Monday, December 19, 2016

Latkas and Pork Chops

Latkas and Pork Chops
An Interfaith Chilren's Story 
Dedicated to Sarah & Michael's Pregnancy 
by Saba Bob

Two of the favorite foods in my home are latkas and pork chops.  

Mommy makes the best latkas on Hanukkah.  It's so much fun when she does!  We all help.

Daddy grates the potatoes.  One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, and more!   His hands get tired from all the grating. 

Then I mix the grated potatoes in with the eggs. They are so cold, and my hands get tired from all the mixing.  Phew, my job is done.

Now it's Mommy's turn.  She puts them in the frying pan and our whole house smells like latkas.  

We all watch them turn golden brown. Mommy knows just when to take them out of the pan and put them on paper towels so they can dry.   

Mommy makes the best latkas, but Mommy never had them until she met Daddy.  Nanny  didn't make latkas in the home Mommy grew up in.  I'm glad Mommy and Daddy met.

Another one of the favorite foods we eat in our family is pork chops. My Daddy always said that my Nanny made the best pork chops. 

Every time it was Daddy's birthday my Nanny would make him pork chops.  Nanny's whole home would smell like pork chops.  

Nanny would spread her special breadcrumbs and seasoning all over the pork chops. Then she would put them in a frying pan with her special oil.  Only she didn't call it oil.  

Then Nanny would stand over them while they cooked.  She waited for them to turn golden brown.  Nanny knew just when to take them out of the pan and put them on paper towels so they can dry.

My Daddy loves pork chops but Daddy didn't have pork chops when he grew up. His Mommy didn't make them in his home.   I'm glad my Daddy met Mommy and Nanny.   
I am lucky because in my home I get to grow up with both latkas and pork chops.  I think Mommy and Daddy were always made for each other because Mommy and Daddy both love applesauce!