Wednesday, March 6, 2019

ALL AT ONCE: Stronger Workforce, High Wages and Lower Student Debt

THE WORKFORCE OF TOMORROW. WON'T NEED STUDENT DEBT to the extent it does today. Here is why.

America is Going to Build a Strong Workforce, Greater Labor Force Participation and Reduce Reliance on Student Debt.

A 4 year college degree, which takes on average nearly 6 years to obtain, is the most expensive way to prepare a high school graduate for a job.

An apprenticeship or internship is the least expensive.  And after college the student needs to still find a job and pay off a massive debt. Whereas the apprentice has a job, a salary and no debt when they finish their training.

Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs fame has been an early beacon on this subject.  Ivanka Trump's workforce initiative is putting America on the right track.

An advanced degree makes sense for some professions and people.  But America has overtly relied on 4 year colleges & universities as a means to a career path.  That is changing under the Trump Administration.

Today the shift towards apprenticeships and internships is changing the way we think about preparing for a career.

Part of the reason for this is that Trump's policies have lead to such a robust economy and low unemployment, that companies are offering more on-the-job training opportunities.

Ivanka Trump rightly points out that with the nation's low unemployment rate, there's a "vocational crisis" in America because small businesses are having difficulty finding workers with skills needed for their job openings.

Together with America's CEO'S, HR experts, Union Leaders, and Governors, Ivanka Trump and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross are identifying and developing strategies that will increase apprenticeships and on-the job training to provide workers "with concrete opportunities to sustain jobs and stable careers in a modern economy."  The impact on labor force participation and wages will be tremendous.

There are already more jobs available than there are people in the workforce, companies are more willing to hire chronically unemployed people like felons, those without a high school diploma and the disabled.

Increasing labor force participation will not be enough to meet future labor needs.  This is especially true once America's home builders expand to the levels we need AND the USA starts funding infrastructure!

ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ARE NOT THE RIGHT SOLUTION.  America and it's employers deserve a workforce pool that entered the USA legally with proper vetting and documentation who desire to work and contribute to American society.

It is crucial for our nation to get past our political differences and straighten out our immigration issues and policies in smart ways.  Obstruction over the needs we have for border security and immigration reforms is hindering our country's ability to move forward and to reallocate limited Federal funds and resources to more beneficial uses that will enable us to INCREASE LEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Wages have been painfully stagnant. Now they are rising the fastest they have in a decade. America will have a stronger and larger workforce, higher wages and lower student debt all at once thanks to the Trump Administration's leadership.