Saturday, September 17, 2022


Many view the recent Ukraine army victories and the retaking of Ukraine lands from Russian forces as signs that Ukraine has Russia on the run and that Ukraine can win the war.  

The Western media would have us to believe that our shipments of superior arms technology is turning the war around. Western arms manufacturers are very pleased!

Putin grinning
The electric is out and winter is coming. 
How did Putin respond? Putin said with a grin, "Well, let's see how it develops, how it ends up." Putin maintains that the war is going as planned and that he is in no hurry in Ukraine. 

So which is it?  Is the Western media correct or does Putin know something we in the West are missing?  Perhaps both Putin and Western media are not being forthright about the way Putin is planning to bring Ukraine into submission. 

I believe the war is entering a new phase. Putin is going to make life impossible in Ukraine. 

It is my opinion that after demolishing key Ukraine cities, Russia is pulling back in order to execute the next phase of his war -- That is a cruel siege to make the Ukrainian people suffer and submit. 

Could Putin destroy power infrastructure in major areas of Ukraine? Without electricity there is no water, sewer, communications and NO HEAT. Putin could use the winter to cause enough suffering of the Ukraine population to force their defeat. PERHAPS that is what this evil bastard is "grinning" about.

Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant controlled by Russia.

If you have been following events of the war you could see that electricity was a going to be used as strategic lever to win the war from the very beginning.  The Russian invasion launched on February 24, and on March 4 Russian forces captured the nuclear power plant near Zaporizhzhia.  That plant, which supplies 20% of Ukraine's electricity, is no longer operating. It is also dangerously at risk of causing a nuclear catastrophe. 

In Putin's mind, nuclear plants are weapons.  Is he wrong?  Four nuclear plants supply over half of Ukraine's total electricity.  Russia already controls one, Zaporizhzhia.  

Most recently, on September 13, 2022, Russian troops fired eight cruise missiles on a reservoir dam in Volodymyr Zelensky’s hometown of Kryvyi Rih. Besides the personal pain to Zelensky, the other obvious intention was to flood the city and destroy homes.  The less obvious objective was to take out the hydropower provided by the dam. Russia was also was dangerously close to damaging and shutting down a second nuclear plant near by the dam.  Without cooling water the nuclear plant is crippled. 

Did Putin pull the Russian troops back so they can safely sit tight and wait while life becomes impossible for the Ukraine citizens? As Zelensky put it, "the Scoundrels who, having escaped from the battlefield, are trying to do harm from somewhere far away."

Might Putin be planning to use a "siege strategy" to gain the upper hand in the Ukraine?  If so he'd be taking a page from history. In the 1930s, millions of Ukrainians were killed by the Holodomor, a Stalin-era man-made famine.

Are Putin's forces defeated or are they only pulled back and waiting for the right time to advance the Russian military?  Clearly Putin is regrouping and strengthening his forces.  On September 23 it was reported that Russian employees at five major airlines and airports have started to receive conscription notices after President Vladimir Putin ordered a partial military mobilisation. Employees of at least five airlines, including Russian top carrier Aeroflot (AFLT.MM), and staff at more than 10 airports received notices within a day of Putin's mobilization. 

Jordan Peterson calls out how naive we are to Putin's strategy.  Listen!

INCREASINGLY, THE WORLD IS FEELING LIKE PRE-WWII. During the winter of 1932 and '33, Russian troops were sent into Ukraine to confiscate all the food, something that has come to be known as the Holodomor. In that event, more than four million people died, not from being shot, necessarily, although many people were, but mostly from starvation and exposure.

If Putin does disable a large percentage of Ukraine's electricity, keep in mind that the Ukrainians can NOT just flick a light switch to turn the electric back on. The Russian military is destroying actual infrastructure and creating catastrophic damage. Lives and property are being lost permanently. The rebuilding process is lengthy and costly. 

In conclusion, the Western media repeatedly gives an impression that Zelensky is leading Ukraine to victory against great odds, provided we keep spending tens of billions to supply Ukraine with superior Western military equipment. 

But how much of OUR money is reaching the right people?  USA tax dollars are being sent to a country with a notorious reputation for corruption!  If you recall, Trump got in trouble for asking for an investigation into Ukraine corruption. Trump was suspicious when Biden was able to get the investigator looking into Hunter Biden’s corruption case fired.  In the USA the FBI simply buried the laptop.  What does it tell you when the Left leaning NPR writes about corruption concerns. 

As for Putin, he will go on grinning while he executes his devilish plans. Putin is on mission that he believes is his devine calling.  It is already clear to see that Putin should be charged with war crimes. Fat chance of justice!!

In Russia, Putin freely and repeatedly eliminates his enemies. Meaning they are murdered. Putin is a ruthless and brutal killer. 

The only sure way to wipe the grin off Putin's face and stop him from pursuing his mission is to kill the one man responsible for the carnage in the first place  - Putin. 

Epilogue based on recent events

10.11.22 - Putin's Monday attacks mainly hit civil infrastructure such as power stations. Russia said it will continue to launch long-range air strikes on Ukraine's energy and military infrastructure. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said the main targets were energy facilities.?

Russian strikes on Ukraine continued on Tuesday, hitting energy and other key infrastructure targets across the country. The deadly attacks caused widespread blackouts in the western Lviv region, Dnipropetrovsk in the south-east and Vinnytsia in the south-west.

Electricity rationing is now in place in the capital Kyiv and problems with water supply were reported in a number of Ukrainian cities.

10.13.22 - Ukranian News Source: Russia is deploying Iranian-made Shahed-136 kamikaze drones primarily to attack Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, which is in line with these drones’ intended use.  "The fact that they are trying to use these drones [to strike] critical infrastructure facilities, leaving us without water, heat and power, is in line with the tactical and technical characteristics and purpose of these kamikaze drones, which work like matches.

10.18.22 - 30% of Ukraine's power stations have been destroyed. Blackouts in 1,162 towns and villages thus far and Putin is still pounding away. 


Putin's life lesson came when he backed a rat into a corner. Putin is a cornered rat.

11.10.22. -- So sad! The Russian women want their men home.  Putin is fighting a war on two fronts now - in Ukraine and back home in his Russia.  

Ironically, the question is whether Putin can survive the siege in Ukraine.  My opinion is that Putin has finally met his match.  The problem is there is no way out for him -- there is no place in the world for him to hide from his crimes. 

Saturday, September 3, 2022


Deep State - A deep state is a type of governance made up of potentially secret and unauthorised networks of power operating independently of a state's political leadership in pursuit of their own agenda and goals. In popular usage, the term carries overwhelmingly negative connotations. 

Here is how Putin and the Russian "Deep State" powers around him go about removing opponents. The following* are actual headlines from Western News sources that I copied, along with the year of publication: 

  • Litvinenko, a former Russian spy who became a British citizen, was fatally poisoned with radioactive polonium-210 in London - 2006.
  • Russian Military Intelligence Chief Dies Unexpectedly - 2016
  • Unexpected deaths of six Russian diplomats in four months triggers conspiracy theories - 2017
  • Here are 10 critics of Vladimir Putin who died violently or in suspicious ways - 2017
  • Why Do Russian Journalists Keep Falling? Dozens of Russian journalists have been murdered since 2000, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists and the Glasnost Defense Foundation. - 2018
  • Outspoken Senior Russian Clergyman Dies Unexpectedly At 51 - 2020
  • The spate of mysterious Russian oligarch deaths - 2022
  • Six figures with ties to the Kremlin have died since Vladimir Putin launched Ukraine war - 2022
  • Another Russian businessman's body found in latest mysterious death - 2022

* This is the tip of the iceberg.

In communist countries, the enemies of the "Deep State" either die or disappear.  For Putin, it is an expedient and direct means of eliminating opponents and creating fear in others. Putin is less concerned about covering his trail.

Thank God we don't live in a communist country.  Which is not to say that America doesn't have secret networks of powerful groups operating without the consent of "we the people" in pursuit of their own agenda and goals.

By the same token, the "Deep State" in the USA can not go around killing opponents like Putin is able to do, repeatedly no less. No Deep State, regardless of the country, wants to expose itself, no matter what type of political system they operate in. The Deep State has to maintain it's cover. It also has reputations to maintain.

What makes you think that America doesn't have a "Deep State" and that it doesn't have it's own means of eliminating opponents? You might say, because we are a "nation of laws." But what if the Deep State in our "nation of laws" were to "weaponize" our system to use "the law" in nefarious ways?

Lest I send the wrong message, let me be clear. The Deep State is neither Democrat or Republican. It uses every Party.  It can move freely between political parties. It is like Satan in a sense. 

There are super rich and powerful people and entities in the so called "Swamp" that is Washington D.C.  This includes both unelected as well as the career politicians who have sold their soul.  Working together they have ways to pull strings in Washington, and many states, to control the elected and manipulate the electorate.  

What agencies would America's "Deep State" use to eliminate a threat to their power and agenda? Why the DOJ, FBI, CIA and IRS, of course. Those are the most powerful entities in our government and they can "go after" and "eliminate" opponents no matter how strong and/or popular they are. 

Those entities have the means to entrape, snare and bring down anyone. However they have to make the "hit" look legit.  If possible they want it to be legit, albeit unfair, so they will build and keep a file on any target waiting for the right opportunity or moment to execute their scheme. If necessary, they can even fabricate or construct evidence -- they have their ways.

America has lines of defence against the corruption of power. One is the courts, which is why honest and non-partisan judges are crucial to our nation as a whole. The other is a free press which follows a high code of professional journalistic standards. 

In other words, in order for the Deep State in the Washington D.C Swamp to go after a highly visible and/or popular individual they deem to be a threat to their power and agenda, it would take the coordinated efforts of the DOJ and the FBI. If evidence was needed they could go so far as to fabricate it, even if required domestic or foreign "intelligence assets."  

To get evidence past the scrutiny of smart judges, it would require either false testimony on affidavits and possibly a judge with enough personal biases and contempt for the target that they would violate their oath.  

With all of this power and capability, there is one more element that is essential for the Deep State to protect its secrecy.  It must operate under the cloak of darkness. Exposure to the light of truth destroys the Deep State, or at least pushes their evil forces to retreat deeper into their cave!  

That is why it is absolutely critical for the Deep State to have a Partisan press to either play along, go along, or just simply not care enough to seek and expose the truth. 

It is hard to imagine the Deep State in America being able to assemble all the parts and pieces to do a "hit job" of a target who is very powerful and popular. Surely any such accusation would be just a conspiracy theory.  Right?  


P.S. The chances that Ghislaine Maxwell will survive any length of time in prison are slim to none. 

P.S.S. No evidence here.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022



I am not a scientist, so obviously I sourced the facts in this post from credible online sites. 

"This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your word has given me life."   Psalm 119.50

"In the twinkle of the eye" . . . Solar flares are sudden releases of energy from the surface of the sun. Solar flares release the equivalent energy of millions of hydrogen bombs. The energy of a flare is primarily released in the form of electromagnetic radiation and sent out in radio waves, visible light, gamma rays and other types of waves traveling at the speed of light that can reach earth if pointed our way.

The "Carrington Event" was an intense solar flare that caused the strongest geomagnetic storm in Earth's recorded history. It happened in September 1859 and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations.  

In the mid-1800's, the world's dependence on electrical devices and systems that could be disabled by a geomagnetic storm was extremely limited. Today, it is the total opposite. 

Geomagnetic storms are disturbances in Earth's magnetic field caused by powerful eruptions of material from the sun called coronal mass ejections (CME). CME'S produce solar flares, powerful flashes of light and other radiation which in turn causes a geomagnetic disturbance here on earth. Think of a geomagnetic disturbance as a giant global Electro Magnet Pulse (EMP). 

An EMP creates a powerful electromagnetic field capable of short-circuiting a wide range of electronic equipment, particularly computers, satellites, radios, radar receivers and even civilian traffic lights.

CME eruptions occur all the time on the sun. Both NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have scales to measure the strength of Geomagnetic Storms. Like Earthquake scales, each level is a logarithmic magnitude (10x, 100x) stronger than previous level.  On NOAA's "G scale" rating system which goes from 1 to 5, with G1 being minor and G5 being extreme, the Carrington Event would have been rated G5. 

The sun's solar cycle runs in roughly an 11-year period during which the sun's eruption activity rises and falls. The Carrington Event took place in Solar Cycle 10. We're now in Solar Cycle 25. 

The solar cycle we are in began in December 2019 and will reach the cycle's peak, known as the "solar maximum," between November 2024 and March 2026—and most likely July 2025. Meaning that for the next few years we can expect the number of CMEs and solar flares to increase.

Scientists think we barely escaped getting hit by huge solar storm at least as strong as the Carrington
Event back in July 2012.

If a solar event on the scale of the Carrington Event were to happen today it could lead to power loss for a period of weeks or more and have cost of over $2 trillion in damage. Power loss is not all. A large percentage of modern automobiles would shut down. So would GPS navigation systems.  Planes in the sky would be in big trouble! I shutter to think what might happen to people on life support situations that depend on the electric grid.  It is one thing to switch to back-up power for few hours or even a couple days, and another to run it for weeks or months. That is assuming you can find gas to supply generators.

"Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My Righteous right hand."  Isaiah 41.10

The worst effect of such a catastrophic failure could be the mayhem that would ensue. Imagine Chicago, Newark, Los Angeles and all cities across the USA and elsewhere without electricity, communications, computers and much more for multiple weeks. There would be total lawlessness!  

"And Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the Salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today."  Exodus 14 13

With satellites and radar disabled, how would paranoid superpower military leaders react? One mistep could trigger a nuclear holocaust. 
The world is practically worshipping renewable electricity. I wonder if our hearts are being hardened against the fossil fuels that God stored within the earth. 
One thing is for sure -- A Carrington level geomagnetic storm today would certainly be a test that would bring out the worst and the best in mankind. 

What is the likelihood of catastrophic solar flares hitting earth? In a 2011 report, the Canadian National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, said models predict a 50 percent chance that a catastrophically large solar flare will occur "within several decades." Many other credible scientists have issued serious dire predictions and emphasized the need for nations to "harden their electrical grids."

The Sun's solar cycle activity is measured by the number of sunspots on its surface. Scientists started officially tracking solar cycles and have been counted sunspots since 1755. 

The Sun is now more active than NASA previously predicted. Scientists are saying the current Solar Cycle could be the strongest cycle since records began. The Director of NASA’s Heliophysics Division, Nicola Fox posted “The Sun’s activity has quickly ramped up and even though we haven’t reached peak levels in this cycle, the Sun’s activity is already exceeding predictions.”

In case you're wondering how much advance notice mankind would have that a solar eruption was coming our way, it takes just over 8 minutes for the radiation of a solar flare to reach earth. 

The solar flare wouldn't kill us, but what follows could seem like the worst scenes from a thriller movie.

Even after giving this some thought, it is hard to reach a conclusion on what to do to prepare for another "G5." But it seems that there are some plans and precautions for personal security that one could take for themselves and their family. No?  

The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe."  Proverbs 29.25

"And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Revelation 22:12

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."  Psalm 23.4

P.S. The subject of this blog post was just written about in more depth on the LiveScience website. 

Below are relevant links:

Sunday, June 19, 2022


A Tribute to Fatherhood:

As we go through life we embody many roles and recieve numerous labels. Some we earn. Some society applies. Some we give ourselves. Some we aspire to have and strive for.  Others we struggle to shed. 

Some labels and roles define us.  Others are trivial, even meaningless. Some we are happy to be called by and other's are fighting words. 

In this role we will experience a wide ranges of emotions.  It can bring us great pride or shame.  We don't do this role for ourselves but it returns priceless riches. 

So crucial to civilization is this role that a society and a nation will crumble if this role is abandoned by too large a ratio of it's citizens. This role carries a tribe and even a country forward . . . or back.

We can come by this role as easily as a drop in a bucket. But to truly fulfill this label and role at a high level requires a near lifetime of commitment. If we get this role wrong we can do great damage. If we perform this role well there is no end to the good it can lead to - we can change the world - even long after we are passed. 

This role is our immortality. This role is most closely associated with the meaning of the word blessing in the bible. It is literally a God-like role and the greatest reward we recieve from this role is love. Some would proudly display this label and role on our tombstone for everlasting recognition.  Father.

Happy Father's Day! 

Thursday, May 26, 2022



How do we stop the shooter??

I believe expanding "red flag laws" and other "extreme risk restrictions" are our best chance of saving lives because they identify and stop the shooter.  

This article on Pew Trust speaks to this approach. 

"Red flag laws have become an increasingly popular tool to prevent mass shootings, suicides and deadly domestic violence. Nineteen states and the District of Columbia have adopted them, sometimes with bipartisan support."

Rather than taking away the rights of everyone to try to stop a particular killer, we can provide a means for the public to single out an individual deemed a risk in order to prevent that person from possessing a gun. Such laws can even allow for a warrant to sieze weapons. 

Here is a good article explaining Red Flag / Extreme Risk Laws:

Red Flags laws make sense and have proven to work. They save lives. Such laws have earned bi-partisan support because it gets guns out of hands of high risk individuals without infringing on the rights of citizens at large.


Sunday, May 22, 2022


This post came as the result of watching this movie trailer.  So please take a moment to watch it too and then come back for my thoughts. 

The Nazi's systematically robbed the Jew. First of our jobs and businesses -- our means to provide for ourselves and families.  

Then the Nazi's stole our homes and property when they moved us into the ghettos.

After that they stole our relationships and identity. To do so they rounded Jews up and shipped us to death camps like we were pigs. That is when the Nazi's seperated us, stripped off our clothing, hair and assigned us a number.  

There was one more thing to steal before they took our lives -- our humanity. The Nazi's wanted to turn Jews into the vermin that their propoganda claimed us to be. This way in their Nazi minds they were exterminating vermon, not murdering human beings. 

The will to survive in the death camps forced people to make choices and do things that no human should be faced with. It echoes pharaoh's edict for the Israelites to make bricks without straw and what that brought out in his slaves to survive. 

One of the few things I hate today is when people call someone a Nazi for political expediency and impact.  No body who isn't ACTUALLY a NAZI is a Nazi.  It takes a person who is deeply and uniquely evil to be so utterly and completely cruel.  The worst of them took pleasure in it!

There was a much deeper agenda at play in the Nazi "Final Solution." It is the hidden driving force behind Anti-Semitism, the oldest and longest hate.

Ultimately, what the Nazi's were seeking was to eliminate God. The purpose of the "Final Solution" was to wipe out Jewish DNA in order to get rid of God.  

"If we had killed 10.3 million Jews (referring to the entire Jewish population of Europe on the eve of the Holocaust) I would say with satisfaction ‘Good, we destroyed an enemy.’ Then we would have fulfilled our mission. And thus, to my regret, it was not to be,'” 

Adolf Eichmann, key architect of Nazi Germany’s Final Solution. 

A film was recently released about the trial of Adolph Eichmann who went into hiding after the war and was snatched from Argentina by Israeli intelligence in May 1960 to be put on trial in Jerusalem. Israel executed the top Nazi official by hanging in 1962. The film title, The Devil's Confession, perfectly represents the "supernatural" evil behind anti-semitism since God made his Covenant with Abraham. 

At the core of Anti-Semitism is a supernatural driving evil effort to remove what Abraham started. (The Real Reason for Jew Hatred.)

"The Jews put two scares on humanity - conscious on the soul and circumcision on the body, and both are inventions of the Jew." Adoloh Hitler

One of the best proofs that Hilter was trying to wipe out the God of Israel is the last seven words of the Hitler youth song that all German children were taught to sing from 1933 to 1945. Here they are:

"We are the joyous Hitler youth. We don't need any Christian virtue. Our leader is our saviour (A.H.). The pope and rabbi shall be gone. We want to be Pagans once again."

Sadly, while the Nazi's failed at wiping out Jewish DNA, they did succeed partly at robbing many too many Jews of their belief and faith in God. Therein is the greatest irony in the history of Judaism

P.S. Hitler hated Christians too. The church would have been next. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022


As bad as 8.5% inflation is that number doesn't tell the full story. From March 2021 to March 2022, fuel oil rose 70%, gasoline increased 48%, electricity went up 11% and natural gas shot up over 21%. (I think those reported figures are even low.)
There's no sign of slowing inflation. Producer prices at the wholesale level rose 11% over the past year. If inflation continues to build on itself the shit will eventually hit the fan!
Rising prices have caused many Americans to feel suddenly cash-strapped and more dependent on credit cards to make ends meet. With the increase in household borrowing, household debt rose to a record $15.84 trillion at the beginning of the year. So on top of inflation and more debt, the consumer is being hit with much higher credit card and mortgage rates!
The next wave to come is the effects of declining wealth. The Liberal Left loves to criticize the validity of "trickle-down economics." But watch how fast the massive drop in the value of equities and bonds trickles down on the middle-class.
The economy is a train wreck - with the cars just beginning to pile up into and top of one another. We benefited from coming out of Covid, but that bounce back was inevitable, especially because the economy was incredibly strong going into the pandemic. The positive trends that the Biden Administration inherited are going in reverse.
Wait till the panic button is pressed. That is when bad goes to much worse!!
This is all a setup for the "Great Reset." We are not in "crisis" mode yet -- but we will be. The upcoming crisis will be systemic and international. It will be a crisis that no country alone can fix. It will require Central Banks around the world to completely restructure the debt of countries and move to full fledged Modern Monetary Theory.
Central Banks, Treasuries and the Government leaders are preparing to issue Central Bank Digital Currencies to replace "cash" (money) as we have known it for centuries. When they do the conversion is when they will reformulate the debt of countries around the world.
Everyone will have a new digital identity to which all money in accounts is assigned. The money will be programable, which is to say the money can be controlled by the government in ways that money could not previously be manipulated. This way, if governments, globalists and the super elite want consumers and businesses to spend less or more on something, they will have financial tools to alter behavior and consumption.
When will this all happen? I predict that within ~6 months the panic botton on the economy is pressed. The inability to carry our Federal Debt will be the major focus. Then it will take another 6-12 months for the "Great Reset" design to be finalized.
America won't be alone in this. Europe, Japan, China and other countries will all be caught up in this crisis. This will be a crisis of the magnitude that rivals the Great Depression.
Is there a world leader who will save the day? One the world will trust who steps up to stem the fall and restore prosperity? If history repeats itself, the solutions they offer may be even more frightful than the crisis!