Saturday, January 21, 2017

It Is Clear

Academia, the mainstream media, the celebrity presence which dominates American culture, and Liberals apparently believe America is now being led by a fascist who hates minorities, immigrants, gays and everything that Liberals stand for.  To their thinking, President Trump would be fine if Russia reassembled the Soviet Union and NATO collapsed.

Fortunately they all got the Presidential election wrong, Trump wrong, and America wrong too.

Since Obama became President, the Democrats have lost approximately 1000 elected seats, including congress, governorships, etc. Which is to say that what led to Trump's victory is greater than Trump alone.

The Republicans control of all branches of the USA government, including the Supreme Court with the eventual nomination and acceptance of 2-3 conservative Justices means that yesterday, after coming off 8 years of Obama, we have witnessed the most dramatic shift in American politics I think any of us can recall since Reagan.

Obama enjoys great popularity, even though opinions about Washington and congress have been awful. Trump, on the other hand, is terribly disliked by academia, mainstream media, Hollywood, and Liberals.  Which may be a factor in why he starts as President with very low popularity.  And yet recently, consumer and business confidence which has been lacking for the level needed for investment and growth, turned much higher in an apparent reaction to Trump's election.

The work begins! But, like the protesters crashing through streets and destroying property, there will be many who aim to destroy Trump's efforts to make America Greater.  It is sad to see so many Americans praying for the President to fail -- Better that America falter and fall than Trump succeed.  Even in some cases, hoping for his death.  That it not American unity or the kind of American spirit which will ever make America better.  It is just shameful partisanship.

But this election, and the thousands of other races around the country in tens of thousands of counties, have made it clear enough.  Like it or not, the pendulum is going to swing and America is going to change. This country is going to be given back to the people!

Previous posts:


Inauguration Day - Yin-Yang Day

The Sacred Oath