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3/25/19 White House Trump recognizes the Golan Heights. |
President Trump is without a doubt and by far the greatest supporter of Israel of any President in history. Therefore, it stands to reason that Israel's enemies hate Trump.
Many of the anti-Israel voices are obvious and direct about their position against Israel. Just look at what Israel puts up with at the U N. It is easy to appreciate where that puts them concerning Trump's actions -- moving the Embassy, pulling aid to the Palestinian authorities and most recently the Golan. But it doesn't end there.
Israel's enemies aren't only in the U.N. And their hate isn't reserved for Israel, it extends to Israel's champions.
For nearly 70 years the media has trafficked in false moral equivalences between terrorists and those in Israel defending themselves from terrorism. We should not ignore that the media which has been the most guilty of such anti-Israel biases also are the most Leftist media. CNN is a perfect example, but it is hardly alone.
What distinguishes Trump is his actions. There have been many leaders who stated support for Israel to gain votes in the USA, but failed Israel through their actions. Most notably Barack Hussein Obama - the President whose first foreign policy action was an "apology tour" in the Middle East. Don't forget that his Secretaries of State were Clinton and Kerry.
I posit that some measure, and it isn't small, of the hatred there is for Trump is strongly connected to the disdain those same individuals and factions have for Israel, and even Jews. Obvious examples are Ilham Omar and Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib. I would also include Senator Bernie Sanders.
It is politically unacceptable in the USA to be openly anti-Israel. Which presents an interesting dilemma. One can't openly hate Trump because he is a supporter of Israel. Therefore, such haters must find a proxy issue to hate Trump about. Trump, unfortunately, makes that all too easy. His position on many issues, his background and his personality, make him an easy target.
Trump revels in being politically incorrect. He takes that so far as to alienate even moderate Democrats. In addition, his policies are highly objectionable to Progressive Liberals, So even if Trump's enemies hate is partially rooted in anti-Zionism or anti-Semitism, that is easily disguised by and clouded in all the other issues the Left has with Trump.
Furthermore, it is is NOT to say that just because someone is opposed to Trump we can automatically assume they are anti-Semitic! The connection does NOT run that way.
By the same token, it is fair to say that if one is an adversary of Israel, Trump has more than likely taken them to task at the least. Trump is one who runs to the fight, and rarely fails to throw a mean counter punch or two. He is loyal to a fault at times. Trump never shy's away from standing up for Israel. He is very willing to use his political capital to support his friend and ally Israel.
Nonetheless, when you look at who some of Trump's most ardent and outspoken critics are, consider there attitude toward Israel. You could not find one BDS activist in the USA who supports Trump. You could not find one journalist who covers news about Israel in a grossly unfair way to Israel who doesn't treat Trump with similar negative bias. And practically every politician and activist who sees Israel's presence in the West Bank as an occupation and fails to accept Israel's historic right to all of Jerusalem, is a never Trumper as well.
There is a very strong argument that is made that the anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are closely inter-related. While the connection is less direct and not nearly as equivalent, I am certainly saying that their is a relationship between anti-Zionism and being a Trump hater.