Saturday, November 19, 2016

It Is a Scary World, Which Is Why It Is A Scary Time

By all indications, Trump's conservative hard-line cabinet choices have harsh views about Islam, not just "radical Islamic terrorist."  This does not bode well for tolerance.  It looks like the future will test America's standards of equality and to some degree, our very identity.

Here we are again grapeling with the need to reconcile our Judaian-Christian founding with our value of religious freedom. Where do the lines of acceptance get drawn?  What constitutes security and at what point do we cross the line to where a position is an act of intolerance?  This is not a new debate but it is going to be had in the context of a government that will have all three branches postitioned far more to the Conservative Right than they have been in a long time. And that is scarying the blazes out of many, while reassuring just as many.

But why is that a bad debate to have?  Of course this will be painful and scarey for American Muslims!   My heart and concern sincerely go out to the vast majority of Muslims in America who love America!

But one must also be brutely honest and objective when it comes to National security.

Most recognize that there is a vast body of Muslims in the Middle East, and now Europe, who view America and the West with contempt and hatred to some degree.  It could be rightfully argued that is their right.  One could even successfully argue that America was founded on the basis of granting that right, and that "We" have died protecting that right!

By the same token, there are undeniably some with Jihad intentions.  There are those who denounce our culture, cling to their "holy law" over, above, and in place of American law.   And there is a segment within them, who do pose an existential threat to our safety. There is no denying that America has spent trillions in homeland security and defense for dealing with this.

So how can we deny the need to mitigate this threat at the border in order to reduce the threat from "within" our borders? Looked at in this context, is it not logical for the President to appoint individuals who stand clearly for identifying the threat as he and others see it?  Is not America's security and American's safety the first order of responsibilty of the President and the Federal Government?  It truly, and Constitutionly is!

It is a scary world, which is why it is a scary time for both Americans who value our saftey and security, and Muslims who question how our defense against threats posed by some interpratations of Islam will effect them.  But in an effort to protect us, we must also protect our values.

Peace loving American Muslims have every right to frightened. They also have every right to expect America to protect them and guard the rights which they are entitled to as much as anyone else.

One could say that the situation with Islam is a test of the soul of America.  There is good reason to believe America will past this test because for over two centuries the Constitution, and America's foundation has been tested.  As Johnny H Killian from the Office of the Secretary of State and the Library of Congess put it, the brilliance of our Founding Fathers, the framers of the Constitution, is how they "successfully seperated and balanced governmental powers to safeguard the interests of majority rule and minority rights of liberty and equality, and of the central and state governments."

I imagine the authors of our American Constitution refered often to scripture. The following verse from Matthew 16:26 comes to my mind in the context of the questions I posed in my post. "What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?"