Wednesday, December 11, 2019


DEMOCRATS HAVE DRIVEN THEIR PARTY OFF THE CLIFF.  With the House's vote for Impeachment they've done it. There is no backing up.
"The dangerous thing about hate is that it seems so reasonable." Francious de la Rochefoucauld
Does anyone seriously think that 70 million Americans are going to let lying clowns Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler get away with impeaching President Trump?? If it weren't such a serious matter it would be laughable.
"Hate is all lie, there is no truth in hate." Kathleen Norris
What Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler have done with their 3 year effort to impeach President Trump will go down in history as the 2nd most egregious abuse of political power ever.

I said the 2nd most, because the 1st most egregious abuse of government power will be announced by AG Barr when US Attorney Durham is ready to present the findings and charges of their criminal investigation into the predication for operation Crossfire Hurricane, aka "Spygate."

Spygate and the House's bogus impeachment are part & parcel of the same evil hate based power hungry attack on Trump's Presidency.  The two sinister efforts work in tandem to try to achieve what Democrats could not achieve in the voting booth in November 2016.

Democratic leaders think they have put a permanent stain on Trump which will enable them to defeat Trump in 2020. But what they have done is the direct opposite. They haven't proven Trump's guilt, instead they have validated Trump's claims.

With hate deep in their hearts, the Democratic Party leaders have brought sin unto themselves.
"Hatred is a deathwish for the hater, not a lifewish for anything else." Audrey Larde
In the process, the Democratic leadership has sealed their own fate. They have virtually ensured the re-election of Trump in 2020 by the largest margin since 1936. There is a good chance of losing the House as well.

Democrats sought to take away Trump's power, but ultimately they will be increasing his power and his mandate.

What America is witnessing is the destructive power of hate on the hater.

In destroying themselves, rather than President Trump, the leaders of the Democratic Party, and I might add the Liberal Fake News, have done is CREATE A VACUUM!
"Hatred ,which could destroy so much, never failed to destroy the man who hated and this an immutable law." James Baldwin
Once the destruction that will come about after AG Barr and US Attorney Durham have made their case, there will be a giant hole in America. A hole that needs to filled which will act like a vacuum that will draw in new leadership and bring about a rebirth in America.


Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Sharing observations and making predictions puts oneself out there.  It exposes us to criticism and judgments. It is risky. In a sense, it is going out on a limb.

I have a tendency of going out on a limb.  In this post I will crawl out a bit further on limb I am already on.

Climbing out on a limb is what we are supposed to do in life. Climbing out on a limb is an especially human attribute.  After all, isn't that what we do when we make goals, or start a business, or go on a risky adventure of nearly any kind. Don't all such affairs begin with a mental commitment to a go out on limb? Besides, climbing out on a limb is how one gets a better view.

If you have been following my posts on Facebook or my blog you know that for a while I have been saying that there was a "RECKONING" coming concerning the political affairs of our country. A few weeks ago I said that it had begun.

In addition I have alluded to something pending that is much more cataclysmic with my repeated tag line:


I have been waiting for events I expect to unfold before giving an explanation about what I mean by that ominous phrase. Without those events being public knowledge what I have to say would seem preposterous and even ludicrous.

Jonah Ben (son of) Amittia, the man I am named after, said something preposterous to the people of Nineveh around 2700 years ago. Jonah declared to the great and powerful city of the Assyrians that their entire city and all it's inhabitants would be overthrown.

One the lessons I learned from studying the Book of Jonah is to follow my truth. "MY TRUTH" is literally the meaning of the Hebrew name of Jonah's father Amittia.  As the Apostle John said, "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32.)

But I digress ... so I'll get back to my predictions.

Soon my predictions won't be preposterous - they will be the logical conclusion drawn from the facts available.  That is because there will be a paradigm shift concerning politics and our government that Americans have never experienced before.

Future events will shatter beliefs that Americans are supposed to have about our Government, our political system and our Nation's most powerful and influential people and institutions.  Credibility of the mainstream media will be obliterated.

The IG Report is the tip of the iceberg.  Things will soon get much worse for the criminals, Democrats leading the impeachment effort, the Deep State and the Mainstream media.

From the IG report we now know that there was a criminal conspiracy to defraud the FISA Court, frame Carter Page and spy on the Trump campaign. But the IG report doesn't speak to the motivation and actions which lead up to this.

When AG Barr said he disagreed with IG Horowitz conclusions about a "lack of bias" he said it was because Horowitz lacked information which he and Durham had.

With that remark AG Barr confirmed my expectations and foreshadowed a huge new dimension concerning "Spygate" that will be revealed when US Attorney Durham comes forward with the findings of his criminal investigation.

I am now convinced that AG Barr and Attorney Dunham have information on what predicated the spying and the parties involved. That information will ROCK THE WORLD.

As bad as it is that parties in the FBI criminally defrauded the FISA court, the revelations that I expect to be revealed by Durham and Barr are far worse.

When the announcement of the findings of Durham's investigation are revealed the implications are going to dwarf the impeachment!  The facts to be revealed, and the crimes that will be prosecuted will show the impeachment to be the political charade it is. In fact it will turn the impeachment upside down and make it absurd on it's face.

Democrats will be so embarrassed about the impeachment they started that I would not be surprised to see the House move to cancel the impeachment in hopes of stopping a trial that will be devastating for them in the Senate. That in itself would be an unprecedented and stunning turn of events. But it would be a futile if it happens because it will not stop the wheels of justice which are underway.

What's to come will bring into doubt the trust Americans have in the highest levels of our government and the elected and appointed officials who run our country. It will rock the Democratic party and American institutions to the core!  This will be the greatest test of our Constitution in American history.

If events unfold as I expect, they will set up a dynamics which will have startling effects. One such effect leads me to offer the following prediction.

President Trump won't only be elected to a second term. He will be elected by the highest electoral college and popular vote margin since the 1936 election of FDR. Trump's mandate will have profound implications for the next quarter century at least.

But I have gotten ahead of myself. What will happen between now and the election is equally significant.  For those predictions you'll have to wait until next month.


Sunday, December 8, 2019


You can believe what you want, but let's be honest with one another about what is really happening in the House.

Make no mistake, this is not a bipartisan act. This is a highly Partisan act. The HOUSE will NOT impeach Donald J Trump. The Democrats will. 

Try as they may to couch their motivation in claims of their Constitutional duties, we all know their motivation is a deep hatred which Democrats and the mainstream media have nurtured for three years.

Their hatred is "covert" and has been pursued in covert ways since Hillary, the CIA Director Brennan and the DNC initiated and paid for the Steele Dossier. According to Jewish Law, Covert hatred is the more vicious form of hate. 

According to all rabbinic authorities one who hates, one acting out of enmity, is ineligible to serve as a judge in cases involving his enemy. They may not even be a witness. Hateful Democrats are acting as prosecutors, witnesses and judges in order to impeach the duly elected and loved President of the United States.

Pelosi convulses whenever she is accused of hating the President.  Is there even a Democrat who believes her denial?  If she is praying for the President it is out of the Left side of her mouth, and most likely because she is all too familiar with the evil acts being committed against him.  If Pelosi is praying for the President it is in hopes to save her own soul.  Deliverance is the Lord's.

It is blatantly obvious that Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, most of the Democratic witnesses, the Squad, Rep. Al Green, and so many others deeply hate Trump. 

Frankly, I don't think anyone questions whether Democrats who are leading the impeachment process hate Trump. This has been all about impeaching the Mother F'er since November 2016.  The last election simply gave Democrats the votes they needed in the House.

The Democrats banked on winning the House. What they didn't bank on was Republicans holding the Senate!  And the Senate is where this impeachment will meet it's end.  But much more is at stake.  The soul of our Nation is at stake.

The question at this point is whether the leaders of the Democratic party have committed the severe sin of gratuitous hate (שִׂנְאַת חִנָּם) with the act of impeachment.  

According to the Talmud gratuitous hatred is the most vicious form of hatred. Gratuitous sin is equal to the three paramount sins of idolatry, fornication, and murder!!

The Democrats are trying desperately to prove that their hatred and their impeachment was not gratuitous.  Sadly, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi and other vocal Democratic leaders and the mainstream media have many believing that this impeachment is justified. 

It may appear that Donald Trump is on trial, but I think what we shall soon all come to realize once the trial begins in the Senate is that it is the Democratic party that is on trial.  Hate is on trial. 

The Democrats have everything at stake. They have risked it all. If the evidence proves that their hate was gratuitous they may lose it all.  Prominent Rabbis view gratuitous hate as reason the Second Temple was destroyed -  as punishment for this sin.

The RECKONING has begun.


Saturday, December 7, 2019



What Hillary, Biden, Brennan, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and others leading the efforts to overthrow Trump, by every means possible, fear is being exposed for abuses of power and corruption that they know they are guilty of.

I used to think that Trump Derangement Syndrome was a static state with various degrees of affliction.  But now it is apparent that it is chronic and progressive - it advances. In other words, if not treated it grows increasingly worse.  Now I  understand why ... hate increases as the risk of what we fear increases.

Two fears are increasing. The first fear is the more common and public.  It is the fear which Democrats have that their candidates for President are terrible and that Trump is superior.  In short, it is the fear that Trump will win re-election.

The second fear is limited to a more narrow group of Washington insiders and Deep Staters.  This is the greater and more dangerous fear and hate!  This is also the group that has the most to fear from Trump's re-election!!

The average public is unaware of the extent of Washington corruption. But Trump has targeted them - he uses two terms to describe two different but related groups: "The Swamp" and the "Corrupt Fake News."  Both groups are fighting back hard.  They are fighting for their lives. Their level of fear and thus their hate is increasing as their sensed risk of being exposed is increasing. Those feelings are peaking at this time because they are starting to realize that the RECKONING has begun and their DESTRUCTION is coming.

As AG Barr, US Attorney Durham, IG Horowitz, Rudy Giuliani  and others get closer to exposing the real crimes of corruption and abuse of power in Washington, the "Haters" are growing increasingly fearful and therefore hateful. As they do, their actions become more extreme and their behaviors more bizarre.  Witness Biden and Pelosi!!

The same can be said of the Corrupt Fake News as they are exposed for their cover ups and failure to cover the views and accusations of Conservatives.

One way to understand TDS and how it effects people is to learn about the psychology of hate.  Here are some key points. What follows in this post is purely psychology with NO political connection intended by the professionals:

1) Behavioral researcher Patrick Wanis explains, “Hatred is driven by two key emotions of love and aggression: One love for the in-group—the group that is favored; and two, aggression for the out-group—the group that has been deemed as being different, dangerous, and a threat to the in-group.”

2) Fear of Ourselves - According to Washington, D.C., clinical psychologist Dana Harron, the things people hate about others are the things that they fear within themselves. She suggests thinking about the targeted group or person as a movie screen onto which we project unwanted parts of the self. The idea is, “I'm not terrible; you are.”

This phenomenon is known as "projection," a term coined by Freud to describe our tendency to reject what we don’t like about ourselves.

Psychologist Brad Reedy further describes projection as our need to be good, which causes us to project "badness" outward and attack it: "We developed this method to survive, for any 'badness' in us put us at risk for being rejected and alone. So we repressed the things that we thought were bad (what others told us or suggested to us that was unlovable and morally reprehensible) — and we employ hate and judgment towards others. We think that is how one rids oneself of undesirable traits, but this method only perpetuates repression which leads to many mental health issues.

3) Lack of Self-compassion - The antidote to hate is compassion — for others as well as ourselves.

Self-compassion means that we accept the whole self. “If we find part of ourselves unacceptable, we tend to attack others in order to defend against the threat,” says Reedy. “If we are okay with ourselves, we see others’ behaviors as ‘about them’ and can respond with compassion. If I kept hate in my heart for [another], I would have to hate myself as well. It is only when we learn to hold ourselves with compassion that we may be able to demonstrate it toward others.”

I am well aware that people who vehemently disagree with me are apt to think I fail to see how this explanation of "projection" can be turned on me. And that I am one who is projecting.  Such is the futility of today's debate. Everyone is accusing the other of the same thing. Round and round we go.

Coming Back To Today's Politics in my opinion:
The hate is reaching a crescendo with the impeachment trial.  The Senate hearings and AG AG Barr will start to truly expose the reasons for the fears.

Coinciding with the impeachment hearings will be the release of the IG Report as well as findings from US Attorney Durham's investigation.

It is about to get totally TDS crazy!

The RECKONING has begun.

Recommended article. 

Monday, December 2, 2019



Before I explain that outrageous remark, I have to preface it with the following thoughts.

I have been saying for many months that a "RECKONING was taking place that would lead to "DESTRUCTION and REBIRTH. "

When I say DESTRUCTION and REBIRTH what I am alluding to is the greatest Constitutional challenge since the USA Constitutional Convention of 1789.

When the truth is known about how our own government weaponized the greatest justice and Intelligence powers our country possesses, the CIA, FBI, DOJ under the watchful eye of Obama and his Attorney General in cooperation with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party and a complicit mainstream press, in order to turn a Presidential election, our Nation's attention must turn to what President Trump has been saying for nearly 2 years.


Abraham Lincoln was prophetic about this.  Lincoln said "Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies . . . could not by force . . .  At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer. If it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us; it cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."

I need to remind you of AG Barr's testimony about the Mueller investigation. Barr said "There was spying, the question is whether it was predicated." That statement by Barr foreshadowed what will prove to be the most significant criminal investigation in America's political history.

Establishing "predilection" runs to the heart of the fraud that has been perpetrated against America and Americans.

I believe US Attorney Durham's criminal investigation will reveal that the spying was NOT predicated!!

Rather, the Russian Hoax was a premeditated crime based on a manufactured seditious counterintelligence plot to alter the results of a Presidential election.

(The Deep State and certain Democrats know it and they realize how devastating the truth will be to them. So they have been desperately trying to cover up that crime with bogus impeachment efforts ever since Trump was elected.)

AG Barr will show that top officials in our government and the Deep State in cooperation with Hillary Clinton and the DNC's bought and paid for phony Steele Dossier, are responsible for criminal acts which will go down in history as the single greatest threat to the American Constitution since our Nation's founding.

Now let me explain how Anthony Wiener's penis comes into the story. (Pardon the pun.)

CIA Director Brennan and all the co-conspirators nearly got away with their seditious plan.  But two things happened which the criminals never could have expected:

1. Anthony Wiener's dic-pic exposed more than his penis. When police were investigating his sex crime they discovered Hillary's confidential emails on Huma Abedin laptop. Huma was Hillary Clinton's vice chairwoman for her 2016 campaign and her personal assistant. So it was Wiener's wiener that led to Comey's infamous decision to reopen his investigation into Clinton's email scandal. Which in turn may have changed the course of the election.

If Trump had lost, there never would have been an AG Barr and the Durham investigation.

2. Despite all the polls predicting Trump would lose - Trump won!

US Attorney Dunhan and AG Barr are getting to the bottom of this.
The RECKONING has begun.


Thursday, November 7, 2019

Like An Old Tree

Like That Old Tree

In autumn the geese call together
On the wing.
With the chill in the air we know
What the season change will bring.

I look up and wonder
Before slumber frees my spirit to soar
Shall I depart, the season over
My time done here.

As I grow older the cold bites deeper
Seasons and time don't wait.
Shall I take relief with friends a-flight
Or shelter in with dry wood.

Sight returns to my level
Where I see an old tree.
Rooted and high
In company and content.

It's time is not done
More seasons will it to share
Majestically, facing the weather
Fearing not that would strike it down.

With feet planted on the soil
My spirit reaches for the Light
Earth and this place are home now
The seasons are meant for me.

Like that old tree.

P.S. I can be happy visiting.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019



I can't be the only one who senses that a shift in consciousness is occurring in society concerning political events.

Democrats, yes folks on the LEFT are awakening to fact that the President is being ruthlessly and even criminally attacked and harassed.

It is becoming painfully apparent that there is horrendous corruption in our Government and with the Deep State, coupled with lies in the media, all directed at removing Trump from the White House.

The tables are turning. Truth is breaking out. The culprits and liars are being exposed.

I expect that key inside witnesses will soon find the courage to speak up and expose the culprits in our government and the mainstream media. Credible witnesses will feel compelled as citizens to call out the biases and cover ups.  No doubt there will even be some knowledgeable criminal conspirators making plea bargains with US Attorney Durham to save their asses.

Democrats' trust will be shattered. They have been brainwashed and genuinely believed what the conspirators and fake news wanted us to believe about Trump. Ordinary citizens, Democrats, will come to find that they are victims. Victims in a different way than Trump and his supporters whom they vilified for three years, but victims nonetheless.

Democrats have giant shocking revelations coming to them. It will be very difficult for people who hate Trump to accept that Trump has been the target of an illegal conspiracy the likes of which Americans have never seen. But the evidence will be so overwhelming that even CNN, MSN and all the Mainstream media will have to report it and acknowledge their failure to expose it much earlier.

One revelation will be that the Mainstream media didn't just get it all wrong. They were actually complicit and aided the criminals by supporting their story, covering up facts and refusing to report news that would have corroborated the claims by the Right. Democrats ought to be terribly angry!

The reckoning is just beginning. A giant iceberg is about to smash into the American psyche when the investigations by AG Barr, IG Horowitz and US Attorney Durham come to light.

The sinking feeling which will come over Democrats when they have to face the truth will frighten them. They will realize they have been betrayed by the conspirators and their news people. Democrats won't know who and what to trust anymore.

The truth about Russia hoax and Ukraine that is coming out will rock our nation to the core. It will call into question everything about our government and the "press" that we thought we could believe. It will destroy confidence in America's greatest institutions, such as the FBI, DOJ, DOS, our intelligence services and even Congress, and of course the press.

Their faith broken, Democrats will feel like lost souls.

UNTIL all is lost for Democrats, the Right should continue to fight with everything we have got.  However, ONCE all is lost it is NOT a time for people on the Right to gloat or add insult to injury.

When our fellow American's spirits are crushed by the TRUTH, it is time for us on the Right to embrace our American brothers & sisters and remember what binds us.

We must go forward as Patriots to rebuild trust and mutual respect. We must remake America in the image and vision that our Founding Fathers had. We must pull back from Partisanship as President George Washington warned us to.

We need to rediscover the American spirit. A nation founded and designed by brilliant people with a profound distrust of government and powerful a passion for individual Liberty and an exceptional appreciation for self accountability, work ethic and ingenuity.

We need to recognize that America is a Covenant nation that put it's Trust in God, NOT politicians and government. We must renew our morality based on Judeo-Christian values. Pardon the expression, but we must make America great again.

This is not America's first time dealing with a terrible conspiracy! At the time in 1776 and until today, very few people are aware of the "first conspiracy" to prevent a Presidency.

In early 1776, George Washington  faced our nascent Nation's greatest threat. It wasn't the massive flotilla of British Ships waiting in the NYC Harbor to put down the American Revolution. The greatest threat was a giant Tory conspiracy, involving the Mayor of NYC, the Governor of the NY Colony, soldiers inside the Continental Army and even his closest aids, including his personal guards and his personal home assistant!

Because Washington could not trust anyone once the plot was uncovered, it had to be investigated by a tiny set of great lawyers and famous patriots. (Perhaps you've visited Livingston Manor estate or heard of John Jay.)  These men actually had to develop America's first complex code language in order to communicate so their highly important investigation wouldn't leak out.

The very people that George Washington should have been able to trust were conspiring to kidnap or kill him in order to destroy the chances of the American Revolution. The conspirators would have smitted the few canon his troops had just as the British were launching their massive assault. The American cause could easily have been lost!!  Even George Washington believed it was Providence that exposed the conspiracy, saved him and enabled the Revolution to succeed.

As the line goes in the play Hamilton,  the Continental Army was "out gunned, out manned and out planned."  As the Indian Chief who watched George Washington fighting with the British against the French at the Battle of Onegehella famously said of Washington, "This Man cannot die." The Indian Chief, his adversary, believed that the spirits were watching over Washington and that he was destined to lead a great Nation.

When a person beats all the odds, to achieve something historic, one might wonder if it is more than a coincidence.