Sunday, December 8, 2019


You can believe what you want, but let's be honest with one another about what is really happening in the House.

Make no mistake, this is not a bipartisan act. This is a highly Partisan act. The HOUSE will NOT impeach Donald J Trump. The Democrats will. 

Try as they may to couch their motivation in claims of their Constitutional duties, we all know their motivation is a deep hatred which Democrats and the mainstream media have nurtured for three years.

Their hatred is "covert" and has been pursued in covert ways since Hillary, the CIA Director Brennan and the DNC initiated and paid for the Steele Dossier. According to Jewish Law, Covert hatred is the more vicious form of hate. 

According to all rabbinic authorities one who hates, one acting out of enmity, is ineligible to serve as a judge in cases involving his enemy. They may not even be a witness. Hateful Democrats are acting as prosecutors, witnesses and judges in order to impeach the duly elected and loved President of the United States.

Pelosi convulses whenever she is accused of hating the President.  Is there even a Democrat who believes her denial?  If she is praying for the President it is out of the Left side of her mouth, and most likely because she is all too familiar with the evil acts being committed against him.  If Pelosi is praying for the President it is in hopes to save her own soul.  Deliverance is the Lord's.

It is blatantly obvious that Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, most of the Democratic witnesses, the Squad, Rep. Al Green, and so many others deeply hate Trump. 

Frankly, I don't think anyone questions whether Democrats who are leading the impeachment process hate Trump. This has been all about impeaching the Mother F'er since November 2016.  The last election simply gave Democrats the votes they needed in the House.

The Democrats banked on winning the House. What they didn't bank on was Republicans holding the Senate!  And the Senate is where this impeachment will meet it's end.  But much more is at stake.  The soul of our Nation is at stake.

The question at this point is whether the leaders of the Democratic party have committed the severe sin of gratuitous hate (שִׂנְאַת חִנָּם) with the act of impeachment.  

According to the Talmud gratuitous hatred is the most vicious form of hatred. Gratuitous sin is equal to the three paramount sins of idolatry, fornication, and murder!!

The Democrats are trying desperately to prove that their hatred and their impeachment was not gratuitous.  Sadly, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi and other vocal Democratic leaders and the mainstream media have many believing that this impeachment is justified. 

It may appear that Donald Trump is on trial, but I think what we shall soon all come to realize once the trial begins in the Senate is that it is the Democratic party that is on trial.  Hate is on trial. 

The Democrats have everything at stake. They have risked it all. If the evidence proves that their hate was gratuitous they may lose it all.  Prominent Rabbis view gratuitous hate as reason the Second Temple was destroyed -  as punishment for this sin.

The RECKONING has begun.
