Saturday, July 20, 2019




Ilhan Omar "REPRESENTS" more than her district. She represents the sickness that exists in America.  She and her "Squad" represent the hatred so many in America have of American identity.  She is the personification of Abraham Lincoln's famous quote -

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

Omar's entrancing and alluring manner is a perfect example of Da’wah, Islam’s method of taking a little bit at a time always using somewhat convincing arguments for acceptance. 

In Amazon's "Best History Books in 2018," Tactics of Islam: Conquering America from Within, the author Aland D. Mizell explains it.

"In the past, the Ottoman Empire could not defeat the West by the sword" . . . Now the approach is to "systematically employ very different tactics to bring the West under Islamic rule. For profoundly anti-democratic goals they use America's democratic values-freedom of speech, political correctness, tolerance, and multiculturalism-as tools for disseminating Gulen's ideology. "You move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your existence until you reach all the power centers . . . UNTIL CONDITIONS ARE RIPE."

Like Jew hater Linda Sarsour, Ilham Omar is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Sarsour has been exposed and many of the people and groups that once supported her and her movement have come to realize Sarsour's true anti-Semitic and anti-Israel mission.

Like Sarsour did, Omar is tapping into the Left's hatred of Donald Trump to advance her anti-American and anti-Israel agenda.

President Trump is exposing Omar and calling her out for who she is. But rather than acknowledging who Omar is and the evil views she represents, the Left is leveraging her to get Trump.  This dangerous strategy that won't work.

Rallying around Omar in oder to win against Trump is a desperate act that is going to backfire biggly on the Democratic Party in 2020.  Pelosi knows it but she is so weakened by the Radical Left's takeover of the Democratic Party that she is powerless.

The Speaker of the House has given in to the Radical Left's platform that includes Socialism, ending private health insurance, a ludicrous New Green Deal, Open Borders, anti-Israel, anti 1st and 2nd Amendment, anti-business, anti-Judeo Christian, anti-Founding Fathers, anti-masculine, anti-white and Slavery Reparations. Radical Leftist substitute big government and their Progressive values for morality, religion and even God.

Patriots are rallying to the flag and the Founding Father's principles - American greatness and exceptionalism.  But the Radical Left will portray this as racist white-supremacist ideology. It is an example of the Left's perverted narrative and their political strategy.

Ultimately, I believe the Left will lose by rallying around the hateful intentions of Ilhan Omar. To succeed that way the Radical Left would have to destroy America just like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, General George Patton and other great leaders warned us.

The Left's obsessed hatred of Trump has enabled the Radical Left to dominate the news cycle. But I do NOT believe "CONDITIONS ARE RIPE" enough for Ilhan Omar, the rest of her "Squad" and the Radical Left to succeed. 

The failure of two recent House Bills, one for Pro BDS and another to impeach Trump, are proof.

Friday, July 19, 2019



The image should look somewhat familiar from USA dollars, but this particular image is not exactly the same. It has the same source as the image on our money, but it is not quite the same.

This is the reverse or back side of the Great Seal of the USA. In case you forget what the Great Seal looks like here it is.

On the image on the backside side of our Country's Great Seal is the phrase "Annuit coeptic" which comes from the Latin words annuo, "to nod" or "to approve", and coeptum, "commencement, undertaking." It is literally translated, "[providence] favors our undertakings" or "[providence] has favored our undertakings."

God has strengthened the Jews as the Covenant promised. We have also suffered defeats. And there have been many who have tried to curse us.  Notice how they have ended up in history!

In the Torah Parashat Balak, the prophet Balaam proclaimed: 

How Lovely are Your Tents People of Jacob, Your Sanctuaries People of Israel (Numbers 24:5)

King Balak sent Balaam to curse the Jews. But Balaam refused to speak what God did not speak and therefore would not cast a curse on the Israelite's camp as King Balak of Moab offered him money to do. (Numbers 22–24).

As a result of this Bible section over a hundred generations of faithful Jews and Christians have come to believe that "those who curse Israel will be cursed and those who bless Israel will be blessed."

America has been the greatest blessing of any Nation to Jews and Israel. I believe that is the true source of America's strength. I shutter to think what would happen to America if God were ever to stop "favoring our undertakings!"

Since Trump has become President he has been an incredible blessing to Israel. Both America and Israel have prospered and grown stronger. Those who have been a curse to Israel like Abbas/Hamas, Iran and the United Nations have been weakened.

People like the "Squad," Bernie Sanders, Beto and other Democratic candidates for President would and have tried to curse Israel. Obama was a curse to Israel.  Trump is a curse to all of them.

Back to the Seal ...

The Mason's say the backside of the Great Seal forms a hexagram, as in the Jewish Star of David. The Star is also found outlined on the FACE/FRONT of the Great Seal. You will notice above the Eagle that there are 13 little stars representing each of the 13 colonies. Those little Stars form ONE large Jewish Star of David. ONE GOD SUPREME over the American Eagle.  That Star of David on the front of the Great Seal is circled in thunderous clouds, symbolizing events at Mount Sinai.

There is an interesting thing about the number 13. Most Americans think 13 is an unlucky number. Many early skyscraper buildings elevators were built without a 13th floor.  But 13 is actually a very special number is Judaism. Here is link with more about the number 13 in the Torah.

ONE of the reasons so many Trump supporters are so passionate is BECAUSE Trump is the greatest supporter of Israel and Jews in history since George Washington.  Heaven forbid Israel lose the support Trump has provided Israel.

But like King Balak, I don't believe the Radical Left that is running the Democratic Party can curse him. Trump is going to win in 2020.

In Judaism it is often said that there are no coincidences.  Trump is the MOST UNLIKELY PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY -- HE IS NO COINCIDENCE!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019



TRUMP IS FEEDING HATE! HE TRULY IS.  But it's not like that sounds . . .

I am going to make a very timely observation.  I need to explain so try to bear with me for a few of paragraphs.

Ilhan Omar comes from one of the worst hell-hole countries on earth. A place where murder, genital mutilation, rape, corruption and lawlessness are not uncommon. She lived in a refugee camp where she witnessed terrible things.  As girl she was rescued and brought to America by the generosity of Americans seeking to offer Somalis a better life.  She was educated here and has achieved obvious success, rising to Congress as a young Muslim woman from a foreign nation. 

What does that say about America? Does that sound like what a racist country does? 

Do you think Ilhan should wake up every morning and thank Allah that she is in America and that Americans rescued her?   I think MOST Americans would agree that she should. 

And yet, Ilhan says you can't say the word America with pride, but you can lift up your chest and show pride for Al Qaeda.  She rooted against the Americans on the chopper in the movie Black Hawk down. She's trivialized 911. She refuses to denounce Antifa terrorists and their violence.  She promotes a radical Socialist and anti-Israel agenda. She's repeated anti-Semitic tropes. She's supported organizations and individuals that preach hate of America and Israel. Ilhan shows contempt for America and Jews in many of her comments.

I think most Americans, including moderate Democrats cringe at many of the beliefs Ilhan Omar has. 

Like Linda Sarsour, Omar is a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Her beautiful appearance and poetic manner of speaking are alluring. She has mastered communication skills and the ability to twist a narrative and spin logical arguments to make her radical views seem nearly reasonable.  

But I would argue that what has really captured the hearts of supporters of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and AOC (the "Squad") is NOT their positions on political issues!  What has enabled them to dominate the news cycle is not that they have a popular political platform. 

What has captured hearts and support for ilhan Omar and her squad is something far more simplistic and fundamentally toxic.

The true reason the Leftist media and an actually fair small but highly vocal group of Americans support Ilhan, Rashida, Ayyana and AOC is that they share a common passion - Hate for Trump. Hate for Trump supporters.  Hate for the anything Trump is for.


Trump is feeding that hate. He is helping that hate to grow by throwing inflammatory words out.  He is watering and drawing it out. By encouraging and drawing out that hate Trump is encouraging the Squad, activists groups like Antifa and their supporters, far Left celebrities and Trump hating media spokespeople to say and do things that will ultimately be used against them.  

All these folks have swallowed Trump's bait. He has hooked them deep in their bellies.  And when Trump eventually, but not yet, reels in his catch and pulls his hooks out he is going to rip their guts out.

Trump has amassed an ENORMOUS war chest of money for the 2020 election. Huge historic amounts!  

As the Left, particularly the Squad, Antifa, Open Border Activists and protest groups, and radical Socialists all go crazy over Trump's remarks the cameras and cell phones are rolling. While the Trump haters are ramping up their angry rhetoric and harassing Immigration Enforcement officers and border agents, and even committing violence those images are being captured. 

The public will remember that the Squad calling Trump a "mother F'r" while voting against aid for the Border Crisis.  The Squad's words and deeds will be come back to haunt them during the 2020 Election and Trump will be the one who clearly stood up for protecting our Borders and changing the laws that have cause the crisis in the first place. 

Trump has set a trap and he is using it to capture fresh priceless footage.  Professionals will hand pick through the material, edit it down to the most choice moments and soundbites. Soon that choice content will work it's way into social media posts, viral memes, podcasts, YouTube videos and ultimately the 2020 campaign commercials.  Those moments will define the Democratic Party.  Furthermore, Speaker Pelosi has lost her voice and her gavel - The Far Left Radicals are running the show!

Trump says offensive things, and he is a bully. In a street fight he will fight dirty. He goes over the line just enough to stir controversy and trigger his opponents. And right after the Left and the media go nuts over a word or phrase he used, he restates his position in a way he can defend. But it's too late ... the Left and the media especially have taken his bait.  He has created precisely the contrast on an issue between the Left and Right's position that he wanted to create!

To say Trump is politically incorrect is an understatement. Most of us have come to realize that he is not "Presidential" at times. Trump is willing to give the Leftist Trump haters some of the examples they will say proves he is a racist. But only when taken completely OUT of context. Most people don't truly believe that he is in fact an actual racist. He is not a White Supremacist and the Nazi that the Left depicts him to be. 

Meanwhile, Trump is explaining himself. He is clarifying and moderating his position in such a way that most Americans can support. There is plenty of evidence of this including approval ratings, unfavorable polls about his opponents, confidence in the economy, the growing popularity of the #WALKAWAY, #BLEXIT and #JEXODUS movements, huge support ratings with his party, enormous financial support, giant ratings of FOX and plummeting ratings at CNN and MSN, etc.

Trump is saying what the "average American" thinks. If you hate this country and the principles of our Founding Fathers and what the US Flag represents, you are free to leave.  And if you are a radical Socialists and an anti-Semite from another country - PLEASE DO.

Friday, July 12, 2019




I am not a follower of Astrology.  Many Presidents, Kings, Generals and highly successful people are.  But just yesterday I found out by "chance" that Astrology supports my Prediction of major events which are soon to unfold.

As anyone who has followed me knows, I have have strong opinions.  And I have been very outspoken about how the Left has been mistreating and reacting to Trump. Even though I did not vote for Trump I am horrified by what I believe are serious crimes committed to prevent his election and remove him from office.  I realize now that Trump is only one, albeit highly visible target.  The attacks are on our Founding Fathers, their Principles and the Conservatives seeking to uphold them.

The corruption that has infected our country at the highest levels in our governmental systems, including the DOJ, FBI, CIA (the so called Deep State), will soon meet it's destruction.

The people that brought us the Benghazi cover-up, the Hillary Email scandal, the Russian Hoax and the Mueller investigation will face Divine retribution.  Those at the highest level of the Obama Administration, his AG; the DNC and Hillary will be facing their fate for their crimes of sedition against the United States and the American people.

Coming events will rock our country to the core with a level of severity that is comparable to the greatest events in our Nation's 243 year history; including World Wars, the Depression and even the start of the Nation itself - the Revolution. The magnitude of shocks that are going to hit the Country can produce huge events and changes. The Nation will not be the same.

As we move into the second half of this year 2019 and IG Horowitz's report lays out the abuses with the FISA Court which led to spying on the Trump campaign and as US Attorney John Dunham comes forward with indictments related to the same, I also expect AG Barr will reopen the case of Hillary's email scandal.

We saw the tiny tip of this corruption iceberg when the IRS was exposed for targeting Conservatives during the Obama Administration.  Justice was not served then and that was only foreshadowing compared to what is about to happen.

Expect to see the Clinton's and their Foundation brought into the fray.  Not to mention Bill Clinton being implicated in the Epstein sex trafficking case. The Foundation is burnt toast.

The Democrats love to say that there were no scandals during the Obama Administration. Nothing could be farther from the truth!  (The hypocrisy is greater than the truth.)


Destruction is the flip side of creation.  Justice is coming with the future events.  As President Trump has said repeatedly, "We must never allow what happened to him happen to any other President." This means that there will be major changes to the institutions and systems that failed us.

When we speak about changes, I am including the news media, or as we now say the Fake News. They must be held accountable for missing the biggest story ever that was right under their noses and even aiding and abetting the perpetrators.  The Leftists Liberal Press were conspirators in misleading the public. They did the dirty deeds that folks like Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Hillary and others needed them to do.


Saturday, July 6, 2019



Trump's D-DAY speech garnered accolades worldwide. His State of the Union speech was widely praised. He has made impressive presentations before the United Nations. But his recent Independence Day speech may be his best yet.

Trump inspired, moved us emotionally, saluted heroes, recalled great moments and people in history, unified, and paid tribute.  There wasn't a partisan point made.

One proof of the quality of his July 4th speech is that both CNN and the Washington Post, two of the most Leftist Partisan media sources, allowed positive articles about it.

Of course Trump haters will always find something to harp on. They had to seize on an honest mistake in order to find fault with his Independence Day speech. In doing so it is they who look small, closed minded and hyper negative. 

Trump is defying his critics.  And not just in his big speeches. His entire presidency thus far could be described as one that defied the predictions by his opponents:
  • It began at the beginning with him winning the Primary and the election. Trump proved the experts, the polls and especially the media all terribly wrong.
  • They said the stock market and the economy would crash, instead it boomed to record levels.
  • They said he was terrible to women, yet he is the first President to have a female campaign manager and has more women in high levels of his Administration than any past President.
  • They said he would get us into war but he has delivered peace.
  • They said he couldn't bring back manufacturing, but it's back biggly.
  • They said he was a racist. Instead he has been the motivation for the #BLEXIT movement which is drawing more and more Blacks away from the Democratic party. 
  • They said he was Putin's lackey but he has been tougher on Russia than any President.
  • They said he would destroy the climate but America's performance on greenhouse emission reductions surpassed every nation.
  • They said he colluded with Russia but Mueller and collection of 18 angry Democrats spent 2+years and $30 million of taxpayers' money to conclude there was NO collusion.

Trump supporters describe his overall performance very succinctly with this now famous meme, "Promises made, promises kept."  Trump has kept more campaign promises than any President. And he made very big promises.

BY FAR MY PERSONAL FAVORITE promise kept is also the most preposterous promise ever made by a politician.  It must be the most outrageous and far fetched promise EVER made by a Presidential candidate. During his campaign rallies Trump would say that "There is going to be so much winning that you are going to get tired of all the winning and you we will say please stop the winning, we can't handle all the winning."  Who makes a wild political promise like that and then keeps it??!! Only one man ever - Donald J. Trump.

BUT TRUMP'S INDEPENDENCE DAY SPEECH DID WAY MORE THAN DEFY HIS CRITICS. It was the quintessential culminating moment in his Presidency thus far! 

We have never seen any Presidential speech like this in our lifetime!  Trump literally used F35's, B2 Stealth Bombers and other modern military aircraft as props in his speech.  He showed off our rebuilt military that Trump is so proud of.  Trump demonstrated America's strength which he repeatedly speaks of.

Each military aircraft formation was perfectly timed along with the band playing that branch's anthem to show up in the sky above up at precise moments in Trump's speech.  This was a powerful subliminal way to say Trump was in charge of every flier - dozens of pilots pilots following, as it were, Trump's orders.  While Trump was obviously saluting the Armed Forces, the Forces were in effect showing their dedication to America.  But the entire glorious spectacle sent a phenomenally powerful yet subliminal message that Trump is the Commander In Chief. 

Trump's Independence speech didn't just defy the critics and turn out to be a unifying and widely praised speech. Though that would have been enough. (Dayenu.)  His speech is possibly THE MOST PARADOXICAL MOMENT IN POLITICAL ORATORY HISTORY.

Trump did something truly brilliant with his July 4th speech which is being lost on almost everyone.

Trump's NON-PARTISAN historic Independence Day speech and celebration that he conceived and pushed for ACHIEVED HIS STATED PRIMARY POLITICAL OBJECTIVE EXPRESSED BY HIS CAMPAIGN SLOGAN.  Trump's speech did what he ran his entire Presidential campaign based on. In a profoundly paradoxical sense Trump's NON-POLITICAL speech defined his Presidency by fulfilling his ULTIMATE campaign promise to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.



Monday, June 24, 2019


As America decays into a nation obsessed with identity politics, tribalism is weakening the USA. The best reminder of what made America strong is symbolized on our Great Seal.
Peace through strength - peace in the right talon represented by the olive branch. And strength represented by arrows in the left. Preferring peace
But above all the source of our greatness - Unity and the Almighty. ONE God is symbolized through the Stars, a star for each of the 13* original colonies, that form to shape the Star of David for the people who introduced Monotheism to a world filled with competing gods. MANY PEOPLE UNDER ONE GOD as expressed in the words E. PLURIBUS UMUM - "Out of many, one."
The Torah tells us of a "mixed multitude" who departed Egypt on a great EXODUS for Freedom in the Promised Land guarded and cared for by the Almighty. As we stood at the base of Mount Sinai, for the first time we were UNIFIED and accepted the Ten Commandments and the oral Torah as transferred to us by one of only two humans to see God's face and survive. The kindest man, Abraham was the first to see God. The man with the greatest humility, Moses was the second.
At Sinai, under a great cloud with the thunderous sound of the Shofar, God's presence was felt, the people trembled in awe, and the people Israel became a Covenant Nation. (Notice the cloud that the Star of David is surrounded by in the Seal.)

The Nation of Jacob's many Tribes United under the great King David. But again, as the Nation of Israel was divided by Tribal disagreements, it became weak and suffered terrible losses, including the loss of our Temple in Jerusalem. America today is being torn apart by tribalism. Identity politics and progressive multiculturalism is weakening America. The Democratic Political Party is idolizing their political leaders. They speak of Democracy as they seek to silence those who disagree with them. The Right, which strongly emphasizes the higher power of God, is often mocked and scorned for their faith and elevating God and family. The Left ridicules Trump and Pence who often evoke God in their speeches. They regularly speak of America's power and greatness coming from God. AND CLEARLY, Trump has chosen to "bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel," most notably Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry and most of all IRAN! BUT I GO ONE STEP FURTHER. As I see it, the problem is that Government has grown too large. The freedom of the individual and states is being subordinated to the massive size and cost of Federal bureaucracy. And as a direct result, Americans are becoming more tribal and divided. The answer America isn't which "tribe" controls which Party. And it certainly isn't the Socialists who believe in increasing the size and cost of the Federal government! The answer my friends is LESS GOVERNMENT. MORE FREEDOM. ALONG WITH FOCUSING ON THE PRINCIPLES IN OUR NATIONAL SEAL. It is really quite simple - Peace through strength. Unity around the fundamental guiding principles set forth by our Founding Fathers in our Declaration of independence and the American Constitution. LIBERTY AND FREEDOM TO PURSUE HAPPINESS. * At the start of this post I mentioned the 13 stars above the Eagle's head which form a Star of David. While it is true that they represent the 13 original colonies, the number 13 is also a very special number is Judaism. Unlike popular belief that 13 is an "unlucky" number, in Judaism, 13 is actually a very special number! Here's more on that. I shutter to think what would happen to America if God were ever to stop "favoring our undertakings!" Below is the reverse side of the Great Seal. On it is the phrase "Annuit coeptic" which comes from the Latin words annuo, "to nod" or "to approve", and coeptum, "commencement, undertaking." It is literally translated, "[providence] favors our undertakings" or "[providence] has favored our undertakings."  It should look familiar!  In case you don't recognize it, look on your USA dollars.  The Mason's say it is forms an hexagram, also in the Star of David.   

Here's the hexagram that Mason's point out:

Thursday, June 6, 2019


The fascist dictator Hitler sought specific objects:
1. Eugenics and Racial Purity
2. German Domination
Sovereignty was NOT one Hitler's objectives!

Hitler was determined to solve what the Nazi's called the Jewish problem, while also murdering gypsies, gays, mentally ill, handicapped and others.

The Ayatollahs in Iran, who wanted to dominate the Middle East, and who shared Hitler's views about the Jews being a subhuman problem, aligned with Hitler and the Nazis.

In spite of the tens of millions who died to stop the quest of the Nazi's, Europeans today allow radical Islamic protesters to publicly chant on streets their wish for the destruction of Israel and all Jews.  Too many Europeans harbor vile anti-Semitic beliefs.

Instead of flying balloons over London against Trump, the strongest supporter of Israel to be in the Oval Office ever and who also greatly strengthened NATO, the balloons should be denouncing Hamas and Hezbollah.  Those terrorists organizations have the same basic mission as the Nazi's - to kill every Jew and destroy the fruit of the allied victory - the State of Israel.  TRUMP IS THEIR GREATEST ENEMY and so they along with followers of the anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn who leads the United Kingdom's Labor Party are front & center and organizer of the protest rallies.

Trump is also a huge supporter of sovereignty for Great Britain, France, Italy, Greece and of course the United States.  Sovereignty is the antithesis of what Hitler tried to destroy and Americans fought to restore in Europe.

Sovereignty is treated like a dirty word by the European Union in which countries subordinate their National identity to unelected bureaucrats controlling their Laws, trade and borders.