Monday, December 26, 2016

It Begins

It begins ... a series a tectonic shifts in Israel and USA foreign policies, and dealings with the United Nations and the Palestinians.

Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal praised a UN Security Council resolution critical of Israeli settlements on Sunday night, but clarified “that [it] is not enough . . . We want Jerusalem,” And Hamas and Iran expects the world to stand with  them.

I stand with Israel!  You??  As Trump Tweeted, "after January 20th, things will be different."

Today, Israel's Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman warned Monday that France's upcoming peace conference scheduled for January 15 would be "a modern day Dreyfus trial."  In response to Paris's behavior toward Israel, Defense Minister Liberman told Jews to leave France and immigrate to Israel. "This is the time to tell French Jews: France is not your country or your land and it's time to leave," he said. He added,  "If you want to remain Jewish and want your kids and grandchildren to remain Jewish, leave France and come to Israel ..."

Speaking back in January 2016, to memorialize 17 Jewish victims after a terrible shooting in Paris, and a wave of Islamist violence during which gunmen and suicide bombers unleashed mayhem in Paris, killing 130, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, said the thought of Jews leaving France because they no longer feel it is their home was “an unbearable idea.” France without its Jewish community was “not France,” Valls famously stated.

The Obama Administration's history of pathetically bad results in the Middle East has repeatidly been marked by unintended consequence.  His legacy culminates with an unprecedented historic betrayal of Israel that will very possibly mark the historic turning point in Israel's position on the "Two State solution."

If Liberman's call for French Jews is answered, Prime Minister Valls "unbearable" vision may have foreshadowed changes in Europe that have actually accelerated due to Obama's failed policies, climaxing with passage of the UN Security Council Resolution on the lead into Hanukkah and Christmas.

And so it begins ... A New Era.

Next post - World Warning

Sunday, December 25, 2016

A New Era May Have Begun

This Christmas and Hanukkah may mark a giant moment in world history.  It may both test and prove the profound importance of the relationship of Christians and Jews, and America's Judea Christian foundation!

From the Jerusalem Post, "Obama’s obsession with the settlements, seen in bookend actions at the beginning and end of his term, made negotiating a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian issue more difficult, not easier."  To be clear, Obama, Biden, and Kerry have stabbed America's number one ally and the only democracy in the Middle East in the back.

Israel is an amazing Nation, and a light unto the world, and it WILL RISE ABOVE the USA's historic departure from long standing support for Israel by allowing the horrendous UN body to pass the recent anti-Israel Resolution. And as Israel rises, Obama's legacy will sink and be marked with everlasting shame.  The Obama Administration's despicable actions, and the obscene resolution by the UN will have the OPPOSITE effect, as Israel withdraws support for both the corrupt United Nations and efforts to achieve peace through bi-lateral negotiations. The UN is not fooling anyone who loves Israel, nor the vast majority of Americans who KNOW IT IS THE DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL, NOT PEACE WITH IT, that so many sadly many seek.

Public opinion may greatly shift and Israeli leaders may reasonably conclude that a TWO-STATE SOLUTION IS UNACHIEVABLE. This would mark the beginning of a new Era, as Israel alters its entire strategy and objective concerning the West Bank and Gaza. I don't like to use this analogy, but for overly convenient purposes, I will.  Like Russia, which annexed Crimea, I believe there is a possibility that Israel will decide to annex the West Bank and Gaza. And when they do they will clamp down on Hammas and declare any organizations which operate for the purpose of establishing a Palestinian State on Israeli lands, as newly defined, to be illegal.

The streets will be bloody. Christians will read this as the "End of Days." Orthodox Jews and even Liberal Jews may foretell the "coming of the Messiah."  I won't go so far as to call Obama Satin, but I am sure some will, and many more will be looking around to identify him. Will some point to Trump?  No doubt there will be some who see it that way. G-D ONLY KNOWS!  (How's that for a pun, huh?)  I can say with confidence that there will be many applauding Trump, and just as many daming Obama in Israel.

But this does NOT HAVE TO BE APOCALYPTIC. About 21% of Israel's population is Arab, and about 2% is Christian. And one could make the case that they lead as good or better lives in Israel than they could elsewhere in most Middle East countries. Life is miserable for Palestinians in areas run by Fatah, formerly the Palestinian Liberation Movement, and by the US declared terrorist organization Hamas which is directly supported by Iran. There is virtually no hope for peace with children in the West Bank and Gaza being taught from birth to hate Jews and pray for the destruction of Israel. This would not stop with a Two-State solution. The best hope for peace may be the opposite.  ONE LOVE. ONE STATE. ISRAEL.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Maybe Trump's Nuclear Tweet Is A Warning We Needed

Trump's nuke tweet is alarming and frightening.  He needs to clarify and possibly roll back impressions. Besides, it seems stupid to telegraph any intention in this regard since it encourages our enemies to act as well.  I don't get what he was thinking.

Maybe he was stupid like a fox. I have to wonder if his tweet was more strategic than it seems on the surface. There will be ENORMOUS SCRUTINY of this Tweet. I suspect Trump's tweet was partly or even largely the results of a test a a day ago of satellite weapons by the Russians.

By the same token, our nuclear readiness and systems are extremely antiquated. They've been neglected for over a decade. We are less safe because we have let our nuclear deterent degrade. That being the case and I believe it is, Trump's tweet will trigger study, debate and discussion about extremely important actions that need to happen.

I still question weather broadcasting our intentions serves the world, let alone the USA well because of how it charges other nuclear powers to step up their systems. One good thing that could come from that, however, is a discussion about a new treaty with the Russians and hopefully the Chinese about ways we can work together to make our mutual systems safer for all parties so that an apocalyptic or horiiffic  accident can be avoided.

Either way, Trump's tweet may be the single most important tweet in history!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Prosperity Is a Hate Spoiler

First we saw a reconciliation with Romney and Cruz, two fierce opponents.  Then Trump held a "Tech Meeting" which included Bezos from Amazon and Cook from Apple, two of the most powerful business leaders in the world who were vocally at odds with candidate Trump. That meeting could have gone much worse, and instead signaled positive intention by all parties to work together to promote innovation and improve cyber-security.  Now we learn of a meeting with another major business leader, who is sure to influence Mexico's president in order to bridge differences and mend fences (pun intended) with Mexico.  Text from an article about that meeting is pasted below.

Trump takes his oath of office in about 30 days, and I have never know a President to be so actively and openly setting the stage to hit the ground running  upon taking office.  All while also traveling the country to thank voters in battleground states that gave him the election. All while facing efforts by those who insisted that Trump concede the election, but now openly try to discredit Trump's win and maintain a divided nation.

Animal spirits and a new pro-business/pro-America age of private and public investment could be unleashed to usher in the greatest coordinated business and economic development period our country has seen since the end of WWII.

Trump is creating positive inertia.  He is building momentum which hopefully will carry into capital investment, entrepreneurial risk tacking, business expansion, and and renewed consumer activity.  Government stands ready do its part through terribly past due tax reform, infrastructure investment, simpler and less onerous regulation, and a leadership's expression of an enthusiastic vision for the future.  Trump already has the slogan that says it all - Make America Great Again!

The legacy of the great recession is hate, jealousy, fear, and bitterness.  We have  millions of scared and disappointed people looking for someone to blame.
Unlike the last eight years which only made the rich more wealthy and the income inequality gap larger, this expansion promises opportunities for lots of angry people. Angry white men who have lost their factory jobs, angry black men and angry Hispanics who yearn for a piece of the pie, angry students struggling to pay their student debt, angry middle class folks seeing their financial status eroded, angry seniors on fixed income whose interest income has faded to practically nothing, angry tax payers who keep having their hard earnings sucked away from them by governments that are starved for a revenue base that has had too little benefit from economic expansion. Just watch how much less anger there is in America when America is growing more prosperous.

Trump has many faults.  And I don't ask you to like him. He says things he shouldn't say. And he walks a line he should not walk with impressions that his words and actions give about how to treat women, and people in general. He is a bully. He is a bastard for certain business practices. And he has tremendous constitutional conflicts of interest. So there are more than ample reasons to not want to support Trump personally.  So here is how I reconcile that in mind.  I am supporting American prosperity and I believe that what can happen under President Trump will ultimately lead to that and less hate!

Text below is from an article about meeting Trump had with Carlos Slim last night:

"Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim got a "very positive" impression from U.S. President-elect Donald Trump about ties with Mexico after the two met for dinner on Saturday in Florida, a spokesman for the Mexican telecoms billionaire said on Monday.

Trump angered Mexicans during the election campaign by pledging to build a wall on the U.S. southern border and make Mexico pay for it, as well as threatening to ditch a joint trade deal and impose punitive tariffs on Mexican-made goods.

Those pledges sparked criticism from business leaders including Slim, who said Trump's plans could destroy the U.S. economy. But following the Nov. 8 election, Slim offered a more upbeat take, saying that if Trump succeeded, it would be good news for Mexico."

Footnote: Listen to how understand how poverity breads contempt, jealously, hate, and lead to socialism and beauracracy, and government control . . . Of the WORST ORDER.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Latkas and Pork Chops

Latkas and Pork Chops
An Interfaith Chilren's Story 
Dedicated to Sarah & Michael's Pregnancy 
by Saba Bob

Two of the favorite foods in my home are latkas and pork chops.  

Mommy makes the best latkas on Hanukkah.  It's so much fun when she does!  We all help.

Daddy grates the potatoes.  One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, and more!   His hands get tired from all the grating. 

Then I mix the grated potatoes in with the eggs. They are so cold, and my hands get tired from all the mixing.  Phew, my job is done.

Now it's Mommy's turn.  She puts them in the frying pan and our whole house smells like latkas.  

We all watch them turn golden brown. Mommy knows just when to take them out of the pan and put them on paper towels so they can dry.   

Mommy makes the best latkas, but Mommy never had them until she met Daddy.  Nanny  didn't make latkas in the home Mommy grew up in.  I'm glad Mommy and Daddy met.

Another one of the favorite foods we eat in our family is pork chops. My Daddy always said that my Nanny made the best pork chops. 

Every time it was Daddy's birthday my Nanny would make him pork chops.  Nanny's whole home would smell like pork chops.  

Nanny would spread her special breadcrumbs and seasoning all over the pork chops. Then she would put them in a frying pan with her special oil.  Only she didn't call it oil.  

Then Nanny would stand over them while they cooked.  She waited for them to turn golden brown.  Nanny knew just when to take them out of the pan and put them on paper towels so they can dry.

My Daddy loves pork chops but Daddy didn't have pork chops when he grew up. His Mommy didn't make them in his home.   I'm glad my Daddy met Mommy and Nanny.   
I am lucky because in my home I get to grow up with both latkas and pork chops.  I think Mommy and Daddy were always made for each other because Mommy and Daddy both love applesauce!

The Genius of Our Founding Fathers

Does it bother you the HRC won the popular vote, but not the election? Does that seem unfair? Consider the following justification for our Electoral proces written by Robert Gehl for the Federalist Papers Project.
True, HRC received 2.8 million more votes than Donald Trump on Election Day.And if the election was decided by the popular vote, than we would be swearing in a President Hillary Clinton.
But that’s not how it works. And – as he has said many time – if Donald Trump was campaigning for the popular vote, rather than the electoral vote, he would have campaigned much differently. Perhaps he would have spent more time in California – a state that voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton.
But he didn’t and Hillary’s margin of victory in that state was 4.3 million votes – or 61.5 percent. And therein lies the rub.
The purpose of the Electoral College is to prevent regional candidates from dominating national elections.
California is now a one-party state. There were zero Republicans running for statewide office and no GOP candidates in nine of California’s congressional districts. At the state level, Investor’s Business Daily reports, six districts had no Republicans for the state senate and 16 districts had no Republicans for the state assembly.
HRC was going to win California’s 55 electoral votes, so Trump didn’t campaign there.
If you take California out of the total, Donald Trump won the popular vote by 1.4 million. Also, if California voted like every other Democratic state – where Clinton’s margin of victory was 53.5 percent, the two candidates end up in a virtual
Alexander Hamilton got it right when he concieved the Electoral College. And now, sore losers, who insisted Trump should accept the election results, are not willing to do so themselves. There is a word for that. But I will leave the name calling to others who so easily call people deplorable, stupid, racist, etc. and group all Republicans and Convervatives together with the small Alt Right fraction.
Democrats need to stop looking for excuses outside their party's failures and mistakes. The Russians did not decide the election. Nor did Comey. Americans knew what they were doing. They know how corrupt Washington is, and how "pay for play" is ruining our Nation. They see how divided and discouraged our Nation became under present leadership. They can tell how failed our foreign policies, immigration policies, and over regulations are. And very soon, our Electoral College will prove, for the infinite time, how brilliant our Founding Fathers were.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

What Will You Do, When Your Are Two?

A Story for Baby Charlotte
by Saba Bob

What will you do, when you are two?
Will you put on a shoe, or hear a cow moo? 
Will you go to a zoo, to laugh at a kangaroo? 
There is much to do, when you are two.

What will you see, when you are three?
Will you look up a tree, or down at a honey bee?
Will you get to the sea, or learn your letters with me?
How much fun will it be, to be as big as three.

What will you have in store, when you are four?
Will your friends come to the door, so you can play on the floor.
Will you ride waves at the shore, and begin to soar. 
Will you know so much more, when you are four?

What will arrive, when you are five?
Will you ride a bike, and learn to dive?
Will you make believe you can drive,
And feel happy to be alive, when you are five?

What will you do for kicks, when you are six?
Will pick up sticks, and have lolly pop licks?
Will you stir the cake mix, and blow out the candlesticks?
Will you play fun tricks, when you are six?

There is a great big world waiting for you. 
So much for you to see, its true. 
I wonder what you will do, when you are two.