Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Sharing observations and making predictions puts oneself out there.  It exposes us to criticism and judgments. It is risky. In a sense, it is going out on a limb.

I have a tendency of going out on a limb.  In this post I will crawl out a bit further on limb I am already on.

Climbing out on a limb is what we are supposed to do in life. Climbing out on a limb is an especially human attribute.  After all, isn't that what we do when we make goals, or start a business, or go on a risky adventure of nearly any kind. Don't all such affairs begin with a mental commitment to a go out on limb? Besides, climbing out on a limb is how one gets a better view.

If you have been following my posts on Facebook or my blog you know that for a while I have been saying that there was a "RECKONING" coming concerning the political affairs of our country. A few weeks ago I said that it had begun.

In addition I have alluded to something pending that is much more cataclysmic with my repeated tag line:


I have been waiting for events I expect to unfold before giving an explanation about what I mean by that ominous phrase. Without those events being public knowledge what I have to say would seem preposterous and even ludicrous.

Jonah Ben (son of) Amittia, the man I am named after, said something preposterous to the people of Nineveh around 2700 years ago. Jonah declared to the great and powerful city of the Assyrians that their entire city and all it's inhabitants would be overthrown.

One the lessons I learned from studying the Book of Jonah is to follow my truth. "MY TRUTH" is literally the meaning of the Hebrew name of Jonah's father Amittia.  As the Apostle John said, "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32.)

But I digress ... so I'll get back to my predictions.

Soon my predictions won't be preposterous - they will be the logical conclusion drawn from the facts available.  That is because there will be a paradigm shift concerning politics and our government that Americans have never experienced before.

Future events will shatter beliefs that Americans are supposed to have about our Government, our political system and our Nation's most powerful and influential people and institutions.  Credibility of the mainstream media will be obliterated.

The IG Report is the tip of the iceberg.  Things will soon get much worse for the criminals, Democrats leading the impeachment effort, the Deep State and the Mainstream media.

From the IG report we now know that there was a criminal conspiracy to defraud the FISA Court, frame Carter Page and spy on the Trump campaign. But the IG report doesn't speak to the motivation and actions which lead up to this.

When AG Barr said he disagreed with IG Horowitz conclusions about a "lack of bias" he said it was because Horowitz lacked information which he and Durham had.

With that remark AG Barr confirmed my expectations and foreshadowed a huge new dimension concerning "Spygate" that will be revealed when US Attorney Durham comes forward with the findings of his criminal investigation.

I am now convinced that AG Barr and Attorney Dunham have information on what predicated the spying and the parties involved. That information will ROCK THE WORLD.

As bad as it is that parties in the FBI criminally defrauded the FISA court, the revelations that I expect to be revealed by Durham and Barr are far worse.

When the announcement of the findings of Durham's investigation are revealed the implications are going to dwarf the impeachment!  The facts to be revealed, and the crimes that will be prosecuted will show the impeachment to be the political charade it is. In fact it will turn the impeachment upside down and make it absurd on it's face.

Democrats will be so embarrassed about the impeachment they started that I would not be surprised to see the House move to cancel the impeachment in hopes of stopping a trial that will be devastating for them in the Senate. That in itself would be an unprecedented and stunning turn of events. But it would be a futile if it happens because it will not stop the wheels of justice which are underway.

What's to come will bring into doubt the trust Americans have in the highest levels of our government and the elected and appointed officials who run our country. It will rock the Democratic party and American institutions to the core!  This will be the greatest test of our Constitution in American history.

If events unfold as I expect, they will set up a dynamics which will have startling effects. One such effect leads me to offer the following prediction.

President Trump won't only be elected to a second term. He will be elected by the highest electoral college and popular vote margin since the 1936 election of FDR. Trump's mandate will have profound implications for the next quarter century at least.

But I have gotten ahead of myself. What will happen between now and the election is equally significant.  For those predictions you'll have to wait until next month.
