Friday, December 23, 2016

Maybe Trump's Nuclear Tweet Is A Warning We Needed

Trump's nuke tweet is alarming and frightening.  He needs to clarify and possibly roll back impressions. Besides, it seems stupid to telegraph any intention in this regard since it encourages our enemies to act as well.  I don't get what he was thinking.

Maybe he was stupid like a fox. I have to wonder if his tweet was more strategic than it seems on the surface. There will be ENORMOUS SCRUTINY of this Tweet. I suspect Trump's tweet was partly or even largely the results of a test a a day ago of satellite weapons by the Russians.

By the same token, our nuclear readiness and systems are extremely antiquated. They've been neglected for over a decade. We are less safe because we have let our nuclear deterent degrade. That being the case and I believe it is, Trump's tweet will trigger study, debate and discussion about extremely important actions that need to happen.

I still question weather broadcasting our intentions serves the world, let alone the USA well because of how it charges other nuclear powers to step up their systems. One good thing that could come from that, however, is a discussion about a new treaty with the Russians and hopefully the Chinese about ways we can work together to make our mutual systems safer for all parties so that an apocalyptic or horiiffic  accident can be avoided.

Either way, Trump's tweet may be the single most important tweet in history!!