Sunday, January 22, 2017

Now What? I'd Call It A Compromise

The Women's March was an exceptional protest and a huge catharsis for America! Now what?

The world sent Trump a powerful message through an amazing and well organized Women's March.  Not just in the Capital, but in many cities, big and small across the USA and even in some International locations. How could anyone not be impressed by the show of solidarity for the issues - Right to Choose, Women's Health, and Immigration.

The timing could not have been better for maximum impact! Surely the event drew attention away from Trump's inauguration.  Even large crowds seem to compound, and add further humiliation to the criticism that Trump's inaugural crowd, or hands, are not as big as Obama's.

It had it all - pink pussy hats, tons of great grass root posters, popular speakers.  Wonderful to see families marching together. It was beautiful most of all because it was highly peaceful.

I think some Anonymous protesters ambushed the occasion and showed despicable behavior!  But that should not reflect "on" the Women.  That was the ugly side of hate. And, a strong contrast to peaceful protest that we need to all take note of!

If Trump needed to get a message, a good part of America sent it! Where do you think he goes with it?  Where do you think Congress goes with it?  Where does America go now?

I will take a stab at what I foresee ....

1. Will his Supreme Court Justice nominations be less Conservative? Nope. And they will be confirmed.  Nonetheless, I do not believe, for Constitution reasons, that women will lose the right to choose to have an abortion. By the same token, taxpayers may be less involved in funding it or supporting the process in indirect ways.  Is that a win or a lose for the marchers?  I'd call it a compromise.

2. As for "Women's Health," it gets a bit more nuanced.  Firstly, when we are talking about Women's Health, the primarily political target is Planned Parenthood.  That gets more tricky because it takes in the thorny topic of abortion. My answer on that component is in answer #1 above.  As for access to all other reproductive care, I believe is unfathomable that women will lose access to screenings, and essential treatment.  But it is conceivable that the delivery mechanism, Planned Parenthood, could be altered in some way. Nonetheless, care will be accessible. I'd call it a compromise.

3. When it comes to immigration, there are two primary aspects.

A) To begin with, what happens to illegal immigrants that are here in America already?  My answer has a few parts.
i.  Those with illegal aliens with a violent/criminal record will get deported.  This includes any with suspected terror ties. And when Homeland Security, the FBI, CIA, and even State Police find suspicious behavior, America will have a more expedient means of deporting non-citizens, whether or not they are documented.
ii.  Children already born in America stay, but the laws will get changed on that going forward so that childbirth can not be exploited as an immigration strategy.
iii. The vast remaining portion of illegal immigrants will be offered a legitimate and reasonable process for becoming "documented" and legal tax paying residents with a legitimate path toward citizenship.

B) We will tighten up our borders to reduce illegal entry into America.  And, making it here illegally will not be a pathway to legal residency or citizenship in the future.  This will translate into a "wall," but NOT the one conjured up by Trump's ridiculous rhetoric!  By the same token, at certain sections of our borders with both Mexico and even Canada, where illegal migration patterns are prevalent, more secure barriers will be erected and new technologies and security methods will be deployed. Plus, travel visas, customs inspections, and screenings will be "hardened" to make it more difficult for a gang like the ones who perpetrated 9.11 to get away with it again.  Answer A.i. above factors into this as well.

All and all, when it comes to the the three primary objectives, Right to Choose, Women's Health, and Immigration, I'd call it a compromise. And when all is said done, that is what America needs to be better at. Listening and compromising!

Now America, please STOP IT.  Everyone who is mocking and trying to humiliate and bully anyone, please STOP!   Please show respect and even greater empathy and kindness for others, including our President, who must do the same!

P.S. I really appreciated seeing Libertarian points of views represented!  Video interviews on Reason site.

Previous posts:


Inauguration Day - Yin-Yang Day

The Sacred Oath