020 Election removed Trump from the office of the Presidency. Tremendous progress was made up to that point; enough so that the Abraham Accords had gained considerable credibility and established an alternative paradigm.

"October 7th" put Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations on hold. Israel had a war to execute and all the focus was on that. October 7th also "put an end to the Two-State fantasy." October 7th also validated the vision and strategy of the Abraham Accords.

The Abraham Accords are described as: "a game changer in the Middle East, providing new opportunities for direct flights, people-to-people exchanges, business partnerships, and government agreements that have all led to investment and growth in the area."

All that was needed to take the economic strategy Trump started to the next level was for Trump to win back the Presidency. Having done so in a big way, it was predictable that new deals and big new ideas were bound to come. But even "high expectations" couldn't have predicted the giant announcement that Trump & Bibi made at a press conference on 2/4/25.

Not many details about Trump's idea of the "USA taking over Gaza" have been disclosed thus far, but I've heard enough to let my imagination go to work. I've run with the idea in a brainstorm. Here is my riff on it including "rollout dates."

The Name -- What's Gaza going to be called? Trump is famous for "branding" with his name, so he must have illusions of naming it "Trump World." Fortunately, the assassination attempts on his life have humbled him enough to know that putting the "Trump name" on the "new Gaza" would be the worst thing he could do.

My guess is that whatever name is given to this "new Gaza" scheme will be something out of Genesis and acceptable to Christians, Jews and Muslims, like the name "Abraham Accords." Hopefully the selection doesn't smack of "One World Religion" - that would be bad!!

Project Stages: 
1. Demolition and Design (Starting 2026) - Demolish and clear debris, environmental assessment and testing, Hamas tunnel closures, detailed surveying, planning, engineering & design and approvals.

2. Site Pre-sales to Primary Stakeholders and Bid Phase (2026-2027) - lining up contractors for the Infrastructure stage. Making agreements with major stakeholders for the flagship development sites in the overall plan.

3. Infrastructure Construction (2028-2029) - develop roads, sewer/water, gas, electricity in cooperation with Israel. A sophisticated security and surveillance system would be installed and monitored by Israel. Revenue from the leasing of sites and other operating licenses would be cash positive for the USA!

4. Private Development Sites (Available 2028-2032) - Development sites will be available to countries, major corporations, construction firms, etc. A site could be used for a corporate park, a hotel/convention center, a hi-rise housing complex, a shopping center, multiple marinas, a port, etc. Picture the concept as a giant "planned community" on steroids'. Expect to see the "new Gaza" incorporate revolutionary examples of communal farming, water and sewer, conservation/sustainability and transportation.

There will be lots of housing in the "new Gaza." I suspect we will see magnificent high-rise buildings with incredible ocean views and gorgeous beaches. (Hotels too.) Palestinians will be allowed to move back to the new Gaza, but only after careful vetting to make sure the radicals and anti-Zionists are kept out. Palestinians will not be the only residents!

Integrated schools in the new Gaza will teach brotherly love starting at nursery school. Truly the crowning achievement of the Abraham Accords.

Will there be a House(s) of Worship?
Could it be the "Temple of God" spoken of in
2 Thessalonians 2:4? OY! I need more time on this question.

5. Individual Tourism, Corporate Park and Commercial Openings (Beginning 2030) - Entities from around the Middle East and elsewhere would have a presence. The "new Gaza" could become the most international location on earth! Picture Epcot x ~300! (Disney Epcot is 1/2 square mile. Gaza is 139 square miles.)

6. World Premier Opening (~2030) - a major marketing event to attract commercial customers and developers. The intended audience is not the general public.

7. World Grand Opening (~2035) - the greatest "world fair" ever! International events, festivals and celebrations in the "new Gaza" are going to blow people's minds! Instead of rockets and bombs lighting up the sky, expect brilliant "drone and laser shows."


Gaza IS part of Israel and it will stay part of Israel. The "new Gaza" would not be a country. For a time it would be a Territorial Mandate under the control of the USA. The mandate will have an expiration date. The designated time period would perhaps be 50 Years - Jubilee! (Or maybe it should be for how long the Jews wandered in the desert, 40 years; until the generations die off.)

Residents living in this territory would remain citizens of their country of origin. Governance and laws would be handled by a body established by the USA in cooperation with parties to be determined. Classic methods for oversight and decision making are a given requirement. While there will be a level of respect for religious laws, the new Gaza will not be a theocracy by any definition.

The Wish

This is way more than a second "Riviera!" Gaza could go from a hell hole to the most incredible international destination on the planet. A model of cooperation and peaceful coexistence. It is a place where Palestinians live with Saudias and Egyptians, Jordanians, Israelis, Iranians and others. The new Gaza is an international community!

Nobel Prize Worthy:

The New Gaza project is too good the "Nobel Peace Prize" --- screw it. If I were Trump and they offered it to me, I'd tell them to shove it. Besides, the Nobel Prize is so cheapened since Obama received it, that it doesn't even mean what it used to. What there will be is a statue of Trump and Bibi at the main entrance to the new Gaza recognizing their vision and accomplishment!

Quoting Israel's Prime Minister after the famous press conference.

“This is the first good idea I’ve heard. It’s a remarkable idea and I think that it should be really pursued, examined, pursued and done, because I think it will create a different future for everyone,” he continued.

"The actual idea of allowing for Gazans who want to leave to leave, I mean, what’s wrong with that? They can leave, they can come back. They can relocate and come back. But you have to rebuild Gaza,” the prime minister stated.

I have a twist: When relocating the residents of Gaza, I say let Hamas stay. Yup, if a Palestinian is a member of Hamas and they want to stay in Gaza and hide out in order to avoid being removed, it is perfectly fine. If they want to stay in Gaza, great.
THEN, Israel can truly FINISH THE WAR!!!

The Gazans who want to live in peace will leave! Even more so if they know Hamas is staying.

I have this to those exclaiming outrage at Israel over the notion that Palestinians in Gaza would have to relocate: Get real!

1. Jews have been kicked out of practically every Muslim county, plus England (1290), France (1394), Spain (1492), Portugal (1497), Austria (1421), and various other European nations, with the most notable expulsion being from Spain in 1492.

2. Muslim Palestinians would be relocating from a Jewish country to another Muslim country. It just makes sense.

3. Gaza is a war zone that is decimated and has to be demolished. It is not place for people to live, especially children.

4. There is precedent for relocation. Link to Historical cases of relocation

Sunday, February 2, 2025


Hamilton Broadway Musical
That is not a Nazi Salute either.  It's the official graphic/logo for the huge smash hit musical "Hamilton." It's been performed on international stages to near-universal acclaim.

Mary and I have seen the show four times, including in London.  We loved it so much that we got tickets for our adult children to go see it themselves. That adds up to 12 tickets!  

It wasn't just the show that I loved. It was the way it told story of the life of the real Alexander Hamilton.  Like the show's creator, Lin-Manuel Miranda, I read the book he based it on:  The 2004 biography of Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow. 

Lin-Manuel and I were both in awe of the main character. Lin channeled his fascination into an amazing work of cultural entertainment.  I channeled mine into seeing his show, starting in the year it appeared on Broadway, 2015. 
The musical covers the life of American Founding Father Alexander Hamilton and his involvement in the American Revolution and the political history of the early United States.

Hamilton changed the world. The show captured the world's attention. The elite loved it.  You could say the elite launched it because the concept for the show was introduced in 2009 at a "Spoken Word" poetry jam in the Obama White House to a room filled with celebrities.

Here's is Lin-Manuel performing the rap-song "Hamilton" for an adoring President Obama. 

I wonder if Obama personally related to the story.  I too see Obama in a character of the show. Ironically, it's not the character for whom the song is about, Alexander Hamilton. I see him as the character singing the song. Aaron Burr, the "damn fool who shot him." 

As a matter of fact, I think the play is in some supernatural way foreshadowing future events, from the time it was previewed in 2009 at Obama's White House, the lives of Obama and Donald Trump and what would become the history of America. I know that's a crazy thing to think or say, "But just you wait, just you."

Donald Trump would come down his famous golden Trump Tower escalator just 50 days after the Hamilton musical debuted on Broadway.  

Since Trump came down the escalator he has been non-stop!  Here's the song "Non-Stop" from the musical:

The stories and lives of these four men, Burr, Hamilton, Obama And Trump, are clearly different.  I am not saying that Lin-Manuel is a prophet!  And, their is nothing biblical about the "Spoken Word," from wence this musical was created. That being said, there are so many very curious parallels that I have noticed for the whole thing to be coincidence.

Here is the full soundtrack of Hamilton:

Some lyrics from the track song:
Alexander Hamilton
We are waiting in the weeds for you
You could never back down
You never learned to take your time
Alexander Hamilton
America Sings for you
Do they know what you overcame
Do they know you control your name
The world will never be the same,

There are dozens of details in the story of Hamilton's life as told through the lyrics of Lin-Manuel that I could use to illustrate my point. If I did, you'd be able to appreciate why I believe their is a bizarre profound connection between the lives of Hamilton and Trump and why I believe, as crazy as it sounds, there is some supernatural reason the play Hamilton came to be. 

If nothing else, it is a great show about one of America's greatest founding fathers -- The man on our TEN dollar bill.

One of the favorite characters in the Hamilton show is "The King." In this scene the King has just heard that Adam's is going to be the next President after G.W. 

The parallel to today is Trump's second term. Trump isn't a new President but he is a new man from his experiences since he ran against Hillary in 2016. The Democrats thought they could eat Trump alive.  The "Haters" and corrupt Deep State were so excited when their bogus prosecutor and judge convicted him of 34 felonies. Once everything they tried, failed, there were multiple assassination attempts, but all the rounds of bullets missed his head. 


"History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme.” Mark Twain