Saturday, December 28, 2019


Did you happen to catch the Washington Post opinion piece by Media Critic Erik Wemple?

Wemple's article was fifth in a six-part series about the media's handling of the Steele dossier.

There is the truth. And there is the opposite. There are truth seekers like investigative journalist John Solomon. And there are people who are the opposite.  There is real news. And there is the opposite. MSN's Rachel Maddow is the opposite in every sense.

What makes Fake News so damaging is not simply that it has an agenda.  Or that it seeks to satisfy it's audience with misinformation.

What makes fake news people such as Rachel Maddow so dangerous is that people believe them. What makes her and others in her industry so insidious is that she is corrupting the thought processes of good, ethical and intelligent people.
WHY IS IT THAT WE HAVE THE PROBLEMS THAT WE DO IN AMERICA?  I believe it is because people would rather believe the lies than face the truth. 
Trump wasn't elected despite leaders like Obama and news makers like Rachel Maddow. He was elected BECAUSE of them.

Therefore, the louder voices such as Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Cuomo, Brian Stelter, Chuck Todd and others get, the more likely it is that Trump will get re-elected.

The Left has yet to figure out that the key to their success is NOT going on & on about what is wrong with Trump. The key for the Left's success is the same as the key to Right's success.
The key to success for both the Left and the Right is the same - To fix itself!  
For both the Left and the Right to succeed they each have to seek the truth starting with themselves. They each have to identify their own party's faults. They each have to acknowledge their own mistakes. Then, only after they do, they have to reach across the isle, join hands with the other party and move forward to fix America's problems.

Trump got elected because he identified the lies and faults in the Republican party. Before Trump beat Hillary, he beat his Party!  And the establishment in the Party hated him for it. But he had the people's support because he called out his own Party!  He called out the Bush's, Romney McCain and other leaders.

Trump will obliterate any of the Democratic candidates on the ticket because Trump is easily able to do what Democrats have refused to do -- identify the faults within the Democratic party. Meanwhile, anyone on the Democratic Presidential ticket who does so is scorned. The treatment of Tulsi Gabbard is a perfect example.

The Democratic Party will continue to decline until the fake news media starts firing liars like Maddow and O'Donnell and canceling garbage shows like The View and replacing them with legitimate truth seekers. That decline is going to steepen as testimony in the Senate gets underway.

The Democratic party is going to hit rock-bottom when US Attorney John Durham and AG Barr announce the findings of their criminal investigation together with indictments and the American people learn and accept the truth about the deception perpetrated on the American people by the Left and the deep state, including Republicans such as John McCain.

I predict that the Democratic party and fake news is going to be in ashes in 2020. Then it may finally be able to achieve success. Sometimes it takes utter destruction to look up and face yourself.

What it it will take next is for great leadership to rise up and fill the vacuum left by the destruction. That is what it will take for there to be a rebirth in American poltics and our Nation.
