Saturday, December 28, 2019


Whistle blowers serve an important roll in society.  Being a whistle blower isn't easy.

Among police there is a concept called the "blue wall of silence."  It alleges that there is peer pressure which dissuades police officers from reporting (ratting) on a colleague's misconduct.  I don't know if this is a fair characterization. And I don't know if exists in the FBI and the CIA.

Agents in the Federal Bureau of Investigation live by three core principles, Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity.

Fidelity is in essence loyalty to the core values, code of ethics and mission of the FBI.

If there has been the gross misconduct that AG Barr and Republicans assert regarding Spying on the Trump campaign it is logical to wonder if more people in our government noticed it from inside.

One thing that US Attorney Durham needs to do is break down that so called code of silence if it exists inside the FBI, DOJ and CIA.

There are many interrogation and law enforcement techniques to get a suspect to confess or to "give themselves up." As the saying goes, "we can do this the hard way or the easy way." But how do you encourage witnesses with evidence that may be important to the government's investigation to come forward voluntarily?

AG Barr can help in an important way. He can appeal to one of the FBI's three principles - Integrity!

One way AG Barr is going to exert his influence on agents, as well others in our government, is to bring to bear the persuasive power of his oratory and intellectual skills coupled with the stature of his title and stellar reputation, in order to convince those with any relevant knowledge to come forward with evidence of the corrupt practises in our government relating too their investigation.

By giving compelling speeches on the higher principles of service and loyalty to the Nation, above all else, Bill Barr will elicit a needed response.

As the investigation moves forward in 2020, I anticipate we will be hearing more from Bill Barr.  And in fact, we already are.

The hope is that credible whistle blowers have the bravery to come forward.  The word credible is key!

Witness credibility is crucial because sometimes people make false claims for personal, financial and political reasons. That is why a suspect, even the President, has the right to face their accuser!
